PDF阅读器:PDF编辑器,PDF转换器需要Windows 11或更高版本。当前版本为1.0.59,您只能以英语运行它。
编辑评论 · 2023年10月10日
PDF阅读器:PDF编辑器,PDF转换器需要Windows 11或更高版本。当前版本为1.0.59,您只能以英语运行它。
目前 PDF Reader : PDF Editor, PDF Converter 的 1.0.59 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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无忧的 PDF 阅读器和编辑器
Free PDF to Word Doc Converter is a small and lightweight application that converts PDF formatted files to DOC formatted files for free! Free PDF to Word Doc Converter is not PDF editor but a format converter. That being said, the application will let you edit and change PDFs by converting the original files to Word documents and then you are free to edit them as required. Key features include: Convert PDF to Word and preserve the original layout of your PDF in an editable Word Document. Extract text labels, graphics, shapes from PDF file into Word Doc file. Convert all the pages, or partial pages of PDF file to Word file. Support Adobe PDF 1.0 - 1.6 formats. Several PDF to Word conversion options available. High speed conversion. Easy to use interface. You can convert PDF to Word Doc without Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word. Overall, Free PDF to Word Doc Converter can covert PDF to Word Docs without needing third party applications from Adobe or Microsoft but it can't convert DOC file back to PDF, which, unfortunately is a real letdown.
Abdio PDF Reader是一个简单的应用程序,旨在使阅读和进行PDF的基本编辑尽可能容易。 Abdio PDF Reader是一个简单但组织良好的工具,用于查看PDF文档。您可以放大/缩小或旋转页面显示。您还可以将文本信息复制到其他应用程序,在PDF文档中搜索文本,然后打印PDF。 该界面在逻辑上进行了布局,并与大多数标准PDF查看器(如Adobe Reader)相似。命令选项的布局与Adobe产品的布局相同,因此即使是新手用户也可以使用此PDF阅读器。 使用Abdio PDF Reader,您可以搜索,选择文本并将其复制到剪贴板。您也可以通过电子邮件共享文档,或通过打印机或传真创建纸质副本。如前所述,界面非常简单,用户将可以轻松导航。 Abdio在测试中执行正常,但是缩放功能的确使一些图像有些模糊,但是文本仍然清晰可见。 总体而言,如果您正在寻找一个包含很多组件并且可以执行许多任务的应用程序(例如在Adobe Reader中可以找到的),那么您将感到失望。但是,如果您只需要查看PDF文档并执行最基本的任务,那么Abdio PDF Reader可能很适合您的需求。
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Windows 7的PDF Reader是一个简单的工具,可让您打开,阅读,查看,查看和打印Adobe PDF文件。 Windows 7的PDF Reader还可以让您将PDF转换为TXT,BMP,JPG,GIF,PNG,WMF,EMF和EPS。 该应用程序是一款轻巧而功能齐全的免费PDF查看器,具有许多功能,包括放大和缩小,页面旋转和PDF幻灯片放映。 Windows 7的PDF Reader的伟大之处在于速度。它加载速度快,并且可以立即打开几乎所有PDF文件。幻灯片放映是另一个值得注意的功能。使用它,您可以以与查看Microsoft PowerPoint幻灯片相同的方式浏览PDF文档。 总体而言,Windows 7的PDF Reader是一个方便的PDF查看器。它轻巧,快速,并具有一些不错的功能。 Windows 7的PDF Reader也向后兼容以下操作系统:Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows 2000。
WPS Office 2016 Free is the most versatile free office suite, which includes free word processor, spreadsheet program and presentation maker. With these three programs you will easily be able to deal with any office related tasks. WPS Office 2016 Free has multiple language support for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese,Russian and Polish languages. To switch between languages requires only a single click! Despite being a free suite, WPS Office comes with many innovative features, such as the paragraph adjustment tool and multiple tabbed feature. It also has a PDF converter, spell check and word count feature. WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition supports switching language UI,File Roaming and Docer online templates. Key features include: Writer Efficient word processor. Presentation Multimedia presentations creator. Spreadsheets Powerful tool for data processing and analysis. 100% compatible with MS Office document file types (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, etc.). Thousands of free document templates. Built-in PDF reader. Mobile device support (iOS and Android). WPS Cloud Storage included. Although it is a free suite, WPS Office 2016 Free comes with many innovative features, including a useful a paragraph adjustment tool int he Writer program. It has an Office to PDF converter, automatic spell checking and word count features. It also has some neat tools such as the Watermark in document, and converting PowerPoint to Word document support. Overall, WPS Office 2016 Free is a good alternative to Microsoft's offering. The Writer program is a versatile word processor; the Presentation program is an easy to use and effective slide show maker that helps you to create impressive multimedia presentations; and the Spreadsheets program is both a flexible and a powerful spreadsheet application.
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