VLC media player nightly Windows 版
- 由 VideoLAN
- 免费
- 4.0.0-20200403-0251
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- VideoLAN
VLC media player nightly Windows 版
- 由 VideoLAN
- 免费
- 4.0.0-20200403-0251
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VLC media player nightly
VLC 媒体播放器每夜版:评论
VLC Media Player 64-bit
VLC媒体播放器是最流行,最强大的多格式免费媒体播放器。 VLC媒体播放器由非营利组织VideoLAN Project于2001年公开发行。 VLC Media Player凭借其多功能的多格式播放功能,很快变得非常流行。兼容性和编解码器问题为它提供了帮助,这些问题使竞争对手的媒体播放器(如QuickTime,Windows和Real Media Player)无法用于许多流行的视频和音乐文件格式。简单,基本的用户界面和大量自定义选项使VLC Media Player处于免费媒体播放器顶部的位置。 灵活性 VLC Media Player可以播放您可以找到的几乎任何视频或音乐文件格式。与大多数人使用的默认媒体播放器相比,这是一场革命,它在尝试播放媒体文件时经常崩溃或显示“编解码器丢失”错误消息。 VLC Media Player可以播放MPEG,AVI,RMBV,FLV,QuickTime,WMV,MP4以及大量其他视频和音频媒体文件格式。 VLC Media Player不仅可以处理不同格式的负载,VLC Media Player还可以播放部分或不完整的音频和视频媒体文件,因此您可以在下载完成之前预览下载。 易于使用 VLC Media Player的UI绝对是功能胜于美的案例。但是,基本外观确实使媒体播放器非常易于使用。只需拖放文件即可播放或使用文件和文件夹打开它们,然后使用经典媒体导航按钮播放,暂停,停止,跳过,编辑播放速度,更改音量,亮度等。多种外观和自定义选项表示标准外观不足以阻止您选择VLC作为默认媒体播放器。 高级选项 不要让VLC Media Player的简单界面让您迷惑,在播放,音频,视频,工具和视图选项卡中,有各种各样的播放器选项。您可以使用同步设置进行播放,包括具有多个预设的图形均衡器,叠加,特殊效果,AtmoLight视频效果,音频空间化器和可自定义的范围压缩设置。您甚至可以通过将SRT文件添加到视频文件夹来为视频添加字幕。 摘要 VLC媒体播放器是最简单,功能最多,最稳定,质量最高的免费媒体播放器。十多年来,它正确地主导了免费媒体播放器市场,而且由于VideoLAN Org的不断发展和改进,它看起来可能还会再十年。 寻找Mac版的VLC Media Player吗?在这里下载
VLC Media Player 32-bit
VLC媒体播放器是最流行,最强大的多格式免费媒体播放器。 VLC媒体播放器由非营利组织VideoLAN Project于2001年公开发行。 VLC Media Player凭借其多功能的多格式播放功能,很快变得非常流行。兼容性和编解码器问题为它提供了帮助,这些问题使竞争对手的媒体播放器(如QuickTime,Windows和Real Media Player)无法用于许多流行的视频和音乐文件格式。简单,基本的用户界面和大量自定义选项使VLC Media Player处于免费媒体播放器顶部的位置。 灵活性 VLC Media Player可以播放您可以找到的几乎任何视频或音乐文件格式。与大多数人使用的默认媒体播放器相比,这是一场革命,它在尝试播放媒体文件时经常崩溃或显示“编解码器丢失”错误消息。 VLC Media Player可以播放MPEG,AVI,RMBV,FLV,QuickTime,WMV,MP4以及大量其他视频和音频媒体文件格式。 VLC Media Player不仅可以处理不同格式的负载,VLC Media Player还可以播放部分或不完整的音频和视频媒体文件,因此您可以在下载完成之前预览下载。 易于使用 VLC Media Player的UI绝对是功能胜于美的案例。但是,基本外观确实使媒体播放器非常易于使用。只需拖放文件即可播放或使用文件和文件夹打开它们,然后使用经典媒体导航按钮播放,暂停,停止,跳过,编辑播放速度,更改音量,亮度等。多种外观和自定义选项表示标准外观不足以阻止您选择VLC作为默认媒体播放器。 高级选项 不要让VLC Media Player的简单界面愚弄您,在播放,音频,视频,工具和视图选项卡中,有多种播放器选项。您可以播放同步设置,包括具有多个预设的图形均衡器,叠加,特殊效果,AtmoLight视频效果,音频空间化器和可自定义的范围压缩设置。您甚至可以通过将SRT文件添加到视频文件夹来为视频添加字幕。 摘要 VLC Media Player完全是最通用,稳定和高质量的免费媒体播放器。十多年来,它正确地主导了免费媒体播放器市场,而且由于VideoLAN Org的不断发展和改进,它看起来可能还会再十年。 寻找Mac版的VLC Media Player吗?在这里下载
VLC media player
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place. Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment. More of the Music You Love - Breathe new life into your digital music experience. All Your Entertainment in One Place - Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Enjoy Everywhere - Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are.
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
Potplayer 64-bit
Potplayer is a smooth media player with a great looking, minimalist user interface. The application has an extensive range of configurable options to choose from and lots of functionality. The application supports Bluray, DVD, Audio CD, and countless other media formats. It can be configured to work with various devices such as TV or HDTV, and supports Direct3D9 Ex Flip Mode and Overlay. There are a few cool features tucked away inside Potplayer too, such as the ability to take snapshots of the media you are viewing and save as a JPEG file. Key features include: DIVX subtitle support. SUP subtitle support. Multiple format support. Screen capture support. Uncluttered user interface. Overall, Potplayer is a fresh looking media player, with a substantial amount of preferences to choose from. The application supports a plethora of formats and the sound and video quality is superb. Potplayer has support for subtitles, and screenshot capture. If you are looking for a new media player that has stacks of format support, excellent codec support and is relatively lightweight, then maybe Potplayer is just what you are looking for.
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly - 它比 Internet Explorer 更好吗?
媒体播放器经典家庭影院是一个免费且简单的媒体播放器。它支持所有可用于播放的常见视频和音频文件格式。 Media Player Classic家庭影院是100%免费且没有广告,因此您可以直接使用优质的内容并享受媒体播放而不会分散注意力。 主要功能包括: 极其轻巧。 100%免费。 没有分心。 自定义工具栏。 支持所有常见的视频和音频文件格式。 使用Media Player Classic Home,您现在可以使用自定义工具栏更改媒体播放器的设计。有多种选择可以满足您的审美需求,您甚至可以上传自己的工具栏图像供他人使用。 总体而言,Media Player Classic Home是一款出色的免费,简洁的媒体播放器。如果您正在寻找简单易用的东西,我们建议您尝试一下。
SWF Player
离线 Flash 视频播放器
Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
Windows Media Player Firefox插件允许您在Firefox内部使用Windows Media Player。这是官方的插件,它使您可以使用Windows Media格式在Firefox中查看多媒体文件,例如.wmv文件。它与旧版6.4 Windows Media Player向后兼容。
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