Wondershare 的 Mac 试用版程序。
关于 TunesGo for Mac
TunesGo 在 Mac OS (68k/PPC) 及以上版本上运行。 该应用程序的当前版本是 9.5.0,您可以使用英语、西班牙语和德语运行它。
编辑评论 · 2024年11月28日
TunesGo 在 Mac OS (68k/PPC) 及以上版本上运行。 该应用程序的当前版本是 9.5.0,您可以使用英语、西班牙语和德语运行它。
目前 TunesGo 的 9.5.0 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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TunesGo for Mac from Wondershare is a powerful multi-platform app that provides flexibility in managing the content on your mobile device. The TunesGo for Mac app has been designed to help you share music with your Android or iOS device, and manage your files* into an organized library, which is easy to search and sort. TunesGo automatically converts almost any music file to a format that is supported by your device. Key Features include: Smart transfer support.** Easy-to-use. File converter. Supports batch app uninstallation. Duplicate remover. Contact manager: Backup/transfer between iOS and Android devices. Contacts merge with filter support. Library management(Export single files or entire libraries). Direct iOS photo transfer. Message manager: send messages directly from PC. GIF Maker. Modern user interface. TunesGo for Mac has some really useful features, such as the ability to automatically analyze and clean up libraries in only a few clicks. You can manually tag your music, change cover art, delete duplicates, and remove missing/broken tracks. TunesGo for Mac also supports Android device rooting. This feature allows you to undertake a number of tasks that are not available with standard installs of Android OS. Rooting your device lets you remove ads that come with your Android apps, and uninstall pre-installed apps, etc. A word of caution though, rooting your device can come with some issues, so please make sure you know what you are doing! Overall, TunesGo for Mac is a useful app that has advantages if you own both Android and iOS devices and need to transfer music between the two. *iTunes is no longer needed for all iOS-related features. . **Smart transfer allow users to transfer all files between devices, including music, playlist, videos, Podcasts, iTunes U, TV Shows, and audiobooks. Looking for the Windows version of TunesGo for Mac? Download Here
Mac版Wondershare UniConverter是一款功能强大的应用程序,可将视频文件从一种格式转换为另一种格式。有了它,您还可以从几乎任何选择的源中下载,观看,传输,编辑和创建各种形式的视频文件。 界面易于浏览;只需单击几下,您就可以开始随意传输和转换文件。 拥有要转换的视频后,只需将其拖到上方,然后选择该应用的转换配置文件之一。例如,从简单格式交换到特定设备(例如Apple的iPhone 6)的总体优化配置文件,不等。涵盖了从智能手机和平板电脑到游戏系统,电视和机顶盒的所有类型的设备。总共有150多个配置文件可供选择。 总体而言,Wondershare UniConverter for Mac是一款功能全面的视频转换应用程序,确实可以使您脱颖而出。使用它,您可以将各种输入格式转换为所需的几乎任何输出格式。它还为几乎要将媒体传输到的任何设备提供了大量的优化配置文件。
使用Wondershare TunesGo Retro进行高效音乐管理
使用Wondershare Recoverit Pro for Mac进行全面数据恢复
If you have accidentally lost or deleted data from your iOS device, then Dr.Fone for iOS is the ideal solution in helping you recover your photos, messages, videos and more. Using a simple, 3-step process Dr.Fone for iOS makes it easy to recover any lost data from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. All you have to do is connect your device to your PC via a USB, scan and then recover. However if a direct export is not available direct from your device, fear not, you also have the option to recover data using the iTunes Backup Recovery Mode or iCloud backups. Dr.Fone for iOS also has a preview feature, allowing you to see what you've lost before you carry out the recovery. This is great because it allows you to be more selective in what you recover, cutting down on wasted storage space. Once you've previewed your lost data, you can then choose whether to select an individual item for recovery or just restore everything from your iOS device or your iCloud account. As well as recovering data Dr.Fone for iOS can also be used to fix your Apple device thanks to the 'Fix iOS To Normal' feature. If your device is stuck on white screen, Recovery Mode, Apple logo or black screen then you can quickly and easily get your device working again as it should. The feature works by downloading the relevant firmware for your phone or tablet and then repairs it until normal working order has been restored - according to Wondershare this takes just ten minutes. Dr.Fone for iOS is fully compatible with the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPad Air 2 and more. It is even ready to support iOS 9 which is soon to be released! And you don't need to worry about your privacy either thanks to Wondershare's data encryption and advanced fraud protection. Overall this is a simple and useful tool in recovering lost iOS data, without compromising on security.
UltFone iOS 系统修复的综合评审
Mac版WhatsApp是一项享誉盛名的消息服务,已经存在了一段时间。尽管您可以在Web上使用它,但WhatsApp for Mac已经为Windows和Mac OS X平台启动了一个桌面应用程序。 该应用程序的新桌面版本对某些用户而言非常理想,因为它不再需要占用Web浏览器中的空间。新的应用程序基本上可以用作手机的扩展程序;它可以反映您设备中的消息和对话。 使用应用程序的桌面版本具有许多优势,包括适当的本地桌面通知和更好的键盘快捷键。您只需要安装WhatsApp并在手机和Mac OS X 10.9或更高版本上运行即可。 在Mac上使用桌面版本很容易;下载并安装该应用程序后,您只需使用WhatsApp使用手机扫描屏幕上的QR码(打开WhatsApp,单击菜单,然后选择WhatsApp Web)。然后,桌面应用一旦被识别,便会与您的帐户关联。 值得注意的是,由于桌面应用程序使用您的移动设备来同步消息,因此最好确保将其连接到Wi-Fi,以避免过多的数据使用。 寻找Mac版WhatsApp的Windows版本吗?在这里下载
Apple iWork is a suite of applications for office work that is compatible with both Apple iOS and OSX platforms. The office suite comprises of the application Keynote; a program used to make presentations, Pages; an application used for creating documents, and the spreadsheet application Numbers. The iWork suite of applications is thought to be made with the prosumer market in mind with simplified features found in Microsoft Office for Mac, or the open source Libre Office software. The iWork applications also have touch screen support and compatibility with the iCloud software. Common Components Products in the iWork suite of applications have some common components which come from them sharing a similar application programming interfaces like Cocoa and other APIs. Among these common APIs are the multi-lingual spell checker application used in Safari and Mail. Other common design features include the color picker, grammar checking system, and the find/replace application. Also common among all iWork applications is the underlying document called the ‘canvas’ which is a generic container type of document that is used to provide a layout and storage mechanism in the Apple applications. Each application in the Apple iWork suite uses the canvas as a background and then places its own components on it to create a different program. In the Pages application for instance, the large text box is the central feature in the application when it is first opened, but this can then be altered by the user in any way they like. Similarly in Numbers, the spreadsheet application, the app opens with a grid of cells like a typical spreadsheet but the user again has a lot of freedom to play around with the data on the canvas. The iwork model is thought to be based on the earlier Apple designed OpenDoc which had a similar underlying document engine, along with a single on-disk format.
适用于Mac的Wondershare SafeEraser是一种“干净的解决方案”解决方案,在处置旧的iOS设备时,您可以放心使用。该应用程序具有三种不同的模式,可从iOS设备安全擦除数据:低,中和高。 适用于Mac的Wondershare SafeEraser是一款功能强大且可靠的应用程序,旨在通过使用恢复软件无法超越的军用级擦除算法来擦除iOS设备上的内容,使其无法恢复。 Wondershare SafeEraser可以通过安全稳定的清除方法来帮助您擦除小工具上的所有内容。 该应用程序与各种iOS设备兼容,包括iPhone,iPad和iPod。它需要iTunes才能连接并正确运行。 适用于Mac的Wondershare SafeEraser将自动识别您的iOS设备型号,并列出其iOS版本以及容量详细信息。然后,您将看到两种不同的擦除iOS设备上数据的方法;第一个删除所有现有文件,而第二个删除已删除的项目,例如图片,视频,通话记录和SMS消息。 总体而言,Mac版Wondershare SafeEraser是一个很好的工具,可为您的iOS设备提供强大的数据擦除技术。通过使用军用级别的DOD 5220标准技术来擦除数据,您可以确保在iOS设备上保留的所有数据将完全无法恢复。该应用程序直观且用户友好。
LINE可让您轻松与朋友共享照片,视频,语音消息,联系人和您的位置信息。 LINE是用户可以与其他Mac和iOS用户以及许多其他平台进行交互的唯一服务之一。 您可以获得流行艺术家,名人,品牌和电视节目的最新新闻和特别优惠券。 使用LINE,您可以随时随地与朋友交换免费的即时消息,以及一对一的消息传递和群聊。 LINE在所有流行的智能手机设备上都可用:iPhone,Android,Windows Phone,Blackberry,甚至在您的PC上。 主要功能包括 LINE贴图:超过10,000个贴图和表情符号,使聊天更加有趣和富有表现力。 时间轴:使用时间轴共享文本,照片,视频和贴纸,与您的密友交换故事。 快拍影片:只需10秒钟即可创建高质量的视频!您可以添加超酷的背景音乐并与朋友分享。 轻松添加朋友:使用“摇一摇!”快速添加朋友功能,QR码或LINE ID。
适用于Mac的Wondershare MobileTrans是一个小型但有用的工具,可让您在* iPhone,Android,诺基亚(Symbian)手机和BlackBerry之间传输联系人,短信,通话记录,日历,照片,音乐,视频和应用程序。 适用于Mac的Wondershare MobileTrans与Android,iOS和Symbian平台兼容。因此,如果您决定从Android切换到iOS,则也可以复制数据。 该应用程序易于浏览且易于使用。主窗口显示源设备和目标设备,以及用于选择要传输的内容的选项。两台设备连接后,只需选择要移动的文件并开始传输过程(值得注意的是,试用版确实对可传输的数据量有一些限制)。 适用于Mac的Wondershare MobileTrans具有简单的用户界面,其中有四个选项可供选择;电话到电话传输,备份电话,擦除旧电话以及从备份还原。您所要做的只是简单地选择所需的选项,然后按照说明进行操作。干净的界面可让您轻松查看手机是否已连接,然后应用程序将引导您完成您可能希望执行的所有操作,例如在转移过程完成之前在Android手机上启用USB调试模式。 总体而言,如果您拥有Symbian手机并想要升级到现代操作系统,或者想要在iOS和Android之间切换,那么Wondershare Mac版MobileTrans是理想的选择。如果您只是想确保Mac上的移动数据安全,那也很棒。 *要在iOS设备之间来回传输,必须在Mac上安装iTunes 在寻找Mac版Wondershare Mobile Trans的Windows版本吗?在这里下载
适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player是一款出色的工具,可让您使用Mac在浏览器中全屏运行自己喜欢的移动应用/游戏。 Mac版BlueStacks App Player的主要功能 完全可定制的环境。 支持多种操作系统配置。 Google Play整合。 安装后,适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player可以配置为与您选择的流行社交媒体平台(例如Facebook或Twitter)一起使用。当环境运行Android应用程序时,您可以将Mac版BlueStacks App Player配置为与您的Google Play帐户一起使用,以便您可以访问所有喜欢的应用程序和游戏! Mac的BlueStacks App Player的用户界面可以完全配置以满足您的需求。此外,它还可以与Apple设计和开发的自定义软件体验相集成。 您可以通过Mac的BlueStacks App Player享受完整的Android环境,或者,如果愿意,您可以直接在Mac桌面上安装Android应用程序图标。 适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player支持多种语言。 寻找Windows版本的BlueStacks App Player?在这里下载
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