还原点创建器是一个免费的Windows实用程序,简化了系统还原点的管理。使用此工具,用户可以轻松导航并在必要时利用他们的还原点。无论是恢复系统更改还是防范潜在问题,该程序都简化了这一过程。用户可以轻松启动新的还原点,确保系统快照随时可用。此外,能够策划个性化的还原点列表使用户能够选择最适合他们需求的还原点。对Windows 7和8用户特别有益,这个工具加快了还原点的创建,为手动设置提供了更高效的替代方案。
编辑评论 · 2024年12月10日
还原点创建器是一个免费的Windows实用程序,简化了系统还原点的管理。使用此工具,用户可以轻松导航并在必要时利用他们的还原点。无论是恢复系统更改还是防范潜在问题,该程序都简化了这一过程。用户可以轻松启动新的还原点,确保系统快照随时可用。此外,能够策划个性化的还原点列表使用户能够选择最适合他们需求的还原点。对Windows 7和8用户特别有益,这个工具加快了还原点的创建,为手动设置提供了更高效的替代方案。
目前 Restore Point Creator 的 4.0 Build 1 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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Windows XP 播放列表创建器
Smart Apps Creator是用于应用程序设计的绝佳工具。它非常适合各种专业知识的用户,但对于多媒体学生特别有用。 Smart Apps Creator具有广泛的可设计应用程序,可用于所有领域。企业应用程序,电子商务,数字媒体出版物,网页设计,小册子,市场营销,游戏,电子书和教育材料。无论您要设计哪种类型的应用程序,都可以通过拖放设计轻松使用Smart Apps Creator。 主要功能包括: 无需编程技能:通过拖放完成一切。 直接输出GooglePlay / Apple Store发布文件和Html5。 您的应用是跨设备的。 训练逻辑思维建立STEM教育。 将想法和内容更改为多媒体交互式应用程序变得越来越容易。 支持mp3,mp4,jpeg,png,YouTube,Google Map以及丰富的动画,交互性等, 使用Smart Apps Creator的好处是,它允许您将应用程序直接输出到.apk,.Xcodeproj,.exe和HTML5。这意味着您的应用可以跨设备使用。 Smart Apps Creator还包含不同种类的内置动画供您选择。 Smart Apps Creator在很大程度上取决于您的创造力来设计交互性。独特的功能为您提供了多种组合,并可以帮助您设计几乎任何您想要的东西。 Smart Apps Creator包含独特的实时测试功能,可帮助您在发布之前预览智能设备上的应用程序。 Smart Apps Creator具有内置的模板,一系列动画以及能够在iOS和Android上创建应用程序的能力,是一款功能强大的应用程序设计器,其学习曲线浅,可被所有专业知识的用户使用。
轻松可启动的Linux USB创建工具
如何玩 FPS Creator
将您的在线地图带到离线世界:Mobile Atlas Creator(MOBAC)为您喜欢的移动导航程序创建在线地图的离线图集。 目标平台是GPS手持设备(Garmin,Magellan等)和手机应用程序,例如TrekBuddy,AndNav和其他基于Android,iPhone和Windows Mobile的应用程序。作为离线地图集的来源,MOBAC可以使用大量不同的在线地图,例如OpenStreetMap和其他在线地图提供商。 特征: 为大量不同的(移动)应用程序和GPS手持设备创建离线地图集: 多平台应用程序:Google Earth,Sports Tracker,TrekBuddy,TwoNav / CompeGPS Android应用程式:AlpineQuest,AndNav,BackCountry Navigator,Big Planet Tracks SQLite格式,Maverick,OruxMaps,OsmAnd,Osmdroid,RMaps SQLite iOS应用:伽利略离线地图 Windows Mobile / PocketPC应用程序:CacheBox,Cachewolf,Glopus,GPS Sport Tracker,Maplorer,NaviComputer,nfComPass,OSMtracker,PathAway Symbian / J2ME应用程序:AFTrack,Mobile Trail Explorer GPS手持设备:Garmin Custom Map,Magellan RMP 其他:OziExplorer,Touratech QV 和别的 MOBAC支持许多地图源: OpenStreetMap Mapnik OpenStreetMap Osmarenderer OpenStreetMap公共交通 OpenStreetMap远足 OpenSeaMap OpenPisteMap欧洲) 和别的
Reboot Restore Rx is a unique turn on the disaster recovery solution, instead of backing up the data on a PC, it prevents any and all permanent changes that are made on the PC's HDD. Reboot Restore Rx is a non- restrictive hard drive restore application, which has been designed for small public access computing environments such as classrooms, libraries, kiosks, and internet cafes. Even if users download files, viruses, malware, or even try to delete registry keys, Reboot Restore Rx can restore that PC back to a desired state that has been preset by you. Key features include: Restore on Reboot. Reset to Baseline on PC Start Up or Hard Reset. One-Click Instant Updates. VMWare Support. Protects the MBR. Works below Windows. Mini OS Access. Restore from un-bootable Windows. Reboot Restore Rx is a great PC management tool. The user feels as though they have complete control over the PC. but, in reality, they haven't as Reboot Restore Rx will automatically restore the PC to a predefined start point every time the workstation is restarted, or turned on. This makes the PC perfectly configured for the next user. Reboot Restore Rx has a Robust Architecture that boots prior to Windows and will function at the sector level of the hard drive, not within the Windows OS. This protects the Master Boot Record (MBR), and therefore the security of the PC. Overall, Reboot Restore Rx is really handy tool to have installed on public access PC's. It is a great freeware solution to protect from potential disasters as it is unobtrusive, lightweight and reliable.
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
PDF24,免费的 PDF 创建工具
With Virtual Router Plus, you can wirelessly share any Internet connection with any WiFi enabled device. Devices connect to Virtual Router just like any other access point, and the connection is completely secured using WPA2. As VirtualRouter Plus, in effect, converts your PC into a WiFi router, it allows you to create a home network with which you will be able to connect your WiFi enabled devices in no time. Whether that be a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop, a Netbook, or a wireless printer. Key Features include: Supports Windows 8. No installation required. Lightweight. To get started with VirtualRouter Plus, simply click on the app to run it and choose a name and password for the network that you are going to create. Next up, click on Start VirtualRouter Plus and voila! you now have a Wi-Fi access point. Virtual Router Plus is a small, open source app for computers that run Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. If your router is not Wi-Fi enabled, then VirtualRouter Plus maybe the way forward, especially if you run Windows 8. The app is very easy to use and required no installation. The only issue we found was with stability.
一个由 Autohotkey 开发的 Windows 免费程序。
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