MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Windows 版
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- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
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- 中文
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- 德语
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- 文件名
- trial_movieeditpro2020_dlm.exe
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Windows 版
- 试用版
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MAGIX Video Pro X
使用 MAGIX Video Pro X 进行全面的视频编辑
VMware Workstation Pro
There are numerous virtual environment provides on the market today, some put ease of use above functionality, other place integration above stability. VMware Workstation Pro is the easiest to use, the fastest and the most reliable app when it comes to evaluating a new OS, or new software apps and patches, in an isolated and safe virtualized environment. Key Features include: Powerful 3D Graphics - DirectX 10* and OpenGL 3.3 support. VMware Compatibility - Create one; Run anywhere on VMware software. vSphere and vCloud Air Support - Drag and drop VMs between environments. Restricted and Encrypted VMs - Protection and performance enhancements. Expiring Virtual Machines - Time-limited virtual machines. Latest Hardware Support - Broadwell and Haswell CPU support. Enterprise Quality Virtual Machines - 16 vCPUs, 8TB virtual disks, and 64GB memory. Enhanced IPv6 Support - IPv6-to-IPv4 NAT (6to4 and 4to6). Virtual Machine Video Memory - Up to 2GB. Enhanced Connectivity - USB 3.0, Bluetooth, HD audio, printers, and Skype support. High Resolution Displays - 4K UHD and QHD+ support. VMware Workstation Pro is a perfect choice for those of you who are a little skeptical about making the leap over to Windows 10. By utilizing an app like this, you'll get to try out all of Windows 10's new features in a safe sandboxed environment, without the need to install the OS natively. VMware Workstation Pro doesn't just support Microsofts OS, you can also install Linux VMs, including Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, and lots of other distributions as well. Overall, Workstation Pro offers high performance, strong reliability, and cutting edge features that make it stand out from the crowd. The full version is a little pricey, but you do get what you pay for.
Windows Movie Maker
Windows的免费视频编辑软件:Windows Movie Maker
MAGIX Vegas Movie Studio
Vegas Movie Studio brings professional level movie and video production to the masses. Regardless of your knowledge level or requirements, Vegas Movie Studio is designed to with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Quickly trim, edit, and rearrange clips or instantly create fades with a the click of a mouse. Create DVDs and HD Blu-ray disks with menus, navigation controls, and surround sound. Features Include: Library of effects and transitions Stablize shaky video OpenFX compatibility iZotope RX Elements Add an audio score to your productions to enhance storytelling, build emotion and create suspense. Overall, Vegas Movie Studio comes packed to the brim with professional level tools that allow users of all ability to create masterful movies.
MAGIX Music Maker
MAGIX开发的Music Maker是一款易于使用的音乐制作套件,可为您提供各种循环,音轨,效果和工具,以制作您自己的高品质节拍。 Music Maker的界面既直观又强大。您可以轻松地将样式循环的选择拖放到排列窗口中。从各种不同的样式中进行选择,包括放克,嘻哈,雷鬼和Techno。一旦选择了所需的内容,就可以使用音高更改按钮在循环库中更改音高。库中的任何循环都可以重新排列为不同的音高。您也可以在不同的键中使用相同的循环。 将循环添加到排列窗口时,会自动创建轨道。图标指示正在使用的仪器类型。您可以将循环捕捉在一起,并仅使用循环来创建整个轨道。如果重叠任何循环,则它们将自动相互淡入淡出以产生无缝的混合效果。 主要功能包括: 425个声音和循环。 1个声池。 3种软件工具。 8首单曲。 8种效果。 支持的音频文件格式:导入导出FLAC MIDI MP3 OGG Vorbis WAV WMA注意:只能导入不受复制保护的音频CD。支持的视频文件格式:导入导出AVI MXV wmv。 总体而言,Music Maker是易于使用的套件,可让大多数用户快速学习。循环库足以创建简单的轨道。界面易于浏览,声音产生清晰。如果您想涉足音乐创作领域,那么MAGIX的产品绝对不会错。 最低系统要求:WIN10,WIN7,WIN8。处理器:2 GHz RAM:2 GB显卡,最小分辨率1280 x 768板载声卡,硬盘空间:700 MB。
Google Earth Pro
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Google Chrome
Windows Live Movie Maker
Windows Live Movie Maker专为崭露头角的摄像师而设计。您自己的电影工作室就在您的指尖。快速将您的素材从计算机或相机直接导入Movie Maker,然后轻松地按照专业编辑选项或从自定义主题中选择的方式轻松地编辑,微调和个性化电影。添加音乐,标题和字幕,并从各种效果中进行选择,包括转场效果,动画,缩放,平移和视觉效果。完成后,可在Facebook,Youtube,Twitter或任何其他社交网站上与您的朋友和家人在线共享您的视频,或通过电子邮件将其链接发送给他们,以便他们也可以享受您喜欢的数字回忆。
phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. Support for most MySQL features Browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes. Create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes. Maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration. Execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries. Manage MySQL users and privileges. Manage stored procedures and triggers. Import data from CSV and SQL. Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel, LATEX and others.