Concur易于使用的基于Web的移动解决方案可帮助公司及其员工控制成本并节省时间。 Concur的系统可适应个人员工的喜好并进行扩展,以满足从小型到大型公司的需求。
Concur易于使用的基于Web的移动解决方案可帮助公司及其员工控制成本并节省时间。 Concur的系统可适应个人员工的喜好并进行扩展,以满足从小型到大型公司的需求。
目前 Concur 的 Concur 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
如果您有任何更新日志信息,希望与我们分享,我们非常乐意倾听!发送至 联系页面 联系我们吧。
QuickBooks Online是基于云的财务套件,专门为中小型企业设计,可以从一个平台执行会计,计费和发票任务。使用QuickBooks Online,您可以创建和管理发票,打印支票,跟踪付款,核对银行和信用卡交易,管理账单并创建估计。 QuickBooks Online具有直观和用户友好的界面,可与iOS设备以及Android驱动的智能手机和平板电脑的移动工具一起使用,从而提供了更灵活,更省时的方式来管理财务交易,例如创建发票和跟踪旅途中的支出。 内置报告 QuickBooks Online提供了许多预建报告供您选择,这些报告可以直观地显示您企业的整体财务状况。这些报告分为几个不同的类别:业务概述,管理应收帐款,应付帐款,会计报告,对帐报告,管理产品和库存,审查销售,审查费用和采购,管理营业税和管理雇员。 要创建报告,请从QuickBooks仪表板导航到“报告”,然后只需选择所需的报告类型。如果需要自定义报告字段,可以根据需要在此处进行。接下来,从下拉菜单中选择交易日期或指定目标日期范围。最后,单击“运行报告”。产生的信息可以打印,通过电子邮件发送或导出为Excel文件。 网上银行整合 借助QuickBooks Online的银行业务集成,您可以安全地连接和同步在线银行供稿,从而自动收集财务交易。这是一项很棒的省时功能,省去了手动输入数据的麻烦。同步后,使用银行存储的信息以及进出账户的资金(例如金额,交易日期和交易发生的地点),您可以接受或删除交易。然后,您可以对其进行分类并将其分配给供应商或客户。 将您的银行连接到Quickbooks Online帐户非常简单。从QuickBooks Online仪表板导航,选择“交易”,然后选择“银行业务”。在屏幕的右上角,有一个标记为“添加帐户”的蓝色按钮。在此将提示您输入银行的名称或URL。您也可以从流行的金融机构列表中进行选择。您还将需要您的网上银行用户名和密码来建立安全连接。验证登录凭据后,只需按照提示继续操作即可。 发票创建 仪表板的布局易于浏览,并且对大多数用户而言都很熟悉。在QuickBooks Online仪表板的顶部,中间,有三个按钮,可让您查看最近的交易,搜索交易以及创建发票。要创建发票,只需单击加号(+)按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“发票”。然后将显示“发票”页面,然后在其中填充数据,例如客户名称,电子邮件地址,账单地址,付款条件,发票日期和到期日。您可以手动输入产品/服务行项目,或从预定义字段中选择它们。任何税额计算和折扣都会自动从发票金额中扣除,可在屏幕的右上角查看。也可以通过添加公司徽标,背景图片,选择自己的字体并指定自定义字段来对发票打上商标。有用的发票可以单独或分批发送。 整合方式 QuickBooks Online与其他QuickBooks应用程序无缝集成,例如QuickBooks Payments和QuickBooks Payroll。 QuickBooks Online还提供诸如,Jobber,Mavenlink,Method CRM,Shoeboxed和TSheets之类的附件。 QuickBooks Online还与以下应用程序和服务集成; Abacus,Chrometa,Concur,Fundbox,Gusto,Insightly,NimbleSchedule,PayPal TriNet费用,收据银行,Shopify,Vend,Workfront,Zendesk,Zoho CRM,未发布的软件,Xpenditure费用,通过Webgility统一和VeriClock。 QuickBooks Online还具有可用的API。 QuickBooks Online支持英语,法语,葡萄牙语,并且在Android和iOS设备上受支持。 价钱 QuickBooks Online使用一种订阅定价模型,该模型具有免费试用版(不需要信用卡),它具有三种定价计划:Simple Start,Essentials和Plus。 Simple Start的价格为每月9.99美元,可让一个用户核对银行交易并创建估算值和发票。数据可以与两个会计师共享。 Essentials计划的价格为19.99美元,包括Simple Start计划的所有功能,以及额外的应付帐款功能,该功能最多允许三个用户跟踪和支付账单。最后,Plus计划的价格为每月29.99美元,最多可支持五个用户。它还随附库存和1099准备。 底线 QuickBooks Online是一个完整的会计解决方案。通过发票,账单,估算等,所有这些都可以从一个平台上获得。它具有适用于Android和iOS设备的本机移动应用程序,可让您随时随地跟踪企业的财务状况。 QuickBooks Online易于设置且高度可定制。借助自动同步工具来链接您的银行帐户和信用卡帐户,QuickBooks Online为您提供了一种与会计师或簿记员进行协作的简便方法。
开放DNS是DNS解析服务。它为各种规模的家庭,学校,政府组织和企业提供易于实现的Internet导航和Web安全解决方案。 OpenDNS提供的服务提高了网站导航的速度,并防止了对网络钓鱼和恶意软件站点以及您配置为受限制的任何Web内容的意外访问。 主要功能包括: 更快,更可靠的互联网网络安全。 可自定义的过滤和安全性。 云服务。 保护每个设备的家长控制。 网络钓鱼防护。 高级DNS。 恶意软件和僵尸网络保护。 对于小型企业和有孩子的家庭,OpenDNS提供了一种相对简单的方法来使用户远离网络上可疑的内容。它具有简洁明了的界面,只需登录您的帐户并输入您的偏好,就可以轻松阻止单个站点或在线站点类别。 OpenDNS的网络钓鱼防护可以识别并阻止试图对您的个人数据进行网络钓鱼的站点。它可与所有操作系统和浏览器一起使用,并支持已使用的任何其他安全措施,例如防火墙和防病毒软件。 总体而言,OpenDNS可以为您和使用网络的每个人提供更安全,更快的Internet体验。
BambooHR is a user friendly Human Resource software solution that lets you proactively manage employee information, rather than just track it with spreadsheets. BambooHR’s personalised HRIS (human resource information system) provides a way to consolidate all employee and HR related data and manage it with ease. The software can be used to construct a centralized database of employee profiles, which can be accessed by any employee that has previously defined custom access permissions. Each profile is able to store personal information and a photo, as well as data on benefits, salary, time off, documents, and training etc. One really cool feature of BambooHR is these profiles can be edited, so you can add custom fields and record important information that is unique to your company. Time-Off Management As your employees can be given customized access to your company’s HRIS, it lets them view and update their information when they need to. A great feature of BambooHR is that the system is designed to let employees request time off, see what their entitlements are, and view the staff calendar to see when other employees have booked time off. For Managers BambooHR is a great solution, which gives them the ability to fully manage their team with ease. Managers can approve time-off requests, and generate custom time off reports, add time off policies and set accrual levels. Custom Reports/Alerts BambooHR provides a range of customizable reports, each with the ability to filter, group and sort information from your company’s HRIS.Aside from custom reports, BambooHR also comes with a stack of pre-built ones, such as salary history, age and gender data, and turnover rate etc. Data can also be pulled in from other 3rd party apps such as NimbleSchedule, and Cornerstone Growth Edition. These integrations are really useful because they provide you with a more comprehensive overview of employee data. BambooHR helps you keep track of all HR activity, not only through reporting, but also via email alerts. Customized email alerts can be sent to any employee regarding any subject; from performance reviews, to insurance expirations. Integrations BambooHR’s integration with other data tools is a really great feature. Take, for instance, the integrated application tracking system (ATS) module. The module can create and publish job openings and record, review and track the status of incoming job applications. More advanced features of the ATS module cover resume commenting, candidate ratings, and cool features such as job postings on social media. BambooHR also has useful standard integrations with the ATS module, such as CATS and HiringThing, and NetSuite’s ERP system. It also integrates well with performance review solutions such as Bullseye Engagement and Small Improvements, and payroll software like TRAXPayroll and Pricing BambooHR uses a subscription pricing model starting at $8 per employee per month, with $99 monthly minimum. The pricing structure is based on the number of employees, with a Free Trial (No Credit Card required) to get you started. For this cost you receive BambooHR’s basic features as well as employee onboarding, employee self service, benefit tracking, advanced custom reports, custom alerts, and 100MB storage per employee. Bottom Line BambooHR consolidates employee information from numerous different sources and puts that data into a single, customizable, cloud-based hub. It is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. The software automates common HR workflow and provides dynamic mobile accessibility with support for Android and iOS devices. This gives management the ability to track relevant employee data, no matter where they are. It has support for popular different currencies and is available in six languages.
RingCentral是一种云电话系统,可以安全地为您的企业提供高质量的语音,传真,文本和会议。无论公司的规模,预算,位置或员工使用的设备如何。使用RingCentral,您可以将IP台式电话和PC连接到Internet连接,然后在员工的智能手机上安装RingCentral Mobile App。正是这些端点与RingCentral云平台进行通信,以实现跨您所有办公室位置的无缝通信系统。 RingCentral的云通信解决方案非常易于管理,更不用说比标准的本地PBX电话系统更加灵活。无论您的业务性质如何,RingCentral都能通过台式电话,智能手机/平板电脑和软电话帮助您在多个位置保持联系。 从当前系统迁移到RingCentral的云电话系统是一个快速而直接的过程。 RingCentral实施专家将为您管理过渡,因此将照顾您所有的办公室位置和远程工作的员工。客户代表可以承担转移现有电话号码,订购新线路或从本地,免费电话和虚荣电话号码中进行选择的后勤工作,从而使您可以继续进行最重要的事情;你的事。 灵活性 RingCentral为您提供了一个灵活的通信平台,可以适应您的业务需求。 RingCentral的系统是一个强大的解决方案,可以随着您的业务增长和扩展轻松扩展。您可以使用智能设备或通过网络在任意位置设置,管理和访问通信。 RingCentral利用独特的点击/点击界面,该界面易于操作,从而减少了IT工作量,并提高了生产率。 RingCentral的智能协作将使您的员工比以往任何时候都更有能力共享文件,管理项目以及跨整个企业进行协作。 呼叫管理 RingCentral的商务电话系统可完全自定义以满足您的需求。当客户与您的企业联系时,您希望他们体验专业和个性化的服务。 RingCentral的云电话系统的高级呼叫管理功能意味着您的团队将为整个团队提供清晰一致的服务。首次登录时,在线向导将引导您完成用户设置和基本电话系统设置。然后,您可以继续设置服务,例如呼叫应答规则,呼叫转移,呼叫日志和消息警报。还有一些非常有用的功能,例如未接来电通知和自动通话录音。 集成和移动性 RingCentral为您提供了集成的语音,传真和文本服务。基于云的办公电话系统可让您在需要时工作。由于iOS®和Android™的RingCentral Mobile Apps几乎提供了所有管理功能,因此您永远不会束手无策。 RingCentral允许与您日常依赖的其他云业务应用程序无缝集成,包括MicrosoftOutlook®,Box,Dropbox和Google云端硬盘。它还与Oracle®Sales Cloud,Salesforce®,Zendesk®和Office 365™的服务很好地集成在一起。这些集成和受支持的服务意味着您将保持联系并保持生产力。 定价 RingCentral运行订阅定价模式,服务起价为每月19.99美元,并提供免费试用(无需信用卡),让您放心试用其服务。 RingCentral Office™服务的价格为每位用户19.99美元起,RingCentral Professional™服务的价格为每位用户9.99美元起。 底线 RingCentral是自由职业者,大型企业,非营利组织,公共管理部门和小型企业的关键解决方案。提供通信服务的成本仅为过时的PBX硬件的一小部分,因为它支持来自所有主要平台的设备,包括iOS®,Android™Windows Phone和Mac OS / WindowsOS,并与其他云业务无缝集成应用程序,RingCentral是涵盖所有基础的完整的云电话解决方案。
SlideRocket is Web presentation tool that has stacks of professional features. SlideRocket provides a uniformly beautiful experience across operating systems and devices so your presentations are always well received. SlideRocket integrates flexible authoring, intelligent asset management, secure delivery and analytics tools in a single on demand app. It allows you to quickly create stunning presentations, store, organize, tag and search your assets, collaborate with your colleagues, securely share your presentations in person or online and measure the results, all in one integrated environment. Key features include: Import your presentations. Access anywhere. Create presentations online. Work together. Share presentations easily. Present dynamically. Secure environment. Measure presentation effectiveness. SlideRocket has great third party support that allows you to import your existing PowerPoint or Google presentations. You can import as images for quick and easy sharing or import as editable files for full compatibility with SlideRocket. You can also easily integrate content from Web resources such as Flickr or YouTube and utilize plug-ins from Yahoo! and Twitter to extend functionality and quickly add pre-formatted content to your work. The app also has a full set of professional design tools that help you create breathtaking presentations, which will wow your audience. You can combine themes and layouts, shapes, charts, tables, pictures, audio, HD video, and Flash. SlideRocket not only gives you the power of creating presentations exactly how you want them, but it can also lets you measure your presentation effectiveness by showing you who viewed and what they did as a result. With SlideRocket analytics you can gather data on high level viewing trends and individual viewing details to understand how well your presentations are performing. Overall, SlideRocket is a great Web app that provides everything you need to design professional quality presentations, manage and share libraries of slides and assets and deliver quality presentations.
FotoFlexer是一种高级的在线数字照片编辑器,易于使用,并通过简单的分步过程进行操作。从快速编辑到快速转换,FotoFlexer可以创建具有惊人效果的独特照片。 FotoFlexer具有可靠的界面,非常易于浏览。话虽如此,当您第一次开始使用该平台时可能会感到讨厌,因为寻找工具和效果有点挑战。 FotoFlexer也没有大量的帮助部分。找到所需工具后,即可轻松浏览其余服务。 FotoFlexer提供了逐步的过程,该过程分为多个选项卡,用于编辑和调整照片。 主要功能包括: 动画:通过自定义动画形状使照片栩栩如生。 智能剪刀:只需单击几下鼠标,即可将一个人从背景中切出。 智能调整大小: FotoFlexer的智能调整大小工具利用接缝雕刻功能,使您可以裁剪照片中的人物或调整图像大小而不会变形。 为头发重新着色:使用“智能重新着色”工具可以快速轻松地更改某人头发的颜色。 FotoFlexer提供了良好的在线照片编辑服务。效果和工具为您提供了无数的选项来编辑和设计照片。通过使用FotoFlexer在线编辑图像,您可以创建独特的表情并微调您喜欢的照片。有用的是,Fotoflexer还支持PhotoBucket,Facebook,Picasa和Flickr等网站。
Gmail是Google提供的免费网络邮件,POP3和IMAP电子邮件服务,已集成到其网络应用程序套件中。注册了Google帐户的任何人都可以使用Gmail。 Gmail被公认为是拥有的最佳的基于Web的电子邮件帐户之一。与竞争对手不同,Gmail具有简约的免费广告首页,外观精美。登录后,您可以立即看到收件箱,左侧栏显示您的电子邮件文件夹和联系人。该服务还可以链接到Google Chat。如果您已登录,您的在线联系人也会显示在此处,您可以在不脱离Gmail限制的情况下与他们聊天。 主要功能包括: 大容量存储: 7 GB的可用存储空间。 减少垃圾邮件: Gmail阻止垃圾邮件进入您的收件箱。 内置聊天:直接在Gmail中支持的聊天或与语音和视频聊天面对面的聊天。 移动访问: Gmail移动可在许多平台上使用。 Gmail快速可靠,并使用出色的垃圾邮件过滤器来保持收件箱清洁。这些设置易于使用且可高度自定义。您可以调整键盘快捷键,允许/拒绝自动图像,设置签名和外出自动回复。如果您不喜欢原始的风味,还可以自定义主题,使其更适合您。 总体而言,Gmail提供了出色的网络邮件服务。它全面支持Google的应用程序和服务,并具有干净整洁的界面,使您不受干扰,易于使用。它支持离线访问,并且可以导入Yahoo!,Hotmail和其他邮件服务并将其集成到您的Gmail收件箱中,从而为您提供受支持的服务。
从头开始创建基本文档或从模板开始。您可以轻松地完成所有基础操作,包括制作项目符号列表,按列排序,添加表,图像,注释,公式,更改字体等等。而且是免费的。 上载您现有的文件。 熟悉的桌面感觉使编辑变得轻而易举。 实时编辑并与他人演示。 随时随地进行编辑和访问。 将您的作品发布为网页。 选择谁可以访问您的文档。 立即分享。
PhotoFunia是一个照片编辑Web应用程序*,可让您将图像上传到不同的场景。 您可以上传自己喜欢的任何照片,使自己置身于现实生活中永远不会发生的情况,例如,将头放在狮子嘴中,或者将爸爸的照片放在NASA太空服中。 使用PhotoFunia可以轻松为您的照片增添乐趣。网络应用程序具有一堆预设图像,可将您的照片插入其中。该界面非常简单,其中包含照片上传器,并且可以使用文本字段填充文本。您甚至可以根据场景更改字体和背景之类的内容。 找到理想的场景并想到有趣的评论后,现在就可以与朋友分享您的创作了。 Web应用程序集成了社交网络按钮,因此您甚至不必保存创建的内容并单独上传。 总体而言,PhotoFunia是免费的并且非常易于使用。只需选择自己喜欢的效果,上传照片并分享即可! * PhotoFunia还可以在Android,iOS,Windows Phone,BlackBerry,甚至Symbian上使用。
AWeber is an email marketing platform that provides your business with the means to automate the process of delivering professionally designed and personalized emails and targeted messages to your customers and send scheduled, follow up emails. AWeber provides simplified templates that allow you to create visually attractive email marketing campaigns, track the most important basic statistics, and it comes with superior autoresponders. Reporting To really understand how your campaigns are working for you, you need to ascertain how your customers are interacting with your emails. AWeber provides kind of data, which is accessible at any time via the company’s email reporting dashboard. AWeber lets you view charts that give you a detailed insight into how many of your contacts have opened your emails and also how many have clicked on the links within your message. This data helps you identify problem areas that require attention. Subscriber data can also be viewed, including location information and information that details when and why customers have unsubscribed from your list. AWeber does a top job in this area, by providing you with the exact data you need in order to create more effective marketing campaigns. Subscriber Lists A great feature of Weber is the ability to create subscriber lists, quickly and easily. With AWeber you can manually or use the import tool to add up to 10 contacts/subscribers via a form. Each record is able to collect the name of the person, email address, ad-tracking value, and the name of the initial email message the person will receive. The import tool is a faster option, as it has a text-box to copy and paste comma-delimited lists of email addresses. Weber also gives you the ability to upload a spreadsheet (.XLS, .XLSX), text file (.CSV, .TSV, and .TXT). Unfortunately AWeber doesn't have Gmail or third-party integrations for pulling contacts, however you are able to export the Gmail contacts to a .CSV file and use the import tool. Integrations AWeber supports integrations with a number of different apps and services, including Wordpress, Shopify, Zendesk, Formstack, Rainmaker, JotForm, Volusion, GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, Ez Texting, aMember Pro, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Justuno™, 1ShoppingCart, Viewbix, Weebly, MemberMouse, Wufoo, Unbounce, Cyfe, Wix, Google Analytics, Magento , Squarespace, Drupal, Acuity Scheduling, PayPal, LiveAgent , StoreYa, ManyContacts, Customer Thermometer, Just Add Content, 40Nuggets, Eventbrite, Vzaar, Wistia, Padiact, Antavo Loyalty Software, Picreel, 2Checkout, Zapier, Driftrock Flow, Instapage, LeadPages, KickoffLabs, OptimizePress, Dasheroo, WooCommerce, SumoMe, Wishpond, Thinkific, Woobox. AWeber also has an API available for use, so developers can create their own integrations with other apps and programs. Pricing AWeber uses a subscription pricing model with prices starting from $19.00/month (there is also a free trial available). For the initial plan priced at $19 per month, you are allowed 500 subscribers. For $29, up to 2,500 subscribers, for $49 up to 5,000 subscribers. For $69 up to 10,000 subscribers. For $149 up to 25,000 subscribers. For over 25,000+ subscribers contact AWeber Communications directly. Aweber also provides annual plans. These are priced as follows: $193.80 for up to 500 subscribers. $295.80 for up to 2,500 subscribers. $499.80 for up to 5,000 subscribers.$703.80 for up to 10,000 subscribers. $1,519.80 for up to 25,000 subscribers. For over 25,000+ subscribers contact AWeber Communications directly. Bottom Line Overall, AWeber is a great solution that gives you the flexibility to manage contacts and customize your own email templates, without the need to rely upon third-party integrations. Weber has good auto-responder tools, a large array of integrations, and some useful analytics and reporting capabilities. If you need email marketing without spending a large amount of time setting it up, then AWeber may be something you are looking for?
dapulse is a simple and colorful way to easily organize your work. It combines project management and communication tools into a single easy-to-use interface. The platform has been designed to facilitate real time collaboration by making all aspects of tasks, owners, due dates, and statuses transparent. Due to this, dapulse gives people the ability to work in a unified manner across different areas, by allowing clear communication with employees from different branches and locations, with no hindrances. dapulse is built around rows of items called Pulses. Each Pulse can represent anything you like, but usually a project or a specific task. Pulses are stacked into different, customizable sections on each board. These boards can then be organised into areas such as weekly tasks etc. Pulses can be edited accordingly, so if you are unable to complete a specific task, then you can drag it into another stack to be completed at a later date. Integration and apps With dapulse you are provided with numerous integration options straight out of the box, such as connecting to Google Drive, Dropbox and Google Calendar. dapulse also supports Zapier, for connecting different services using IFTTT-style rules. If you need to, dapulse also has an API to enable you to build your own tools. As you would expect, dapulse has apps for iOS, Android, RIM-BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. Like its Web counterpart, the mobile app is extremely smooth and responsive. You can access all of your boards via the mobile versions of the app, and you can do almost anything that you can do from the desktop version in the mobile app as well. The only drawback is you cannot add a status note to individual status columns. Status columns Status columns are a very important component of dapulse. As a Pulse progresses, you can select a different block of color and text to reflect the current status. Green is set as the default for completed. You can also select any color and add custom text as well. A great feature of dapulse is the ability to also open a threaded conversation in the corner of each status box, to provide even more context about a particular stage. Pricing dapulse uses a subscription pricing model and offers a free trial, with no credit card details required. The pricing structure is scalable and operates according to the size of your workforce. It starts at a cost of $20 per month with an 18% discount if a yearly subscription plan is taken out, and 32% for a two year package. Bottom Line dapulse is ideally for SMB’s and freelancers. It has a beautiful, responsive interface and is really simple to use, and it provides excellent tutorials. However, it is a tad light on collaboration and scheduling tools.
Xero是基于云的会计套件,具有许多功能,包括出色的发票工具,银行对帐和全面的仪表板。 Xero使企业可以通过易于使用的平台来协调和管理所有财务流程,该平台可从所有支持Internet的设备访问。 Xero面向各种规模的业务,但对于小企业主来说,它特别理想,因为它使他们能够与会计一道独立管理其帐户。 Xero的一个真正伟大的功能是它具有非常全面但用户友好的仪表板,可以改变管理人员查看发票,交易监控和费用管理等耗时任务的方式。 仪表板 Xero仪表板是用户全面了解其帐户,即将到来的账单,待处理的发票以及收入和支出报告的地方。此关键功能非常有用,因为它提供了宝贵的概览,它使用户可以通过易于查看的快照透明地了解其公司的财务活动。 Xero的仪表板布局易于使用和导航。直观的图形使用户可以直观地了解关键数据,从而帮助他们以简单的方式比较帐户信息。该仪表板还允许用户执行任务,例如添加帐户,以及使用简单的布局开具发票。 开票 Xero使用户可以生成和定制专业品牌的发票。有许多自定义选项,包括添加公司徽标,使用外币换算工具以及为单独的客户保存不同模板的功能。 Xero的发票系统是此解决方案的一大特色,因为它可以开具来自PayPal帐户,银行转帐或信用卡的付款发票,没有与国家有关的例外。 Xero发票工具的一个关键区域是通知,当收件人打开发票时会通知用户。这非常有用,因为它消除了发票是否“缺失”的任何混淆。 如果收款人恰好位于国外并且使用其他货币,则Xero的发票系统会自动将发票转换为客户使用的货币。除了计算汇率外,这使用户可以自由从事其他工作。 Xero当前支持160多种货币,并且可以每小时自动更新汇率。 银行对帐 企业的所有财务交易都将自动导入Xero的数据库,然后链接到相应的会计交易。用户只需要通过按“确定”按钮来确认交易匹配是正确的即可。然后对帐该交易。用户可以在几分钟内轻松地从银行帐户,信用卡和PayPal帐户导入更多供稿。 整合方式 Xero Marketplace涵盖了越来越多的列表,其中包含350多种按业务需求分类的加载项。流行的附加组件包括:BodeTree,,Constant Contact,Square,Squarespace,Stitch Labs,Kabbage和Zen Payroll等。 价钱 Xero的订阅定价模式从每月9.00美元起,并提供30天免费试用(无需信用卡)。每月9美元的基本启动计划仅限于五张发票,五张账单和20笔银行交易。下一类是标准套餐,每月费用为30美元,可为用户提供无限数量的发票,账单和交易。对于拥有跨国客户的企业,Premium计划每月的总费用为70美元,但它支持多币种交易,并且针对拥有跨国客户的大型企业。 底线 Xero是一个多功能平台,可以供各种规模的企业使用。用户可以通过任何启用互联网的设备进行所有会计和簿记任务并进行协作。通过Xero Marketplace与现有应用程序集成的功能以及生成各种财务报告的功能非常有用。仪表板既易于使用又直观,具有每个人都可以轻松浏览的界面。