Modbus主站需要Windows XP或更高版本。当前软件版本为1.3.10,您只能获得英文版本。
编辑评论 · 2023年8月30日
Modbus主站需要Windows XP或更高版本。当前软件版本为1.3.10,您只能获得英文版本。
目前 Modbus Master 的 1.3.10 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
如果您有任何更新日志信息,希望与我们分享,我们非常乐意倾听!发送至 联系页面 联系我们吧。
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Tera Term is an open source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator application. It can emulate different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382, and it supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. It also has a built-in macro scripting language and some other useful plugins. Key features include: Automatically creates logs with unique log names. Supports SSH, standard telnet and serial ports. Supports dec/digital/vt terminal standards. Tera Term is a useful application, which allows the connection to any remote Telnet or SSH hosts. It sports a clean and crisp layout that is easy to work with. The application does not take a long time to wrap your head around and is also very light on system resources. So, if you need a free terminal emulator, which is easy to master and supports remote Telnet or SSH host connections then Tera Term is a good choice.
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Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
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PC Master Edition的Clean Master是一个方便的清理套件,可以很好地覆盖所有基础知识,以保持系统的最高水平。它带有您在清洁套件中所期望的标准工具集,以及其他一些工具。 适用于PC Standard Edition的Clean Master通过其Intelligent Clean系统为您提供实时通知并自动清除垃圾文件。它还具有智能优化系统和网络设置的功能,以防止通过一键式增强功能出现滞后。 运行该应用程序还可以确保您的隐私也受到保护,并可以使用反跟踪功能锁定不需要的访问并删除浏览记录。 主要功能包括: 垃圾清理清理系统,残留和注册表垃圾文件,以完全释放存储空间。 PC Boost优化PC,提高速度并解决所有滞后问题。 隐私保护彻底解决隐私风险,阻止不必要的访问并彻底解决隐私披露风险。 专业版还具有一些很酷的功能,例如文件恢复,驱动程序增强程序和自动更新。这些高级工具可让您恢复所有丢失的文件,扫描,修复和更新5,000,000个设备和驱动程序,并自动保持最新状态,以便您享受最广泛的CMPC服务。 总体而言,适用于PC Standard Edition的Clean Master是一套布局合理,简洁的清洁工具。界面易于浏览,拥有该清洁套件流行Android版本的许多用户会熟悉该应用程序。
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