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Panda Dome Complete
熊猫巨蛋完整版已取代熊猫全球保护。现在,这个新的,最新的安全解决方案随附了新的功能和工具,为您提供了易于使用和直观的界面以及对计算机的可靠保护。 一旦安装,您就可以忘记病毒,间谍软件,rootkit,黑客和在线欺诈。使用Panda Dome Essential,您可以实时防御最新的恶意软件威胁以及Android设备的安全性。 使用“ Panda Dome Complete”,您可以安全地在线购物和浏览。借助其新的实时保护技术,新的“熊猫全球保护”比以往任何时候都更加安全,快捷和完整。有了它,您可以共享照片和视频,在线购物和银行业务,阅读自己喜欢的博客或只是完全放心地浏览网络而不会受到干扰。 如果要配置Panda Dome Complete,而不是标准配置,则可以。该应用程序允许您以安全模式启动计算机,并在紧急情况下对其进行消毒。 主要功能包括: 防病毒可以防御病毒,勒索软件和恶意软件。 防火墙确保了黑客的安全。 安全浏览可在浏览Internet时保护用户。 进程监视器分析您的系统后台进程。 VPN允许用户通过公共网络安全地远程访问数据。 家长控制可配置您的孩子可以在线访问的内容。 数据保护和密码管理器可确保您所有密码的安全。 设备的位置,调整和远程控制使您的所有便携式设备保持可见和安全。 Panda Dome Complete具有前面提到的所有功能,以及旨在帮助保护您的隐私的其他功能。它使您可以安全地备份和存储数据以及管理密码。您还可以保护您的文件免遭勒索软件攻击,或者选择删除这些文件而无法恢复。内置界面具有可从单个主窗口访问的选项卡。 熊猫安全的云技术提供了基于每个人都参与其中的用户社区的智能保护系统。您的计算机将始终保持最新状态并受到完全保护。 Panda Dome Complete使您可以享受新的,更现代的和直观的用户体验,与最新的操作系统和平台所提供的体验更加一致。 Panda Dome Advanced的伟大之处在于,您无需成为专家即可使用它。它为您做一切。只需安装它,而无需担心病毒和其他威胁。 Panda Dome Complete不仅是简单的防病毒软件,而且是全面的安全套装,它可以保护您的文件安全,阻止访问危险的网站,保护您的隐私并确保您的PC正常运行。
Panda VPN
Panda VPN是适用于Windows和Android的2合1防病毒和虚拟专用网络(VPN)解决方案。它使您可以毫无障碍,无边界,无风险地访问互联网,在浏览时保持匿名和受保护。 使用Panda VPN,您可以安全无私地访问在线内容。它非常易于使用,非常适合那些非常重视在线隐私和安全性的人们。熊猫安全公司已经以其全面而可靠的防病毒保护而闻名,现在它添加了最快的VPN服务之一。 主要功能包括: 包含防病毒软件。 无限的服务器切换。 无限带宽。 同时连接5个设备。 精明的购物。 24/7技术支持。 无论您身在何处,Panda VPN都能保护您的隐私,因此您可以安全地浏览互联网。它也可以在家里,工作场所和公共环境中保护您的身份。它会加密您的数据和通讯,但不会收集或共享您的信息,因此您可以确保您的在线活动完全不公开。 Panda VPN还包括适用于Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer的Panda Safe Web浏览器扩展。这使该软件可以阻止广告和广告跟踪,并保护您的PC免受网络钓鱼和恶意软件的侵害,增强您的隐私并消除浏览时的干扰。 总体而言,Panda VPN是有用的VPN,其中包含非常可靠的防病毒软件。两项服务共同作用,可在您浏览时为PC提供高级隐私保护和安全性。 Panda VPN提供了有限的免费版本,对一台设备提供基本保护。或者,您可以选择高级计划以使用所有功能和30天的退款保证。
Panda Free Antivirus
新的Panda Free Antivirus为您的计算机提供了最容易使用和最直观的保护。安装它,而无需担心病毒,间谍软件,root-kit,黑客和在线欺诈。 Panda Free Antivirus将为您做出最佳决定,以保护您的PC。 Panda Free Antivirus提供了针对间谍软件,网络钓鱼(网络欺诈),root-kit(隐身技术)和银行木马的基本保护。实时保护可为您提供针对已知和未知病毒的全面保护。聊天,共享照片和视频,在线购物,阅读您喜欢的博客或只是完全放心地浏览网络,而不会受到干扰。 主要功能包括: 实时防病毒和反间谍软件。 行为分析保护。 过程监视器。 URL和Web过滤。 免费VPN –自动位置每天150Mb。 凭借其新的实时保护技术,新的Panda Free Antivirus比以往任何时候都更加安全,快捷和完整。 熊猫安全的技术提供了基于每个人都参与其中的用户社区的智能保护系统。您的计算机将始终保持最新状态并受到保护。此外,由于Panda庞大的病毒检测数据库位于Internet(云)上,因此您的PC不会限制其检测能力。 Panda Free Antivirus让您享受全新,更现代和直观的用户体验,而不必成为专家即可使用它。熊猫免费杀毒软件为您完成所有工作。安装它,而无需担心病毒和其他威胁。
Panda Dome Advanced
Panda Dome Advanced has replaced Panda Internet Security. This new, up-to-date security solution now comes packed with new features and tools that gives you both an easy-to-use and intuitive interface, and solid protection for your PC. This new "Panda Internet Security" has been designed to meet all your security needs, both offline and online. It is centered on offering a safe environment while browsing the web, and comes with an impressive set of tools that can be customized to suit your needs. Once installed you can forget about viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers and online fraud. With Panda Dome Advanced you can enjoy real-time protection against the latest malware threats, plus there's security for your Android devices too. Key Feature include: Antivirus protects against virus, ransomware, and malware. Firewall ensures safety from hackers. Safe Browsing protects users while browsing the Internet. Process Monitor analyzes your system background processes. VPN allow users to securely access data remotely through public networks. Parental Controls configure what your children have access to online. With Panda Dome Advanced you can shop and browse online safely. Thanks to its new real-time protection technology, the new 'Panda Internet Security' is safer, faster and more complete than ever before. With it, you can share photos and videos, shop and bank online, read your favorite blogs or simply browse the Web with total peace of mind and without interruption. Panda Dome Advanced can apply safety measures by blocking phishing and malware pages. Similar protection can be offered against unknown programs and infected USB devices. With tools like Parental controls, App Lock and Call Blocker configured on your PC, you know that you will be as safe as possible. Furthermore, the app also comes with Wi-Fi protection to ensure you start safe while accessing the Internet from home. And in case you may be concerned about keyloggers monitoring you, turning to the integrated virtual keyboard will allay your concerns. Panda Dome Advanced utilizes Cloud Technology that provides an intelligent protection system based on a user community where everyone contributes. This ensures your computer will always be up-to-date and fully protected. Panda Dome Advanced lets you enjoy a new, modern and intuitive user experience that is aligned with the latest operating systems and platforms. The great thing about Panda Dome Advanced is that you don't have to be an expert to use it; it does everything for you. Simply install it and forget about viruses and other threats. Overall, Panda Dome Advanced is a solid protection suite that keeps you safe from ransomware and viruses originating from the Internet, and suspicious programs. This feature-packed suite can defend you from all manner of attacks and furnish you with an online environment that is safe and comfortable.
Panda Dome Premium
Panda Dome Premium is a complete security solution. Panda Dome Premium provides you all the tools needed to turn your devices into digital strongholds. From malware and intrusion protection with the Panda Antivirus and personal firewall to online safety and anonymity with Panda VPN, you are covered on all sides. Panda Dome Premium can be used on up to 5 devices and has applications that support Windows, Mac, and Android. Browse freely using Panda VPN with high speed and unlimited bandwidth. Panda Premium Includes: Antivirus and personal firewall Wi-Fi protection and secure online browsing and shopping USB device protection Protection against ransomware and all types of viruses Parental controls, app lock and call blocker Data protection and password manager Device location, tuneup and remote control 20 GB of secure cloud storage with Panda Cloud Drive Premium VPN: Browse online safely, anonymously and without limits 24/7 unlimited premium technical support Panda Dome Premium has an easy to use and simple interface, usable by people of all ability levels. It does however house a raft of features and tweaks to completely tailor everything to your needs. All-in-all, Panda Dome Premium provides a wide suite of iron-clad security essentials bundled together for a very acceptable subscription price. You can find the Mac version of Panda Dome Premium here.
Pandora Recovery
Pandora Recovery是一个相对轻量但功能强大的免费数据恢复工具,它为您提供了一种有效的方法来尝试恢复永久删除的文件。 它能够恢复从回收站中删除,使用Shift + Delete键(绕过回收站)删除的文件,以及从DOS提示符下删除的文件。 Pandora Recovery允许您浏览,搜索,预览和恢复从NTFS和FAT卷删除的文件。它支持各种存储设备,例如硬盘驱动器,闪存驱动器和存储卡。 Pandora Recovery可以成功处理存档,隐藏,加密和压缩的文件,并可以恢复备用数据流(ADS)。 Pandora Recovery具有标准外观的界面,包括向导,提示和帮助。它使您可以浏览和搜索已删除文件的树,以帮助您查找丢失的数据。它使用一些非常强大的技术来做到这一点。具有扫描驱动器群集的能力,收获其MFT记录已被OS重用的文件已损坏甚至被重新创建。总体而言,Panda Recovery是在工具箱中提供的有用工具。这主要是由于此有用应用程序的易用性和功能。
Panda Dome Premium for Mac
适用于Mac的Panda Dome Premium是一个完整的安全解决方案。适用于Mac的Panda Dome Premium为您提供了将设备转变为数字据点所需的所有工具。从使用Panda Antivirus和个人防火墙进行的恶意软件和入侵防护到使用Panda VPN的在线安全和匿名性,到处都是。 尽管有流行的看法,Mac也存在漏洞。由于Apple产品越来越受欢迎,对于想要窃取您的数据和金钱的恶意软件编写者来说,Apple设备正成为更具吸引力的目标。 适用于Mac的Panda Dome Premium最多可在5台设备上使用,并且具有支持Windows,Mac和Android的应用程序。使用Panda VPN高速浏览并无限带宽地自由浏览。 熊猫高级版包括: 防病毒和个人防火墙 Wi-Fi保护和安全的在线浏览和购物 USB设备保护防范勒索软件和所有类型的病毒家长控制,应用锁定和通话拦截器数据保护和密码管理器设备位置,调整和远程控制熊猫云硬盘提供20 GB的安全云存储高级VPN:安全,匿名且无限制地在线浏览 24/7无限的高级技术支持适用于Mac的Panda Dome Premium具有易于使用和简单的界面,可供所有水平的人使用。但是,它确实包含大量功能和调整,可以完全根据您的需求量身定制所有内容。 总而言之,适用于Mac的Panda Dome Premium提供了一套捆绑在一起的铁制安全性要素,以非常可接受的订阅价格捆绑在一起。 您可以在此处找到Windows版本的Panda Dome Premium。
Google Chrome
Sad Panda for Chrome
谷歌浏览器 - 悲伤的熊猫
Microsoft Security Essentials XP
Microsoft Security Essentials为您的家用PC提供实时保护,以防御病毒,间谍软件和其他恶意软件。 Microsoft Security Essentials是可以从Microsoft免费下载的,易于安装,易于使用且始终保持最新状态的下载,因此可以确保您的PC受最新技术保护。很容易判断您的PC是否安全-绿色时,您就很好。就这么简单。 Microsoft Security Essentials在后台安静高效地运行,因此您可以随意使用基于Windows的PC,而不会出现中断或长时间的计算机等待时间。
Panda Internet Security
Panda Internet Security is a comprehensive security suite that provides the most advanced protection against Internet threats. Panda Internet Security protects your identity against cyber-criminals and protects your family against Internet attacks and inappropriate content. Panda Security's Cloud Technology provides a new protection model based on a user community where everyone contributes. Your computer will always be up-to-date and protected. Panda Internet Security lets you start your computer in safe mode and disinfect it in critical situations. You can share this recovery tool and help others clean their computers as well. Additionally, your PC won't restrict the detection power as Panda's huge virus detection database is located on the Internet (the cloud). KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Online Fraud Protection. Parental Controls. Real-time Antivirus & Anti-spyware. Safeguard documents and confidential data. Behavioral analysis protection. Process Monitor. URL & web filtering. Panda Internet Security lets you use the Internet for everything, like shopping and banking online, with total peace of mind. It provides essential protection against spyware, phishing (online fraud), root-kits (stealth techniques) and banker Trojans. Real-time protection provides you with complete protection against known and unknown viruses. Chat, share photos and videos, shop online, read your favorite blogs or simply browse the Web with complete peace of mind and without interruption. Enjoy a new, more modern and intuitive user experience aligned with that provided by the latest operating systems and platforms. You don't have to be an expert to use it. Panda Internet Security does everything for you. Install it and forget about viruses and other threats. PROTECTING AND SIMPLIFYING YOUR LIFE. With Panda Internet Security you can shop and browse online safely, keep your family safe from inappropriate Web content, protect your data, money, and identity from cyber-criminals. Panda Internet Security lets you protect yourself anytime, anywhere.
AVG AntiVirus FREE
AVG AntiVirus FREE is AVG’s brand new product for ensuring your safety and security online. It is powerful, feature rich, and has a newly designed, fresh looking interface. AVG AntiVirus FREE is once-again a powerhouse of an antivirus. This essential security suite will protect your computer against viruses, worms, trojans, root-kits, and other spyware when browsing online or checking your email. AVG AntiVirus FREE is designed for those that want the best security, without the hassle and complications that come from more advanced tools available on the market. AVG AntiVirus FREE is able to block infected links as you browse, checks files before you download them, and help you protect your personal data online and on your PC with an solid set of privacy features. Key features include: Computer Protection:Real-time protection helps keep your computer free of malware, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, and Trojans. It uses advanced AI and real-time analysis tools to stop threats from ever reaching you. Web and Email Protection:Block any unsafe links, downloads, and email attachments. AVG AntiVirus FREE has a fresh, clean design with an intuitive feel to it. It does not come with a solid firewall, however, as this is included in the more advanced suite, AVG Internet Security–Unlimited. The great thing about AVG AntiVirus FREE is that whenever the suite encounters an unknown threat, AVG then quickly analyze it, creates a cure and then pushes it out to millions of users, so everyone is better protected. All security updates are automatically pushed to you, along with any new features, to always keep you as up-to-date as possible. Overall, AVG AntiVirus FREE has a low impact on system resources, it has an intuitive feel to it and it is easy to use with a simplified design. This coupled with free online support, and a robust cloud-based threat detection method, makes AVG AntiVirus FREE a good overall security suite to have installed on your system. If you are looking for a simple antivirus, which packs a powerful punch and won’t slow you down your system, then you can’t go far wrong with AVG AntiVirus FREE. Why not check out some more malware and virus protection software for Windows by AVG? AVG Antispyware AVG Internet Security 2019 AVG PC Tuneup AVG Secure VPN