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编辑评论 · 2023年6月4日

Domo is an open, self-service platform that provides all the tools necessary to run your entire organization. From within the Business Cloud you have clear access to all your data, in order to find rapid answers to critical business questions and make faster, better-informed decisions to improve business performance.

The Domo platform is a singular place to access all the data that is important to your business, whether it is located in spreadsheets, social platforms, MySQL or Salesforce. Domo lets you filter, combine, and personalize the data you need into one or multiple dashboards. Domo is ideally suited to businesses in a number of industries, as it is able to connect the data that its users rely on from third-party services and is able to pull it into a centralized location.

Transforming DataA very useful feature of Domo is Domo Magic. With Domo Magic you have the tools to combining multiple data sources and transform your data into real business value.With ETL capability, you can cleanse, combine, and transform your data, and schedule jobs in no time at all. Alongside Domo Magic is Domo DataFusion. This utility allows you to select and merge various data sources, and if you are aware of common SQL commands, then you can access, join, cleanse, and transform your data using DataFlows.

Visualizing DataCard Builder is a cool tool that can interpret data for businesses and suggests how to visualize it for maximum clarity. With Card Builder you can create meaningful data visualizations. The tool allows you to select from an array of chart types in order to visualize your data. Key points from your data will automatically be highlighted, along with important summary figures. Card Builder also allows you to customize summary numbers using flexible options.

CollaborationDomo’s collaboration tools are located in a centralized environment, called DomoBuzz. DomoBuzz gives users the ability to have conversations with their colleagues and utilize the same area to work from. Immediate notifications can be sent via text or email, or via in-product alerts.

DomoBuzz stores searchable cards that preserve historical context by associating conversations with cards that are searchable within your company’s account in real-time

IntegrationsDomo supports integrations with a number of different apps and services, including cloud-based apps, on-premise solutions, ERP/data warehouses, databases, spreadsheets, and social media platforms.

PricingDomo uses a subscription pricing model. For custom pricing information, please contact Domo directly.

Bottom LineOverall, Domo is a solid cloud-based executive management platform, which enables businesses to see key data in real-time by utilising a variety of analysis tools and intelligent notifications. The platform is built for mobile, with a seamless experience across devices. Domo has some very useful features, such as automated reporting, management alerts, and efficient collaboration tools, which allow its users to make smarter, faster business decisions.

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下载 Domo varies-with-device Web Apps
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
Domo, Inc.



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