功能强大的Mac PDF阅读器
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Keynote is an easy to use and yet very powerful presentation software, designed by Apple. The Keynote software provides you with a massive array of tools and effects to ensure your presentations stand out from the crowd. It can be used for home, academic and business presentations. There are over 30 Apple-designed themes to choose from. The visual effects are simply stunning to use. When combined with graphics, transitions and images, you can create high quality presentations with a fresh look. Using Keynote you can create amazing presentations both quickly and easily. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface with a clean and well designed format panel and toolbar. Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you make changes and with iCloud you can access and edit your work from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and iCloud.com. You can import a varied range of media types including; JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV. When you have created you masterpiece, you can export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML and image files. You can then share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube. Main Features: Get Started Quickly Easy To Use Graphics Tools Cinema Quality Animations Share Your Work Easily As Apple says: Keynote. Your presentation. Totally decked out.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is the industry standard for viewing, printing, signing and commenting on PDF documents. It's the only PDF viewer available*, which is able to open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia. Working with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is easy, as it has some very cool tools to work with. With a modern, tabbed viewing interface that allows you to view multiple documents from within the same window, and apps and tools that can enhance viewing, revising and annotating documents, you are sure to improve your workflow. Key features include: View and annotate PDFs. Add comments. Convert PDFs to Word. Fill, sign and send PDF forms. Industry leading OCR. Approve or reject PDFs. Send and Track. Intuitive user interface. Huge array of tools. Touch enabled interface support. Mobile Link. Sharing your work is no longer a chore with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac. The app allows you to share documents with others in a variety of ways. You can share files using Adobe Document Cloud service or via email, and Adobe’s Document Cloud service also allows you to store and access PDF and other documents from multiple devices as well. The app fully supports all PDF files, and comes with a variety of intuitive tools to enhance reading them, such as automatic scrolling. There are also various reading modes to choose from, including Continuous and Single Page, and there is even a text-to-speech narration engine in Read Out Loud. Overall Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac gives you an effective array of tools to work with. It comes with a stack of new features, such as tabbed viewing and some neat tools for annotation and reviewing. It is worth noting, however, that some features are locked to Acrobat Pro DC, but what you do get is great for the average user. To sum up, with high quality rendering and improved performance over older versions, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is one of the best PDF readers on the market. *Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is available across leading desktop and mobile device platforms.
Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain charts, images, sub-reports, crosstabs etc. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac allows you to access your data through JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, Hibernate, CSV, and custom sources. You can then publish your reports as PDF, RTF, XML, XLS, CSV, HTML, XHTML, text, DOCX, or OpenOffice. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac was designed with a single goal in mind; to provide users with the features from Jaspersoft Report Editor, available as a port of iReport Designer. As Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has its foundations built upon the Eclipse platform, it is a more complete solution that allows users to extend its capabilities and functionality. Key features include: Repository explorer. Outline view. Report editing Area. Problems view. Designer palette. Properties view. Project explorer. Report State summary. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has a multi-tab editor to work with. There are three different tabs: Design is the main tab selected when you open a report file and it allows you to graphically create your report. Source contains the JRXML source code for your report. Preview lets you run the report preview after having selected a data source and output format. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is a comprehensive tool that offers a different perspective from that of iReport Designer. For those of you who have worked with Eclipse, you will be familiar with the user interface, while to new users the layout of the shown elements will appear somewhat different but the functionality will remain. Looking for the Windows version of Jaspersoft Studio for Mac? Download Here
Google Earth确实改变了我们看待自己星球的方式。有了Google Earth Pro Fly,您几乎可以在任何可以想到的地方去查看卫星图像,地图,地形,3D建筑物,清单不胜枚举。最近新增的功能包括外太空星系,海洋峡谷,美术馆和滑雪道。 主要功能包括: 通过数十年的历史图像了解全球变化 如果您想知道您的邻居在整个时间里是如何变化的,那么Google Earth现在可以让您访问过去。只需单击一下,即可查看郊区蔓延,冰盖融化,海岸侵蚀等。 潜入海底 在新的海洋层中,您可以一直跳入海底,查看BBC和《国家地理》等合作伙伴提供的独家内容,并探索泰坦尼克号等3D沉船事故。 追踪并与他人分享您的道路 进一步发展地标,并在Google地球中记录自由格式的游览。只需打开巡回功能,按一下记录,即可看到世界。您甚至可以添加配乐或旁白来个性化旅程。 您可以探索丰富的地理内容,保存游览的地点,放置图钉以标记位置并与他人共享。一些较老的Mac用户可能会发现Mac的Google Earth Pro加载速度较慢,而带宽连接较低的用户也会发现。尝试通过与您相同的连接流式传输音乐或电影的人们可能会把他们的头发拔掉,因为Google Earth占据了可用带宽。
轻松的 CHM 文件查看和转换工具
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 provides you with a familiar work environment, which is versatile and intuitive. The suite provides new and improved tools, which make it easy to create professional looking content. This coupled with improvements in the speed and agility of Microsoft Office for Mac 2011, makes for an impressive package. Key features: Improved compatibility: You can share files with confidence knowing that the documents you create using Office 2011 for Mac will look the same and work seamlessly when opened in Office for Windows. Create professional content: Publishing Layout view combines a desktop publishing environment with familiar Word features, giving you a customized workspace designed to simplify complex layouts. Also, visual styles provide you with consistent formatting that is easy to apply. Familiar, intuitive tools: Familiar Office for Mac tools are available as are template galleries that give you easy, organized access to a wide range of online and custom templates and recently opened documents. Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 lets you create great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. You can communicate and share with family, friends, and colleagues, whether they're on Macs or PCs.
高效 PDF 阅读器专业版-Mac 用户轻量版
谷歌改变游戏规则的浏览器Mac版Chrome结合了先进的技术和简单的用户界面,可提供更快,更安全,更轻松的浏览体验。 Google持续快速的开发周期确保Chrome for Mac继续紧随Safari在Mac浏览器市场中的主导地位。 速度 我们认为Firefox不错,但Chrome不仅在速度上胜过它,而且对Mac CPU的负担也较小。这意味着您不仅可以更快地浏览,而且可以同时运行其他应用程序。借助强大的JavaScript引擎,Google Chrome浏览器启动速度极快,可快速运行应用程序,并使用WebKit开源呈现引擎快速加载页面。通过简化的用户界面添加到此更快的搜索和导航选项中,您将拥有一个浏览器,其速度实在令人难以抗拒。 干净,简单的用户界面 虽然这对PC用户来说是一个革命性的领域,但由于Safari,Mac用户已经习惯了使用纤细外观的浏览器。我们认为Chrome对此有所改善-自2008年测试版推出以来,简单的UI并没有太大改变。浏览器由3行工具组成,顶层自动自动调整选项卡水平叠放,旁边是一个简单的新选项卡图标以及标准的最小化,扩展和关闭Windows控件。中间的行包括3个导航控件(“上一步”,“前进”和“停止/刷新”),一个URL框(还允许直接Google网络搜索)和一个星形书签图标。扩展程序和浏览器设置图标排列在URL框的右侧。第三行由书签文件夹和已安装的应用程序组成。与2008年前流行的浏览器拥挤不堪的工具栏相比,这种简洁的UI现在很容易被人忽略。 隐私 另一个非常流行的功能是隐身模式,通过禁用历史记录,减少可跟踪的面包屑并在关机时删除跟踪Cookie,您可以私下浏览。 Chrome的设置还允许您自定义常规的浏览隐私首选项。 安全 Chrome的沙箱功能可防止恶意软件自动在Mac上安装或影响其他浏览器标签。 Chrome浏览器还内置了带有恶意软件和网络钓鱼防护功能的“安全浏览”技术,如果您遇到涉嫌包含恶意软件/活动的网站,则会向您发出警告。定期的自动更新可确保安全功能是最新且有效的。 客制化 种类繁多的应用程序,扩展程序,主题和设置使您的浏览体验独树一帜。使用Google Chrome商店中的应用和扩展程序,可以提高生产力,安全性,导航速度以及您能想到的几乎所有功能。安装由顶级艺术家创作的主题,或者使用mychrometheme.com自行制作主题。使用您的Google帐户登录以备份您的联系人,首选项,历史记录,并通过一次登录即可访问所有Google工具。 程序提供商已限制发行此产品的旧版本。 FileHippo对由此带来的不便深表歉意。
PDF Plus Lite is a powerful PDF processor that will help you merge, split, watermark and crop PDF documents in a few easy steps. For example, watermarking batch documentation is as easy as selecting the files you want to watermark, choose the desired logo and PDF Plus Lite can process the rest. In the same way you can crop, split and merge batches of PDF files. Key Features include: Merge PDF documents. Add/Remove PDF documents. Change the order in which the PDF documents will be merged. Merge all your PDF documents into a single PDF file Split PDF documents in batch mode. Split PDF documents in pages and/or page intervals. Crop PDF documents in batch mode. Define the crop rectangle using either points or percents. Preview the crop rectangle for each PDF document. Select the pages and/or page intervals that will be cropped. Save the cropped PDF files in a folder of your choosing. Watermark PDF documents in batch mode. Edit PDF properties in batch mode. Change the following properties of the PDF documents: Title, Author, Subject, Keywords. The app also allows you to add a text watermark to your PDF documents for which you can customise the following: Text, Text Color, Font Type, Font Size, Opacity, Shadow, Stroke, Position, X Offset, Y Offset. Image watermarking is another key feature. Simply add an image watermark to your PDF documents that can be cusomtized in the following ways: Image, Scale, Opacity, Position, X Offset, Y Offset. You can even select the pages and/or page intervals that will be watermarked as well. All in all, PDF Plus Lite is the good solution for fine-tuning your PDF files. If you work with a large amount of PDF files, and regularly need to edit and annotate them, then PDF Plus Lite is worth trying out.
Microsoft远程桌面是市场上最好的远程桌面客户端之一。现在,它也提供Mac版本。 Mac版本可帮助用户将PC连接到Mac,并在计算机之间无缝地工作。 该软件的设置非常容易。用户只需要打开主对话框并输入他们想要连接的计算机的网络ID,连接就会立即建立。用户可以选择输入需要与之建立连接的计算机的名称。用户必须确保在两台计算机上都激活了终端服务,否则连接提示将被拒绝。甚至可以选择或配置个人偏好。这可能包括使硬盘驱动器可同时被计算机访问以及选择计算机的分辨率。 具有许多配置选项和一个非常漂亮的界面,该软件可以很好地为您工作。
高效的PDF编辑器:Master PDF Editor