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编辑评论 · 2018年5月31日

mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac keeps your online data secure and allows safe and anonymous browsing from your Mac. It provides you with a random virtual IP address from a pool of Streganos servers located across the globe, to strengthen your privacy online and allow high-speed browsing free from regional content blocks or censorship.

mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac keeps you protected both inside and outside your home, so you can use any public Wi-Fi or mobile network worldwide while remaining safe and anonymous. Wherever you are, all your private and business data including passwords, emails, photos, payment information and bank data is kept private and protected from hackers worldwide.

Key features include:

  • Worldwide protection.
  • Safeguard your data online.
  • Block ads and pop-ups.
  • Prevent tracking.
  • Maximum anonymity.
  • No regional content blocks or censorship.
  • Works across platforms.
  • Includes iOS and Android apps.

mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac encrypts your data by building a virtual private network (VPN). Steganos has a large IP address pool, from which it randomly selects one to exchange with your real IP address, which means your digital identity is anonymous and untraceable, protecting your privacy while you browse.

mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac uses high-speed servers located all over the world, which means you can browse the web freely without being slowed down. The use of global servers means you can bypass country blocks and regional censorship, and the software even blocks ads and pop-ups to remove distractions and improve your browsing experience.

Overall, mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac protects your digital profile and allows you to browse safely and anonymously from your Mac. It keeps you safe from hackers, prevents tracking, and protects your privacy online, all while allowing you to browse without distractions or location content blocks, and at a high speed.

Download the Windows version of mySteganos Online Shield VPN here.

Looking to protect your privacy online? Check out the full range of VPN and Privacy software on Filehippo.

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下载 mySteganos Online Shield VPN for Mac 1.0.2 Mac
Mac OS X
  • 德语
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语
  • 法语
  • 意大利语
  • 日语
  • 波兰语
  • 中文
Steganos Software GmbH



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