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- CloudAntivirus.exe
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Avast Free Antivirus
Avast Free Antivirus是高效且全面的防病毒程序。由于Avast创建了可靠且值得信赖的品牌,它是可用的最受欢迎的防病毒程序之一。易于使用的用户界面,优化的扫描选项以及不断更新的病毒定义数据库,一直使Avast Free Antivirus如此受欢迎的关键功能。 简单,改进的用户界面 最新版本比以前的版本包含更简单,更快速的UI使用。您可以在边栏中轻松访问关键功能,并且现在可以自定义主页,因此您可以直接访问最常使用的工具。整体外观干净整洁,带有直观标记和位置的按钮。 综合防护 Avast会不断更新其病毒定义数据库,这意味着您的计算机将受到最新间谍软件,病毒和潜在危险网站的保护。 Avast庞大而活跃的社区迅速将新的安全威胁通知开发团队,这些新安全威胁将迅速予以解决并添加到Avast重要数据库中。该浏览器附加组件通过cookie和社交跟踪阻止等功能进一步提高了计算机安全性。 速度 Avast Free Antivirus随深度和速度提供了一系列标准扫描选项。在大多数情况下,快速扫描就足够了-以可移动媒体和您选择的文件为目标,通常不到一分钟即可识别安全威胁。启动扫描将在启动时自动启动,这是一项有用的常规安全检查。最新版本中优化的扫描引擎意味着对文本内容的扫描比以前的版本明显更快。 EXE文件的扫描也很快。改进的内存使用率意味着Avast Free Antivirus可以减轻系统负担,因此您可以更快地继续执行其他任务。 摘要 Avast Free Antivirus绝对是可用的最佳免费总体安全管理器之一。它相对轻量且高效,同时仍提供全面的安全保护。附加的浏览器可能会降低浏览速度,并且扫描可能不如某些高级防病毒选项那么详细。但是,简单,有效的用户界面和强大的安全功能使Avast Free Antivirus对于寻求免费计算机安全性的用户来说是一个很好的选择。 寻找Mac版的Avast吗?在这里下载 了解有关新的2019 Avast防病毒功能的更多信息。 为什么不查看Avast的其他Windows恶意软件和病毒保护软件呢? Avast Internet Security Avast Premiere Antivirus Avast Ultimate Antivirus Avast Secureline VPN
AVG AntiVirus FREE
AVG AntiVirus FREE is AVG’s brand new product for ensuring your safety and security online. It is powerful, feature rich, and has a newly designed, fresh looking interface. AVG AntiVirus FREE is once-again a powerhouse of an antivirus. This essential security suite will protect your computer against viruses, worms, trojans, root-kits, and other spyware when browsing online or checking your email. AVG AntiVirus FREE is designed for those that want the best security, without the hassle and complications that come from more advanced tools available on the market. AVG AntiVirus FREE is able to block infected links as you browse, checks files before you download them, and help you protect your personal data online and on your PC with an solid set of privacy features. Key features include: Computer Protection:Real-time protection helps keep your computer free of malware, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, and Trojans. It uses advanced AI and real-time analysis tools to stop threats from ever reaching you. Web and Email Protection:Block any unsafe links, downloads, and email attachments. AVG AntiVirus FREE has a fresh, clean design with an intuitive feel to it. It does not come with a solid firewall, however, as this is included in the more advanced suite, AVG Internet Security–Unlimited. The great thing about AVG AntiVirus FREE is that whenever the suite encounters an unknown threat, AVG then quickly analyze it, creates a cure and then pushes it out to millions of users, so everyone is better protected. All security updates are automatically pushed to you, along with any new features, to always keep you as up-to-date as possible. Overall, AVG AntiVirus FREE has a low impact on system resources, it has an intuitive feel to it and it is easy to use with a simplified design. This coupled with free online support, and a robust cloud-based threat detection method, makes AVG AntiVirus FREE a good overall security suite to have installed on your system. If you are looking for a simple antivirus, which packs a powerful punch and won’t slow you down your system, then you can’t go far wrong with AVG AntiVirus FREE. Why not check out some more malware and virus protection software for Windows by AVG? AVG Antispyware AVG Internet Security 2019 AVG PC Tuneup AVG Secure VPN
Panda VPN
Panda VPN是适用于Windows和Android的2合1防病毒和虚拟专用网络(VPN)解决方案。它使您可以毫无障碍,无边界,无风险地访问互联网,在浏览时保持匿名和受保护。 使用Panda VPN,您可以安全无私地访问在线内容。它非常易于使用,非常适合那些非常重视在线隐私和安全性的人们。熊猫安全公司已经以其全面而可靠的防病毒保护而闻名,现在它添加了最快的VPN服务之一。 主要功能包括: 包含防病毒软件。 无限的服务器切换。 无限带宽。 同时连接5个设备。 精明的购物。 24/7技术支持。 无论您身在何处,Panda VPN都能保护您的隐私,因此您可以安全地浏览互联网。它也可以在家里,工作场所和公共环境中保护您的身份。它会加密您的数据和通讯,但不会收集或共享您的信息,因此您可以确保您的在线活动完全不公开。 Panda VPN还包括适用于Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer的Panda Safe Web浏览器扩展。这使该软件可以阻止广告和广告跟踪,并保护您的PC免受网络钓鱼和恶意软件的侵害,增强您的隐私并消除浏览时的干扰。 总体而言,Panda VPN是有用的VPN,其中包含非常可靠的防病毒软件。两项服务共同作用,可在您浏览时为PC提供高级隐私保护和安全性。 Panda VPN提供了有限的免费版本,对一台设备提供基本保护。或者,您可以选择高级计划以使用所有功能和30天的退款保证。
Adaware Antivirus Free
Ad-Aware Antivirus Free为您提供全面的恶意软件防护。通过实时监控,威胁警报和自动更新,您可以轻松地知道自己受到了保护。 在线购物,银行交易和安排旅行 -我们使您免受密码窃取者,键盘记录器,间谍软件,木马,在线欺诈者,身份盗贼和其他潜在的网络罪犯的伤害。 控制您的隐私 -只需单击一下鼠标,就可以在Internet Explorer,Opera和Firefox等浏览器上擦除在上网时留下的痕迹。 获取高枕无忧 -知道您的个人信息被保持安全距离危险入侵者和窥探。 试用30天后,您可以通过电子邮件免费激活它!
Avira Free Antivirus
Avira当前为所有使用Pro Antivirus软件的FileHippo用户提供30%的折扣。单击 此处 或按“立即购买”按钮以了解更多信息。 获得屡获殊荣的防病毒保护,该保护在后台静默运行,以保护您的数据,保护您的隐私并保护您的PC免受恶意软件的侵害。 使用简单–只需下载并安装,然后坐下来放松自己……您将获得终身保护!而且它又快又轻,因此不会降低您的浏览体验。 只需按一下按钮,即可进行快速,流畅的系统扫描。 Avira Free Antivirus具有业界领先的检测率: 每天实时为您屏蔽数以千万计的新兴威胁。 阻止可能有害的应用程序(PUA),病毒,蠕虫,特洛伊木马,勒索软件,间谍软件,广告软件和rootkit。 防止有害网站,阻止浏览器跟踪程序以获得更好的Internet隐私,并具有价格比较工具,可在您在线购物时从受信任的网站中查找交易(所有内容都包含在免费的网络浏览器扩展程序中)。 总部位于德国的Avira知道安全性:Avira Free Antivirus与Avira Antivirus Pro具有相同的核心技术,被AV-Comparatives评为“ 2016年度产品”。其他独立的防病毒软件通常将其置于可用的顶级防病毒软件之中-这意味着您对最佳免费防病毒软件的搜索已经结束! Avira的保护云AI技术不仅为您提供实时的恶意软件扫描程序和病毒检测器,还为您提供了一个预警系统,该系统可以匿名分析来自数百万用户的云中未知文件,以保护您免受威胁的侵害实时。 Avira Free Antivirus也可用于Android 。
Bitdefender Antivirus Free
Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition has been designed from ground up towards enabling you to do whatever you enjoy doing most with your computer, while staying 100% safe from e-threats. Bitdefender uses its own proprietary technologies, while also improving on basic ones which it then integrates for maximum protection. Features: Real-time Shield - The real time shield is designed to protect access to the entire system. This means that files are scanned as they are accessed or copied. For example, the files you just downloaded from the Internet are scanned immediately. Active Virus Control - Active Virus Control is an innovative proactive detection technology that is able to detect new potential threats for which default protection has not yet been released, very fast and accurately, thus providing an essential protection layer. Intrusion Detection System - This technology makes sure that applications trying to access the Internet or the network are not masked e-threats, by marking them whenever its behavior is suspect and by stopping them if the score becomes high. B-Have - B-HAVE proactively detects unknown threats that other products miss by analyzing applications behavior in a safe environment. If no malicious actions are detected, B-HAVE starts the program normally; otherwise, it will automatically quarantine or delete it. HTTP Scanning - Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition also scans all the links you are accessing from your browser, checking them for various scams or credit card phishing attempts and blocking them when they are unsafe. Anti-rootkit - This technology is used to scan and block rootkits, a stealthy type of software, often malicious, designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection and enable continued privileged access to a computer.
ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2017
ZoneAlarm 免费防病毒 + 防火墙 2017
Avira Antivirus Pro
Avira Antivirus Pro is an industry-leading antivirus software, which secures your data, protects your privacy, and keeps your PC malware-free. Just download, install, and sit back and relax, you’re protected! Avira Antivirus Pro gives you security in numbers, with Protection Cloud Technology. This early-warning system analyzes unknown files in the cloud, anonymously, from millions of users, in order to protect you from threats as they emerge in real-time. Key features include: Solid Antivirus. Trusted by 100 million users. Smart artificial intelligence that blocks over 30 million threats daily. Secure Web Browser. Free Tech Support. Award-winning virus engine. Real-time protection from the cloud against emerging threats. Blocks potentially unwanted programs hidden in software bundles. Blocks infected and phishing websites before they load. Avira Antivirus Pro offers some additional features to Avira Free Antivirus. The Pro version adds a secure Web browser and free tech support. It also is able to scan email attachments, and it constantly updates its database of malware signatures, and blocks any known malicious websites. Avira Antivirus Pro also gives you protection that runs silently in the background. It delivers swift and smooth system scans at the push of a button, and as all the advanced analysis takes place on on Avira's servers, it is fast and it doesn’t consume too much of your system’s resources or slow down your browsing experience. Not only is Avira Antivirus Pro a comprehensive Antivirus suite, but it also includes a secure browser and an extension called Avira Browser Safety. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. With Avira Antivirus Pro, you can browse the web with complete confidence as its secure tools can block infected and phishing websites before they load. With Avira, you’re protected at the source. Avira Antivirus Pro is a 30 day trial.
ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 64-bit
ESET NOD32 AntiVirus is the most effective protection you can find to combat today's huge volumes of Internet and email threats. It provides comprehensive antivirus and anti-spyware protection without affecting your computer's performance. Using advanced ThreatSense® technology, ESET NOD32 AntiVirus proactively protects you from new attacks, even during the critical first hours when other vendors' products aren't aware the attack even exists. ESET NOD32 AntiVirus detects and disables viruses, trojans, worms, ransomeware, adware, spyware, rootkits and other Internet threats. Key Features include: Protection against all types of malware, including ransomware, spyware, viruses, rootkits, and worms. Protection for your private data from ransomware and phishing with easy-to-use internet security. No performance impact. Enjoy the full power of your computer. Play, work and browse the internet without slowdowns. This is also one of the fastest antivirus solutions, so fast you won't even notice it running. And it's both incredibly easy to use yet simple to tailor for your specific needs. ESET NOD32 AntiVirus has superb anti-phishing tools that protects your privacy and assets against attempts by fake websites to gain access to your sensitive information such as usernames, passwords or banking details. Also worth noting is the UEFI Scanner, which pProtects from threats that attack your computer on a deeper level, even before the start of Windows. This, coupled withother tools such as the Exploit Blocker ?that blocks attacks specifically designed to evade antivirus detection, makes ESET NOD32 AntiVirus a top contender for in the AntiVirus wars.
Google Chrome
Trend Micro AntiVirus+
在Windows上运行的趋势科技杀毒专家+安全性可确保提供简单的保护,以防止造成麻烦的威胁。它提供必要的保护,使您高枕无忧,可帮助您避免网络威胁,保护电子邮件,安全浏览和阻止病毒。 趋势科技Antivirus +安全保护您的设备免受勒索软件,电子邮件欺诈的侵害,并提供高级AI学习功能,以提供更强大的保护。它还包括趋势科技Pay Guard,因此您可以从设备安全地访问银行或购物网站,而无需担心。 主要功能包括: 阻止病毒。 防止恶意软件攻击。 避免网络威胁。 防御勒索软件。 保护您的电子邮件。 简单高效。 出色的可用性/友好的界面。 趋势科技杀毒专家+通过阻止包括病毒和间谍软件在内的各种恶意软件,可以保护您的连接世界。知道您可以防范想要窃取您个人数据的危险网站,因此请放心地安全浏览。 多亏了Antivirus +,网络犯罪分子才无法劫持您的数据。它甚至可以抵御包括勒索软件在内的最现代类型的攻击,因为在付出高昂代价之前,没人希望对其文件进行加密。 总体而言,由于具有多种防御功能,趋势科技的防病毒+安全性将使所有Windows用户安全上网。它也清晰易用。直观的设置和清晰的状态报告确实确实为您提供了额外的好处,即可以通过这种简单的方式保持安全。
Comodo Antivirus
Comodo Antivirus是可靠的可靠工具阵列,可为基于Microsoft Windows的计算机提供令人放心的安全级别。 它提供高质量的病毒防护,其中包括按需扫描程序,“始终在线”的实时防护功能以及不断更新的已知病毒和威胁数据库。 主要功能包括: 自动更新以提供最新的病毒防护。 拖放对象以进行即时病毒分析。 易于使用的界面让您安装和忘记:没有烦人的弹出窗口或错误警报。 即时一键式扫描。 简单的滑块即可更改您的安全级别。 用户友好的界面。 内置调度程序。 按访问扫描 Comodo Antivirus的用户界面清晰明快,美观大方。它使您可以根据需要和要求轻松更改设置。所有常用功能,例如自动病毒定义更新,病毒检测,实时,按需访问扫描,隔离等,都可以在Comodo的固态防病毒解决方案中使用。 总体而言,Comodo Antivirus是一种很好的主动解决方案,可确保计算机安全。它提供了一层保护膜,可抵御病毒,蠕虫和特洛伊木马文件。