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编辑评论 · 2019年2月4日

Video Solo DVD Creator is software designed for anyone thinking about creating their own DVD.

Video Solo DVD Creator is all about letting you dive in and start creating straight away whatever your level of experience or expertise. Burning your own custom made DVDs is done in just three steps. The good interface and illustrated toolbar makes the whole process straightforward from beginning to end.

Simply import the media or video files you want to burn to DVD, create your own custom DVD menu, and start burning!

Where Video Solo shines is in the wide array of different DVD menu templates you can choose from. Whether you want to create a DVD about your holiday, a wedding, or just put together some home movies, there's a template you can use that will give your creation a bit of shine and sparkle.

Each menu is of course fully editable and there are options to edit content, define the font, size, color, number of chapters, background music and background picture. You can even set the opening film with your own music if you want. There's also an option to have no menu at all, if your prefer, which is nice.

Video Solo DVD Creator can convert almost all the popular video formats currently in use, including: AVI, MPEG, 3GP, MP4, VOB, FLV, M2TS, MTS, TS, SWF, MKV, MPG, MOV, QT, RMVB, to name just a few. You can also create image files instead of DVDs if you want; handy for creating backups! You can also burn your DVD in just about any format going, so you can send them on to family and friends from Japan to the UK, if you want.

Video Solo DVD Creator also comes with some good video editing features such as allowing you to choose from a variety of different effects such as the option to change brightness levels, saturation, volume and hue of your content. You can also crop videos and change aspect ratios, and add watermarks.

Key Features:

  • Create professional looking DVDs.
  • Custom DVD menus.
  • Good editing features.
  • Support burning all popular formats to DVD.
  • Creates different DVD types.
  • Good interface.
  • Easy to master.
  • Would have cost hundreds of $$$ or €€€ 10 years ago.

It's also compatible with every version of Windows back to XP, but if you are still using Windows XP at this stage of the game, you should know that Microsoft stopped supporting and issuing security updates some time ago and it's probably a good idea to think about upgrading.

Overall Video Solo DVD Creator comes with everything you will need to make your own DVDs with menus, and editing features, and a simple 3 step process.

VideoSolo DVD Creator的放大图片
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下载 VideoSolo DVD Creator 1.2.20 Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 2003
  • 德语
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语
  • 法语
  • 意大利语
  • 日语
  • 波兰语
  • 中文



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