Spore生物编辑器适用于Windows Vista及以上版本。当前软件版本为0,您可以在德语、捷克语和丹麦语中获取。
Spore生物编辑器适用于Windows Vista及以上版本。当前软件版本为0,您可以在德语、捷克语和丹麦语中获取。
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HxD Hex Editor是一种设计良好的快速十六进制编辑器,可处理任何大小的文件。此外,您还可以进行原始磁盘编辑和RAM修改。 HxD Hex Editor具有简单易用的界面,具有许多功能,包括校验和/摘要,搜索和替换,导出,字节模式插入,文件的串联或拆分,文件粉碎器和统计信息。 主要功能包括: RAM编辑器。 编辑主存储器。 内存部分标记有数据折叠。 磁盘编辑器:硬盘,软盘,ZIP磁盘,USB闪存驱动器,CD。 RAW读取和写入磁盘和驱动器。 支持Win9x,WinNT及更高版本。 即时打开。 最高8EB;打开和编辑非常快。 与其他应用程序自由,安全地共享文件。 灵活,快速地搜索/替换几种数据类型。 校验和生成器:校验和,CRC,自定义CRC,SHA-1,SHA-512,MD5。 文件比较(简单)。 将数据导出为多种格式。 数据类型:文本(包括Unicode),十六进制值,整数和浮点数。 以Ansi,DOS,EBCDIC和Macintosh字符集查看数据。 源代码(Pascal,C,Java,C#,VB.NET)。 插入字节模式。 分割或串联文件。 使用Ctrl + Left或Ctrl + Right导航至半字节。 Visual Studio / Visual C ++,WinHex,HexWorkshop。 无限撤消。 字节/字符分布的图形表示。 总体HxD Hex Editor是一个有用的应用程序,占地面积小,占用资源少并且具有易于使用的界面。它既快速又高效,并且给您比其他编辑者更大的自由度。
Scratch是由MIT媒体实验室创建的开放源代码开发环境,旨在教育很少或没有编程经验的人们,主要是8至16岁的儿童。Scratch被学校用作辅助多学科教学(例如数学,计算机科学,语言艺术,社会研究)。 Scratch拥有一个非常庞大且活跃的开放学习社区,该社区为用户共享并提供资源,分享反馈,互相学习提供资源。 功能包括: 易于使用和学习很棒的教具完全免费和开源创建交互式故事,游戏和动画大型社区分享并从中获取反馈为老师提供的工具 Scratch是从零开始建立的,专门用于丰富思维并帮助孩子学习一系列学科。该工具包是完全免费的,并通过捐赠进行维护。下载并立即查看。如果喜欢的话,请考虑捐赠。如果您已经掌握了这些知识,请考虑花费10分钟,并通过帮助某人来为他们的社区做出贡献。
免费、用户友好的 PDF 编辑器
Camtasia Studio is an all-in-one screen recorder and video editor for Windows PC. It is a simple to use application that allows you to record and create professional-looking videos with ease. With Camtasia Studio, creating impressive presentations, YouTube videos, and tutorials has never been easier. Because it is so simple to use, it is a great piece of software for all users to create professional quality videos for a wide variety of purposes. Key features include: Screen recording for Windows PC. Webcam recording. Simultaneously record video and audio. Built-in video editor. Add effects, transitions and animations. Royalty-free music and audio library. Add interactive quizzes to your videos. Record and import presentations. Create picture-in-picture videos. Because Camtasia Studio allows you to record everything on your Windows PC screen and webcam, it can be used to create endless types of content. The built-in video editor allows you to add various transitions, effects, animations, and captions to your videos, making it perfect for creating tutorial videos and guides. Another impressive feature of Camtasia Studio is the built-in library of royalty-free music and sound effects. Simply choose an audio element to instantly upgrade your recording. It even includes audio editing features to ensure your video's audio is as good as it can be. Overall, Camtasia Studio is a useful all-in-one screen recorder and video editor for Windows PC. It is incredibly simple to use, and includes some great features to help you create professional-quality videos easily. Find Camtasia Studio for Mac. Check out the FileHippo guide to recording video games on PC for YouTube.
Spore 补丁:更新了这款精彩的进化模拟器
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
Betternet是Windows专用的VPN,没有广告,也没有注册。 Betternet允许您匿名浏览Web,而不必担心被政府或ISP跟踪。您的IP将被更改,并且没有人可以跟踪您在Internet上的活动。 主要功能包括: 它是永远免费的。 它支持Windows 10、8.1、8、7。 无需信用卡。 无需注册或登录。 没有保存任何用户的日志。 简单的一键式连接。 它将您连接到最快的服务器。 Betternet使您可以访问所在国家/地区,学校或工作地点中整个被阻止的网站。您可以取消阻止Facebook,Twitter,Youtube和其他社交网络,并绕过政府的审查制度。 当您连接到公共wifi热点,蜂窝数据网络和其他公共场所时,Betternet可以保护设备的连接。 它就像免费代理一样工作,但更加安全。您的密码和个人数据受到保护,并且免受黑客攻击。 Betternet速度很快:它会自动检测您的位置并将您连接到最近的服务器;结果,您的连接将比其他提供商快得多。