一个由 SysDev 实验室开发的 Windows 试用版程序。
关于 UFS Explorer RAID 恢复 对于 Windows
该软件已于 2023 年 9 月 29 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们还没有机会尝试它。
UFS Explorer RAID 恢复需要 Windows 11 或更高版本。 该软件的当前版本是 10.3,您可以使用英语、德语和俄语运行它。
编辑评论 · 2025年2月13日
该软件已于 2023 年 9 月 29 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们还没有机会尝试它。
UFS Explorer RAID 恢复需要 Windows 11 或更高版本。 该软件的当前版本是 10.3,您可以使用英语、德语和俄语运行它。
目前 UFS Explorer RAID Recovery 的 10.3 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
如果您有任何更新日志信息,希望与我们分享,我们非常乐意倾听!发送至 联系页面 联系我们吧。
使用 UFS Explorer 高效数据恢复
使用 UFS Explorer 访问异国文件系统
Event Log Explorer™是一种有效的软件解决方案,用于查看,监视和分析在Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003操作系统的安全性,系统,应用程序和其他日志中记录的事件。事件日志资源管理器极大地扩展了标准Windows事件查看器监视功能,并带来了许多新功能。 多文档或选项卡式文档用户界面,具体取决于用户首选项。 收藏夹计算机及其日志被分组为一棵树。 事件描述和二进制数据在日志窗口中。 快速筛选功能使您可以单击几次鼠标来筛选事件日志。 与知名事件知识库(EventID.com和Microsoft知识库)的兼容性。 通过事件ID进行颜色编码。 打印并导出为不同的格式。
Bandizip is an all-in-one Zip Archiver. It can handle most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar. It is both lightweight and lightning fast, utilizing a rapid Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with fast drag and drop functions, high speed archiving, and multi-core compression. Key features include: Support for Unicode to display international characters. Bypass files that don't compress well using the "High Speed Archiving" function. Extract files to the destination folder directly using the fast drag & drop function. Create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives. Optional archive encryption using ZipCrypto and AES 256. Context Menu access including the preview archive function. Create or extract multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer. Bandizip supports ZipCrypto and AES 256 encryption algorithms for higher security. It also has support for split compression to certain sizes, such as 10MB or 700MB. Besides Windows standard split compression formats such as zip, z01, and z02, it securely supports ALZ, EGG (alz, a01, a02, and vol1.egg, vol2.egg, 7Z(7z.001, 7z.002, and RAR (part1.rar). Bandizip is lightweight, has numerous support features and utilizes super quick Zip algorithms for compression and expansion. If you want to change your current Zip utility then Bandizip is a great tool to try.
Process Explorer是一种轻巧且可移植的高级过程管理实用程序,可从Task Manager停下来的地方接手。该应用程序将向您显示有关进程的详细信息,包括其图标,命令行,完整图像路径,内存统计信息,用户帐户和安全属性。 Process Explorer使您可以放大特定的进程。您可以列出已加载的DLL或已打开的操作系统资源句柄。顶部始终显示当前活动进程的列表,包括其所属帐户的名称,而底部窗口中显示的信息取决于Process Explorer所处的模式。 如果Process Explorer处于句柄模式,则将看到在顶部窗口中选择的进程已打开的句柄,但是如果Process Explorer处于DLL模式,则将看到该进程已加载的DLL和内存映射文件。 Process Explorer的独特功能使其可用于跟踪DLL版本问题或处理泄漏,并提供有关Windows和应用程序工作方式的见解。
IE9旨在提供更身临其境,更美丽的Web体验。 IE的新版本利用现代Windows PC硬件的功能来提高全方位的Web浏览性能。它是唯一具有硬件加速的HTML5的浏览器,该HTML5跨越所有图形,文本,音频和视频。 IE9利用图形处理单元(GPU)的功能,释放了Web浏览器以前无法利用的90%的PC功能。在没有硬件加速的情况下,浏览器仅使用PC必须提供的大约10%的处理能力。 IE9可以解锁其他90%的内容。 IE9可以通过Windows进入您的图形处理器,以充分发挥PC的潜力。 高清视频流畅,图形更清晰,响应速度更快,色彩更真实,网站更具交互性。结合新的JavaScript引擎,网络现在的运行就像直接安装在计算机上的应用程序一样。 IE9具有简化但增强的界面,可将重点放在网站上。地址栏和搜索栏已合并到“单一框”中。标签沿着顶部堆叠,整个框架明显更纤细,从而为您提供了更多观看内容的空间。 IE9具有HTML5支持,允许开发人员编写相同的标记。凭借对HTML5,SVG,地理位置,CSS3和DOM的广泛支持,开发人员具有IE9的一组新功能。 这是Windows Vista(32位)的下载。
GNOME Partition Editor (Gparted) is used for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions. It uses libparted from the parted project to detect and manipulate partition tables. There are optional file system tools that permit managing file systems which are not included in libparted. Key features include: Create partition tables (e.g., MSDOS, GPT). Create, delete, copy, resize, move, check, set new UUID, or label partitions. Manipulate btrfs, ext2/3/4, f2fs, FAT16/32, hfs/hfs+, linux-swap, lvm2 pv, nilfs2, NTFS, reiserfs/4, ufs, and xfs file systems. Enable and disable partition flags (e.g., boot, hidden). Align partitions to mebibyte (MiB) or cylinder boundaries. Attempt data rescue from lost partitions. Supports hardware RAID, motherboard BIOS RAID, Linux software RAID. Supports all sector sizes (e.g., 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 byte sectors). GParted can be used on x86 and x86-64 based computers running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux, by booting from media containing GParted Live. GParted is a great piece of software that everyone should have stashed away, just in case they have any issues with their hard disk. It is really functional, has lots of nifty tools and has good hardware support. Above all, and I cannot emphasize this enough, it is very easy to use!
Pandora Recovery是一个相对轻量但功能强大的免费数据恢复工具,它为您提供了一种有效的方法来尝试恢复永久删除的文件。 它能够恢复从回收站中删除,使用Shift + Delete键(绕过回收站)删除的文件,以及从DOS提示符下删除的文件。 Pandora Recovery允许您浏览,搜索,预览和恢复从NTFS和FAT卷删除的文件。它支持各种存储设备,例如硬盘驱动器,闪存驱动器和存储卡。 Pandora Recovery可以成功处理存档,隐藏,加密和压缩的文件,并可以恢复备用数据流(ADS)。 Pandora Recovery具有标准外观的界面,包括向导,提示和帮助。它使您可以浏览和搜索已删除文件的树,以帮助您查找丢失的数据。它使用一些非常强大的技术来做到这一点。具有扫描驱动器群集的能力,收获其MFT记录已被OS重用的文件已损坏甚至被重新创建。总体而言,Panda Recovery是在工具箱中提供的有用工具。这主要是由于此有用应用程序的易用性和功能。
SafeHouse Explorer - 如何使用有效的隐私软件保护您的数据
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
Internet Explorer是世界上最受欢迎的Web浏览器。安全性,易用性以及对RSS,CSS和Ajax支持的改进是Microsoft对Internet Explorer的优先考虑。此版本的IE在Windows Vista的64位版本上运行。 最新版本的浏览器支持: 加速器 -允许调用支持的Web应用程序而无需显式导航到它们。 WebSlices-允许从重新设计的收藏夹栏中订阅和监视部分页面。 InPrivate隐私功能。 SmartScreen网络钓鱼过滤器。
MyPhoneExplorer is a phone management app that is quite useful if you need to explore your mobile device. The app works with Sony Ericsson and Android mobile phones (Android 1.6 or higher). The app connects to your device via USB cable, infrared or Bluetooth connections. With MyPhone Explorer you can make full use of the backup, explorer and personal information manager facilities. Key Features Include: Bidirectional filesync with the phone. Sync your mobile phone with other desktop based apps such as Microsoft Outlook (including Express), Mozilla Thunderbird, Sunbird, Lotus Notes and Google Mail. Sync your calendar entries with Microsoft Windows Calendar, Rainlendar, Tobit David and Google Calendar. Enhanced filebrowser for renaming files and external storage management. Simplified user interface. If you have a mobile phone running Android (version 1.6 or higher), you are going to like this app. The user interface is simple and easy to navigate. You can easily perform different actions such as editing your contacts (from both SIM and Phone memory), send SMS messages faster from the PC interface, manage and edit any appointments, notes or alarms. One of the best features is the ease and speed that you can transfer data from your SD Card to your PC. All in all, the advantages of MyPhone Explorer are its ease of use coupled with speed and backup facility. Note:limitation applies to low-cost phones which do not have a PC-interface and Symbian based handsets that require the PC-Suite to be installed first and therefore this limits the connection with the app via USB.
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