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Tera Term is an open source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator application. It can emulate different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382, and it supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. It also has a built-in macro scripting language and some other useful plugins. Key features include: Automatically creates logs with unique log names. Supports SSH, standard telnet and serial ports. Supports dec/digital/vt terminal standards. Tera Term is a useful application, which allows the connection to any remote Telnet or SSH hosts. It sports a clean and crisp layout that is easy to work with. The application does not take a long time to wrap your head around and is also very light on system resources. So, if you need a free terminal emulator, which is easy to master and supports remote Telnet or SSH host connections then Tera Term is a good choice.
失落的生命:起源 [第一幕,第二幕] - 一款第一人称生存恐怖游戏
AIMP WMP-11 Light:一个类似于 Windows Media Player 的外观
Betternet是Windows专用的VPN,没有广告,也没有注册。 Betternet允许您匿名浏览Web,而不必担心被政府或ISP跟踪。您的IP将被更改,并且没有人可以跟踪您在Internet上的活动。 主要功能包括: 它是永远免费的。 它支持Windows 10、8.1、8、7。 无需信用卡。 无需注册或登录。 没有保存任何用户的日志。 简单的一键式连接。 它将您连接到最快的服务器。 Betternet使您可以访问所在国家/地区,学校或工作地点中整个被阻止的网站。您可以取消阻止Facebook,Twitter,Youtube和其他社交网络,并绕过政府的审查制度。 当您连接到公共wifi热点,蜂窝数据网络和其他公共场所时,Betternet可以保护设备的连接。 它就像免费代理一样工作,但更加安全。您的密码和个人数据受到保护,并且免受黑客攻击。 Betternet速度很快:它会自动检测您的位置并将您连接到最近的服务器;结果,您的连接将比其他提供商快得多。
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
BattleBit Remastered:战术战争重新定义
探索《Bloodborne PSX》的复古魅力
与 ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 一起投入行动
一个完整版本的应用程序,适用于Windows,由Visual Concepts开发。
由Saber Interactive开发的Windows完整版本程序。
在《Left to Survive》中生存僵尸 apocalypse