IObit Uninstaller Windows 版
- 由 IObit
- 免费
- 标题
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- 系统要求
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 11
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 英语
- 波兰语
- 荷兰语
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- 意大利语
- 法语
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- 西班牙语
- 许可证
- 免费
- 最近更新
- 作者
- IObit
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- iobituninstaller.exe
IObit Uninstaller Windows 版
- 由 IObit
- 免费
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IObit Uninstaller
IObit卸载程序 - 卸载Windows程序
Geek Uninstaller
适用于 Windows 的免费删除工具
HiBit Uninstaller
HiBit 卸载程序的全面评审
Revo Uninstaller Portable
Revo卸载器便携版 - 删除在您的电脑上安装的任何不需要的应用程序
Revo Uninstaller Pro
Revo Uninstaller Pro is a great uninstallation tool that lists all the installed programs and components for all the users on a PC. The interface of the application is clean and easy to navigate, it has a choice of views, as well as a context menu, and information on program components such as program properties, registry entries and links to manufacturer's web sites. Revo Uninstaller Pro has a search option that will find installed applications just by typing the first few letters of the program name. Revo Uninstaller Pro can then scan for leftovers with advanced algorithms that are very precise, fast and effective. This process can locate remnants of Windows Services, Drivers, File associations, Shell Extensions, COM components, Windows Installer components, and program settings. Key features: Real-Time installation monitor: for complete uninstallations. Forced Uninstall: remove stubborn programs. Quick\Multiple Uninstall: quick uninstall of one or more programs. Advanced scanning for leftovers: remove remnants of programs. Manage installation logs: edit, review, share (export, import) logs. Multi-Level Backup System: safe uninstall of programs. Junk Files Cleaner: remove unnecessary files. Auto-run Manager: control Windows startup. Windows Tools: useful Windows tools in one place. Browsers Cleaner: clear Internet browser history. MS Office Cleaner: clear Microsoft Office history. Windows Cleaner: remove junk files from your Windows. Evidence Remover: erase permanently confidential data. Unrecoverable Delete: erase permanently files and folders. Overall Revo Uninstaller is a deep cleaning uninstallation tool that accomplishes a great deal more than just removing the surface debris of a program, it can delve deep into the Registry and clean out hard to reach remnants of programs. It is easy to use and simple to navigate.
IObit Smart Defrag
Smart Defrag为您提供可靠的磁盘碎片整理,并通过优化的硬盘驱动器为您提供更好的PC性能。 Smart Defrag是一个免费,轻便且稳定的磁盘碎片整理工具,它将为您的硬盘驱动器提供更快的文件加载速度和出色的磁盘性能。现在,最新版本的Smart Defrag(5)改进了SSD工具。运行这些将大大提高SSD的访问速度。反过来,这将保留驱动器的使用寿命。 主要功能包括: 简单易懂的界面。 相对轻巧。 功能丰富。 语言支持。 SSD修剪功能。 游戏碎片整理。 如果您是游戏玩家,那么Smart Defrag就在您的小巷旁。 Smart Defrag也有一个有用的工具,称为Game Defrag。您可以手动添加游戏,因此它们会与存储驱动器的碎片整理过程分开进行整理。 Smart Defrag的最新版本已更新,包括一个新的碎片整理引擎,专门的游戏碎片整理,外观新颖的界面以及对超过35种语言的支持。总体而言,Smart Defrag是一个很好的工具,您应该在常规的系统维护计划中使用它。
IObit Unlocker
适用于 Windows 的文件删除免费软件
IObit Software Updater
IObit软件更新程序使您的Windows软件始终保持集中状态。保持软件更新对保护PC免受安全威胁至关重要。 主要功能包括: 从一个中央控制台更新所有软件。 加强保护。 尽快发布新功能。 简单的软件状态更新。 按计划自动更新简易的软件安装一键批量更新自动创建系统还原点 IObit Software Updater方便,简单且安全。它可以为您维护软件,为您节省时间,并使系统免受恶意软件威胁。您甚至可以通过确保自动更新软件来避免持续的更新提醒通知。 总体而言,IObit软件更新程序是一种免费且简单的方法,可让您的软件驱动程序保持最新状态并提高PC安全性。
IObit Advanced Systemcare Ultimate
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 12是强大的,全面的防病毒实用程序,旨在最大化PC的安全性和性能。它提供一站式解决方案,以清理,优化,加速和保护您的系统。 IObit最近发布了Advanced System Care Ultimate版本12。重大变化包括: 防病毒数据库扩大15%:保护用户免受特洛伊木马,间谍软件,勒索软件,rootkit,cryptojacking等的侵害。 全新功能-隐私保护和数字指纹保护:保护用户的敏感数据免遭未经授权的处理,并保护用户的数字指纹免遭恶意跟踪。 更好的系统调试,更深入的清洁和更快的系统启动。 借助新的IObit反勒索软件引擎和流行的防病毒引擎Bitdefender,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 12将PC安全性提升到更高水平。它可防止您的文件被黑客加密和第三方程序的非法访问,并保护您的PC免受各种病毒和恶意软件的侵害。 Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 12还优化和增强了一些重要的保护功能,例如FaceID,Homepage Advisor和Surfing Protection and Ads-Removal,以更好地保护您的隐私并提供无广告的在线体验。 为了满足您的优化需求,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 12提供了一种一键式的方法来获得最佳的PC性能。重新设计的性能监视器的主要功能包括: 监视并显示您PC的RAM / CPU /磁盘使用情况。 实时监控CPU / GPU /主板温度和风扇速度。 快速结束使PC变慢的过程,使其响应速度更快,运行速度更快。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 12重建并改进了10多种有用的工具,例如IObit取消删除,启动管理器,Internet Booster,注册表清理程序和磁盘清理程序,以使旧PC的使用寿命更长,新PC的运行速度更快。你还能想要什么?!
IObit Advanced SystemCare
Advanced SystemCare 12 is an all-in-one yet easy-to-use PC optimization software to clean, optimize, speed up, and protect your system, as well as secure your online privacy. IObit have recently released version 12 of Advanced System Care. Prominent changes include; Better system tune-up & deeper cleaning: remove 9% more junk files and optimize 30% more startup processes for a faster system boot. More user-friendly experience of Performance Monitor: help users take the most use of the system resources and boost the system performance with just one click. Better user privacy: protect users' sensitive data and important files against unauthorized processes and malicious tracking with new Privacy Shield & Browser Anti-tracking Protection. With the best 1-click approach, it is easy for you to clean up junk files, leftovers, redundant registry entries, and invalid shortcuts, sweep privacy traces, remove spyware threats, accelerate Internet speed, manage startup items, and fix system weakness and security holes. Taking advantage of the redesigned Performance Monitor, Advanced SystemCare 12 not only monitors your PC’s RAM/CPU/Disk usage, CPU/GPU/Mainboard temperature, and fan speed in real-time, but also lets you quickly end the processes that slow down your PC to make PC more responsive and faster. For better privacy protection, Advanced SystemCare 12 optimizes FaceID, Homepage Advisor, and Surfing Protection & Ads- Removal. FaceID automatically captures intruders secretly accessing to your PC or trying to steal your personal information and important files. Homepage Advisor monitors and notifies you of any change to homepage and search engine in case of any unwanted modifications. With Surfing Protection & Ads- Removal, you can enjoy secure & smooth surfing experience without various online threats and annoying ads. What's more, Advanced SystemCare 12 rebuilds and improves over 10 useful tools and features, such as Startup Manager, Default Program, Large File Finder, Hardware Accelerate, and MyWin10 to make old PCs live longer and new PCs run faster!
Advanced Uninstaller Pro
IObit Toolbox
IObit Toolbox:便携式维护应用套件,适用于您的电脑。
Blue Iris
无需安装任何软件直接从 Windows 扫描 PDF 文档
Hard Disk Sentinel
Snappy Driver Installer
一个 Snappy 驱动程序安装程序有助于修复错误指针
Hypercam - 捕捉 Windows 视频等
NVIDIA GeForce Driver
Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack
Doxillion Plus Document Converter
使用 Doxillion Plus 高效文档转换
使用 LocalSend 的高效文件共享:一个安全的跨平台工具