关于 Ultimate Gamer 对于 Windows
该软件已于 2025 年 3 月 13 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们尚未有机会检查它。
Ultimate Gamer 需要 Windows 8.1 或更高版本。 该软件的当前版本 是,您只能 以英语获取它。
编辑评论 · 2025年3月13日
该软件已于 2025 年 3 月 13 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们尚未有机会检查它。
Ultimate Gamer 需要 Windows 8.1 或更高版本。 该软件的当前版本 是,您只能 以英语获取它。
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通过 Easy Gamer Utility 提升您的游戏体验
Rufus是一个小型实用程序,可以格式化和创建可引导的USB闪存驱动器,例如USB钥匙或笔驱动器以及记忆棒。 Rufus在以下情况下很有用: 如果需要从适用于Windows,Linux和UEFI的可引导ISO创建USB安装介质。 如果需要在未安装操作系统的系统上工作。 如果您需要从DOS刷新BIOS或其他固件。 如果需要运行低级实用程序。 Rufus可以使用以下* ISO:Arch Linux,Archbang,BartPE / pebuilder,CentOS,该死的小型Linux,Fedora,FreeDOS,Gentoo,gNewSense,Hiren's Boot CD,LiveXP,Knoppix,Kubuntu,Linux Mint,NT密码注册表编辑器, OpenSUSE,Parted Magic,Slackware,Tails,Trinity Rescue Kit,Ubuntu,Ultimate Boot CD,Windows XP(SP2或更高版本),Windows Server 2003 R2,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8。 *此列表并不详尽。 支持的语言包括:印度尼西亚语,马来西亚语,切什蒂纳语,丹麦语,德语,英语,西班牙语,法语,法语,赫尔瓦茨基,意大利语,拉脱维亚,利耶图维乌,马盖尔,荷兰语,挪威语,波兰斯基,葡萄牙语,葡萄牙语,罗马涅,斯洛文斯基, Srpski,Suomi,Svenska和Türkçe。
ESET Smart Security strives to be the ‘ultimate guardian’ of your online safety. The creators say that its most recent edition was built without compromise for users who want it all. ESET ranks among the leaders in virus, trojan and spyware detection and deletion. This new and updated software looks to continue their legacy. ESET Smart Security’s top feature has to be its secure data encryption. This means that it will provide ultra-secure safeguarding of your files, through encrypting files and removable media - should you be a victim of theft or loss. It will also secure your digital identity and payments, as well as keep your children safe online and scores of other benefits. Key features include: Legendary antivirus technology. Privacy protection. Anti-theft. Minimal power usage. Gamer mode. One-click solution. Laptop activity watch. Firewall. Anti-phishing. Webcam protection. Ransomware shield. Cloud-powered scanning. This security suite can offer a big number of software solutions. Anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit, anti-spam and anti-theft features are packed into this one-stop software. Firewall, parental controls and protection for the web and emails are also included. Just like its previous editions, this offering is very fast and uses less system resources than most of its competitors. It makes the most of heuristics and a cloud-based file reputation system to detect the most recent threads. As well as its ‘legendary anti-virus technology’, its anti-theft feature is also very nifty. It allows you to track a stolen laptop on a map, view the thief via your laptop’s webcam (if it has one) and lock it with a password. Overall, ESET Smart Security offers a complete package of security. It is straightforward to install, renew and upgrade and has minimal power usage features too. You are able to fine-tune your profile with as many as 150 detailed settings, while you can also let it carry out security tasks in the background
Epubor Ultimate Converter是一款出色的工具,可轻松将大量图书转换为EPUB,PDF或Mobi格式。只需从您的图书馆中选择书籍,在左下角选择一种输出格式,然后单击“转换”,您的所有书籍都将转换为所需的文件类型。由于Epubor Ultimate Converter可以同时从多个文件中删除所有DRM保护,因此,将消除电子书格式与设备之间发生的任何兼容性问题。 主要功能包括: 元数据编辑支持。 图书馆搜索。 全面的用户手册。 直观的用户界面。 支持的输入格式:EPUB,PDF,AZW,AZW1,AZW3,AZW4,Mobi,PRC,TPZ,Topaz,TXT和HTML。 支持的输出格式:EPUB,Mobi和PDF(通用字体和大字体)。 Epubor Ultimate Converter支持从亚马逊Kindle,Barnes&Noble Nook,Kobo,Google Play,Lulu,Smashwords,Fictionwise和Sony购买的电子书。 总体而言,Epubor Ultimate Converter易于浏览,具有简单但直观的用户界面,它使您能够修改库的元数据,包括标题,作者,标识符,发布数据,语言和发布者等字段。其他有用的功能包括广泛的搜索功能,该功能使您可以通过书名,作者,出版者甚至介绍中的单个单词来搜索书籍。如果您遇到麻烦,它还附带有详尽的用户手册。
ESET Smart Security strives to be the ‘ultimate guardian’ of your online safety. The creators say that its most recent edition was built without compromise for users who want it all. ESET ranks among the leaders in virus, trojan and spyware detection and deletion. This new and updated software looks to continue their legacy. ESET Smart Security’s top feature has to be its secure data encryption. This means that it will provide ultra-secure safeguarding of your files, through encrypting files and removable media - should you be a victim of theft or loss. It will also secure your digital identity and payments, as well as keep your children safe online and scores of other benefits. Key features include: Legendary antivirus technology. Privacy protection. Anti-theft. Minimal power usage. Gamer mode. One-click solution. Laptop activity watch. Firewall. Anti-phishing. Webcam protection. Ransomware shield. Cloud-powered scanning. This security suite can offer a big number of software solutions. Anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit, anti-spam and anti-theft features are packed into this one-stop software. Firewall, parental controls and protection for the web and emails are also included. Just like its previous editions, this offering is very fast and uses less system resources than most of its competitors. It makes the most of heuristics and a cloud-based file reputation system to detect the most recent threads. As well as its ‘legendary anti-virus technology’, its anti-theft feature is also very nifty. It allows you to track a stolen laptop on a map, view the thief via your laptop’s webcam (if it has one) and lock it with a password. Overall, ESET Smart Security offers a complete package of security. It is straightforward to install, renew and upgrade and has minimal power usage features too. You are able to fine-tune your profile with as many as 150 detailed settings, while you can also let it carry out security tasks in the background
Ultimate Dictionary是完整的词典集合,包含在Windows桌面的全面应用程序中。它包含大量词典,使您可以使用多种不同的语言查找定义,同义词和翻译。 Ultimate Dictionary具有非常标准的资源管理器界面,该界面具有两个主要区域:在左侧面板中,您可以从可用词典列表中选择单词,也可以在搜索时从单词结果列表中进行选择;而在右侧面板中,您可以选择单词的定义和/或翻译。 总体而言,Ultimate Dictionary是一个功能强大的应用程序,易于使用并且执行非常快速的搜索。缺点是您无法执行简单的功能,例如最小化系统托盘或添加新字典。功能的缺乏确实使Ultimate Dictionary有所下降。
Avast Free Antivirus是高效且全面的防病毒程序。由于Avast创建了可靠且值得信赖的品牌,它是可用的最受欢迎的防病毒程序之一。易于使用的用户界面,优化的扫描选项以及不断更新的病毒定义数据库,一直使Avast Free Antivirus如此受欢迎的关键功能。 简单,改进的用户界面 最新版本比以前的版本包含更简单,更快速的UI使用。您可以在边栏中轻松访问关键功能,并且现在可以自定义主页,因此您可以直接访问最常使用的工具。整体外观干净整洁,带有直观标记和位置的按钮。 综合防护 Avast会不断更新其病毒定义数据库,这意味着您的计算机将受到最新间谍软件,病毒和潜在危险网站的保护。 Avast庞大而活跃的社区迅速将新的安全威胁通知开发团队,这些新安全威胁将迅速予以解决并添加到Avast重要数据库中。该浏览器附加组件通过cookie和社交跟踪阻止等功能进一步提高了计算机安全性。 速度 Avast Free Antivirus随深度和速度提供了一系列标准扫描选项。在大多数情况下,快速扫描就足够了-以可移动媒体和您选择的文件为目标,通常不到一分钟即可识别安全威胁。启动扫描将在启动时自动启动,这是一项有用的常规安全检查。最新版本中优化的扫描引擎意味着对文本内容的扫描比以前的版本明显更快。 EXE文件的扫描也很快。改进的内存使用率意味着Avast Free Antivirus可以减轻系统负担,因此您可以更快地继续执行其他任务。 摘要 Avast Free Antivirus绝对是可用的最佳免费总体安全管理器之一。它相对轻量且高效,同时仍提供全面的安全保护。附加的浏览器可能会降低浏览速度,并且扫描可能不如某些高级防病毒选项那么详细。但是,简单,有效的用户界面和强大的安全功能使Avast Free Antivirus对于寻求免费计算机安全性的用户来说是一个很好的选择。 寻找Mac版的Avast吗?在这里下载 了解有关新的2019 Avast防病毒功能的更多信息。 为什么不查看Avast的其他Windows恶意软件和病毒保护软件呢? Avast Internet Security Avast Premiere Antivirus Avast Ultimate Antivirus Avast Secureline VPN
Ultimate Windows Tweaker是免费的Windows自定义工具,可让您访问有用的系统调整,而不仅仅是纯粹为美观而设计的调整。 当应用程序捆绑在一个zip文件中时,只需提取其内容即可;没有安装。如果要将其添加到USB便携式工具的集合中,这真的很有用。 Ultimate Windows Tweaker分为七个部分,包括自定义,用户帐户,性能,安全性和隐私,Internet Explorer,上下文菜单和其他调整。然后,将每个标题分为明确定义的选项卡。要开始调整系统,只需选择其中之一并开始试验。请记住,请确保在开始之前单击创建检查点,以便在需要时将系统还原点回滚到该位置。 Ultimate Windows Tweaker具有一些非常好的选择,例如能够为右键单击菜单添加有用的快捷方式,调整Windows的隐藏部分以及微调系统以获得更好的性能。总体而言,作为免费的系统增强工具,Ultimate Windows Tweaker确实在人群中脱颖而出。
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
Video Studios 2010 必须提供什么
一个免费的 Windows 应用程序。