Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud
Kaspersky Lab(免费)下载Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is a cloud-based IT security solution for small and medium businesses. Thanks to its ready-to-use console, you can get up and running in no time with industry-leading
ProcessGene™ GRC
ProcessGene Ltd.(免费)下载ProcessGene™ GRC provides an integrated GRC suite with solutions for risk management, regulatory compliance, IT GRC, internal audit and corporate governance. ProcessGene™ GRC develops forward-thinki
XERO(免费)下载Xero是基于云的会计套件,具有许多功能,包括出色的发票工具,银行对帐和全面的仪表板。 Xero使企业可以通过易于使用的平台来协调和管理所有财务流程,该平台可从所有支持Internet的设备访问。 Xero面向各种规模的业务,但对于小企业主来说,它特别理想,因为它使他们能够与会计一道独立管理其帐户。 Xero的一个真正伟大的功能是它具有非常全面但用户友好的仪表板,可以改变管理人员查看发票,交
TeamSuccesso Software Pvt. Ltd(试用版)下载TestBudha是一个易于使用的在线工具,用于创建在线测试和技能评估。它使您可以创建,测试和共享在线考试或评估,并使用内置分析功能评估分数和报告。 TestBudha是为组织和教育机构设计的。企业使用它来在面试之前预先筛选候选人,评估员工的技能水平或发展领域,并将其培训设施扩展到其他偏远地区。教育机构可以使用TestBudha来准备模拟考试并评估学生的知识和进步。它还允许付款集成以无障碍的付
Codenvy, Inc.(免费)下载Codenvy的按需开发人员工作区是可复制,协作且无约束的*。这些工作区改善了工作流程并自动进行开发人员自举,以增强敏捷精神。预先构建的环境支持几乎所有语言和堆栈,并且可以在防火墙后面运行。它可以连接到您的系统和项目,以便从开发中删除配置维护。 Codenvy可以部署到您自己的数据中心或您选择的任何云服务中。 开发人员自举 开发人员平均花费超过30%的时间来管理工作区。员工流失率高,承包商轮换
Less Annoying CRM
Less Annoying CRM(免费)下载少烦人的CRM(LACRM)是为中小型企业从头开始构建的简单CRM。该服务使您可以从一个界面管理联系人,日历,线索,备忘和待办事项。 少烦人的CRM以三个核心原则为基础而自豪:简单性,可负担性和出色的客户服务。该服务旨在简化向使用LACRM的过渡。学习曲线几乎为零,因为您可以立即导入和使用所有联系人,并且可以从CRM的任何页面轻松找到所需的所有信息。 LACRM的价格“非常实惠”。计划的价格为每
F-Secure TOTAL
F-Secure Corporation(免费)下载Three decades worth of experience was utilised in the production of F-Secure TOTAL. F-Secure say that their product will offer premium cyber security for the user, their devices and their home – all i
BambooHR LLC(免费)下载BambooHR is a user friendly Human Resource software solution that lets you proactively manage employee information, rather than just track it with spreadsheets. BambooHR’s personalised HRIS (hu
Front Desk
Front Desk Inc.(免费)下载Front Desk was developed for personal service businesses such as gyms, yoga studios, music and dance studios, personal franchise services, and kids’ activity organizations. It is a cloud-based solut
AWeber Communications(免费)下载AWeber is an email marketing platform that provides your business with the means to automate the process of delivering professionally designed and personalized emails and targeted messages to your c