- 标题
- 下载 Windows Media Creation Tool 21h1 Windows
- 系统要求
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 德语
- 英语
- 西班牙语
- 法语
- 意大利语
- 荷兰语
- 波兰语
- 葡萄牙语
- 许可证
- 免费
- 最近更新
- 作者
- microsoft
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Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
简化您的 Windows 10 升级过程
Windows 11 Media Creation Tool
Universal MediaCreationTool
Windows 11 Drag & Drop to the Taskbar (Fix)
免费的 Windows 11 拖放任务栏问题修复
DAEMON Tools Lite
HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
HP USB磁盘存储格式工具是基于Windows的格式实用程序。它可以格式化FAT,FAT32或NTFS文件系统中的任何USB闪存驱动器,并创建可以帮助引导PC的DOS启动盘。 HP USB磁盘存储格式化工具是可移植的免费软件,因此您可以将其放在USB驱动器上并在任何Windows PC上格式化其他闪存驱动器,甚至将其复制到PC上,运行它,然后将其删除。 总体而言,HP USB磁盘存储格式工具实用程序将使用您选择的FAT,FAT32或NTFS分区类型来格式化任何USB闪存驱动器。您还可以通过指定文件位置使磁盘可启动。缺点是您可能必须以管理员身份运行该工具。
Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
The Windows USB/DVD Download tool has been designed to allow you to create a bootable copy of your Windows 7/8 ISO file on a USB flash drive* or a DVD. In order to create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, simply download the ISO file you need and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. once completed you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD onto your system. To install Windows from your USB flash drive or DVD, just insert the USB flash drive into your USB port or insert your DVD into your DVD drive and run Setup.exe from the root folder on the drive. In order to create a bootable USB device you need to have a Windows image file and *USB storage device that is large enough to accommodate the files. Windows USB/DVD Download tool’s interface is easy-to-use and will walk you through all required steps and fields. Basically you select the ISO file and the storage device you wan to use and you are all set. Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool has notable advantages, namely, taking advantage of the USB drive speed and shortening the time it takes to install the operating system.
HP Cloud Recovery Tool
一个免费的程序,适用于Windows,由HP Inc.提供。
Bandizip is an all-in-one Zip Archiver. It can handle most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar. It is both lightweight and lightning fast, utilizing a rapid Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with fast drag and drop functions, high speed archiving, and multi-core compression. Key features include: Support for Unicode to display international characters. Bypass files that don't compress well using the "High Speed Archiving" function. Extract files to the destination folder directly using the fast drag & drop function. Create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives. Optional archive encryption using ZipCrypto and AES 256. Context Menu access including the preview archive function. Create or extract multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer. Bandizip supports ZipCrypto and AES 256 encryption algorithms for higher security. It also has support for split compression to certain sizes, such as 10MB or 700MB. Besides Windows standard split compression formats such as zip, z01, and z02, it securely supports ALZ, EGG (alz, a01, a02, and vol1.egg, vol2.egg, 7Z(7z.001, 7z.002, and RAR (part1.rar). Bandizip is lightweight, has numerous support features and utilizes super quick Zip algorithms for compression and expansion. If you want to change your current Zip utility then Bandizip is a great tool to try.
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place. Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment. More of the Music You Love - Breathe new life into your digital music experience. All Your Entertainment in One Place - Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Enjoy Everywhere - Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are.
Avira DNS-Repair-Tool
通过 Avira DNS 修复工具简化您的互联网连接
Nokia Software Recovery Tool
Armoury Crate
OMEN Gaming Hub
OMEN 游戏中心:一款设计精美的强大游戏电脑
Fortect:Windows 性能优化和安全应用
ADB AppControl
通过 ADB AppControl 增强 Android 设备管理
无需安装任何软件直接从 Windows 扫描 PDF 文档
Windows 7 Gadgets Pack
用 Windows 7 小工具包增强您的桌面
Snappy Driver Installer
一个 Snappy 驱动程序安装程序有助于修复错误指针
Kingsoft PC Doctor
DMG File Extractor
eSoftTools 7z Password Recovery
高效的 7z 密码恢复工具适用于 Windows