编辑评论 · 2024年9月19日
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Useful auto-formatting productivity tool
TextWrangler使文本编辑变得简单而直观,使记事本应用程序物有所值。 Mac OS X用户喜欢语法着色,通过FTP保存以及使用正则表达式替换字符串的功能。它也是免费的。 TextWrangler可以方便地用于多种用途:HTML编码,AppleScript以及需要纯文本的任何情况。现在,Apple自己的工具变得更加复杂,TextWrangler介入以提供一个有价值的选择。 用户可以在全屏模式下运行TextWrangler,从而减少干扰并简化编码。行编号使引用变得轻而易举,而搜索可以跨多个文件运行以提高效率。 其他好处包括: 从应用程序内部进行SFTP和FTP传输。 使用文件夹树轻松导航。 批处理文件以进行搜索和替换。 支持OS X 10.6.8或更高版本。 从Mac应用商店直接下载。 Text Wrangler使简单的文本编辑变得高度直观,从而确保了它在初学者和专家中的坚定喜爱。
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Apple iWork is a suite of applications for office work that is compatible with both Apple iOS and OSX platforms. The office suite comprises of the application Keynote; a program used to make presentations, Pages; an application used for creating documents, and the spreadsheet application Numbers. The iWork suite of applications is thought to be made with the prosumer market in mind with simplified features found in Microsoft Office for Mac, or the open source Libre Office software. The iWork applications also have touch screen support and compatibility with the iCloud software. Common Components Products in the iWork suite of applications have some common components which come from them sharing a similar application programming interfaces like Cocoa and other APIs. Among these common APIs are the multi-lingual spell checker application used in Safari and Mail. Other common design features include the color picker, grammar checking system, and the find/replace application. Also common among all iWork applications is the underlying document called the ‘canvas’ which is a generic container type of document that is used to provide a layout and storage mechanism in the Apple applications. Each application in the Apple iWork suite uses the canvas as a background and then places its own components on it to create a different program. In the Pages application for instance, the large text box is the central feature in the application when it is first opened, but this can then be altered by the user in any way they like. Similarly in Numbers, the spreadsheet application, the app opens with a grid of cells like a typical spreadsheet but the user again has a lot of freedom to play around with the data on the canvas. The iwork model is thought to be based on the earlier Apple designed OpenDoc which had a similar underlying document engine, along with a single on-disk format.
Microsoft Silverlight是一个免费的可编程Web浏览器插件,它启用了交互式媒体功能,例如动画,音频视频播放和矢量图形,因此您可以体验丰富而活跃的Internet应用程序。 Silverlight提供了灵活的编程模型,该模型支持AJAX,VB,C#,Python和Ruby,并与现有的Web应用程序集成。 它支持向Mac OS或Windows OS上运行的所有主要浏览器快速,经济高效地交付高质量视频。
Mac的免费下载管理器是一个功能强大,易于使用且完全免费的下载加速器和管理器。此外,FDM是根据GPL许可分发的100%安全的开源软件。 主要功能包括: BitTorrent支持。 上传管理器。 Flash视频下载。 便携式(USB记忆棒)模式。 音频/视频文件预览和转换。 下载加速。 恢复中断的下载。 智能文件管理和强大的调度程序。 调整流量使用量。 HTML Spider:使用HTML Spider下载整个网页,甚至下载整个网站。 同时从多个镜像下载。 压缩文件的部分下载。 通过用户之间的主动通信来保护间谍软件和广告软件。 多语言支持。
Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain charts, images, sub-reports, crosstabs etc. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac allows you to access your data through JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, Hibernate, CSV, and custom sources. You can then publish your reports as PDF, RTF, XML, XLS, CSV, HTML, XHTML, text, DOCX, or OpenOffice. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac was designed with a single goal in mind; to provide users with the features from Jaspersoft Report Editor, available as a port of iReport Designer. As Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has its foundations built upon the Eclipse platform, it is a more complete solution that allows users to extend its capabilities and functionality. Key features include: Repository explorer. Outline view. Report editing Area. Problems view. Designer palette. Properties view. Project explorer. Report State summary. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has a multi-tab editor to work with. There are three different tabs: Design is the main tab selected when you open a report file and it allows you to graphically create your report. Source contains the JRXML source code for your report. Preview lets you run the report preview after having selected a data source and output format. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is a comprehensive tool that offers a different perspective from that of iReport Designer. For those of you who have worked with Eclipse, you will be familiar with the user interface, while to new users the layout of the shown elements will appear somewhat different but the functionality will remain. Looking for the Windows version of Jaspersoft Studio for Mac? Download Here
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