关于 Windows 的 IEC 104 服务器模拟器
该应用程序已于 2024 年 10 月 31 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们还没有能够尝试它。
IEC 104 服务器模拟器在 Windows 10 或更高版本上运行。当前版本的应用程序是 21.04.008,您只能以英语获取它。
编辑评论 · 2024年10月31日
该应用程序已于 2024 年 10 月 31 日在 Filehippo 上发布,我们还没有能够尝试它。
IEC 104 服务器模拟器在 Windows 10 或更高版本上运行。当前版本的应用程序是 21.04.008,您只能以英语获取它。
目前 IEC 104 Server Simulator 的 21.04.008 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. Support for most MySQL features Browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes. Create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes. Maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration. Execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries. Manage MySQL users and privileges. Manage stored procedures and triggers. Import data from CSV and SQL. Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel, LATEX and others.
MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts. MySQL delivers enterprise features, including: Partitioning to improve performance and management of very large database environments Row-based/Hybrid Replication for improved replication security Event Scheduler to create and schedule jobs that perform various database tasks XPath Support Dynamic General/Slow Query Log Performance/Load Testing Utility (mysqlslap) Improved! Full Text Search (faster, new dev templates) Improved! Archive engine (better compression, more features) Improved! User session and problem SQL identification Improved! MySQL embedded library (libmysqld) Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects Faster data import operations (parallel file load) ACID Transactions to build reliable and secure business critical applications Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised Information Schema to provide easy access to metadata Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture for maximum flexibility Archive Storage Engine for historical and audit data
Rufus是一个小型实用程序,可以格式化和创建可引导的USB闪存驱动器,例如USB钥匙或笔驱动器以及记忆棒。 Rufus在以下情况下很有用: 如果需要从适用于Windows,Linux和UEFI的可引导ISO创建USB安装介质。 如果需要在未安装操作系统的系统上工作。 如果您需要从DOS刷新BIOS或其他固件。 如果需要运行低级实用程序。 Rufus可以使用以下* ISO:Arch Linux,Archbang,BartPE / pebuilder,CentOS,该死的小型Linux,Fedora,FreeDOS,Gentoo,gNewSense,Hiren's Boot CD,LiveXP,Knoppix,Kubuntu,Linux Mint,NT密码注册表编辑器, OpenSUSE,Parted Magic,Slackware,Tails,Trinity Rescue Kit,Ubuntu,Ultimate Boot CD,Windows XP(SP2或更高版本),Windows Server 2003 R2,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8。 *此列表并不详尽。 支持的语言包括:印度尼西亚语,马来西亚语,切什蒂纳语,丹麦语,德语,英语,西班牙语,法语,法语,赫尔瓦茨基,意大利语,拉脱维亚,利耶图维乌,马盖尔,荷兰语,挪威语,波兰斯基,葡萄牙语,葡萄牙语,罗马涅,斯洛文斯基, Srpski,Suomi,Svenska和Türkçe。
Pale Moon是基于Firefox的Web浏览器,适用于Microsoft Windows,Android和Linux(以及正在开发的其他操作系统),其重点是效率和易用性。该应用程序是开源的,可以免费使用。 Pale Moon可为您提供完全由其自身来源构建的浏览器浏览体验,并精心选择的功能和优化功能可最大化浏览器的速度,稳定性和用户体验,同时保持与数千个Firefox扩展程序的兼容性。 主要功能包括: 熟悉,高效,完全可自定义的界面,具有顺畅,快速的页面绘制和脚本处理功能。 支持Pale Moon独家扩展和主题,并广泛支持HTML5,CSS3和WebGL。 支持许多Firefox扩展(附加组件)和主题。 Pale Moon能够使用迁移工具导入现有的Firefox配置文件。 系统要求:Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Server 2008或更高版本。具有SSE2支持的处理器。 256 MB的可用RAM。至少150 MB的可用(未压缩)磁盘空间。
虚拟机是用软件定义的计算机。这就像在PC上运行PC。 这个免费的桌面虚拟化软件应用程序使操作由VMware Workstation,VMware Fusion,VMware Server或VMware ESX创建的任何虚拟机变得容易。 主要功能包括: 在一台PC上同时运行多个操作系统。 体验预配置产品的好处,而不会出现任何安装或配置问题。 在主机和虚拟机之间共享数据。 同时运行32位和64位虚拟机。 利用2路虚拟SMP。 使用第三方虚拟机和映像。 在主机和虚拟机之间共享数据。 广泛的主机和来宾操作系统支持。 支持USB 2.0设备。 在启动时获取设备信息。 通过直观的主页界面轻松访问虚拟机。 VMware Player还支持Microsoft Virtual Server虚拟机或Microsoft Virtual PC虚拟机。
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
Betternet是Windows专用的VPN,没有广告,也没有注册。 Betternet允许您匿名浏览Web,而不必担心被政府或ISP跟踪。您的IP将被更改,并且没有人可以跟踪您在Internet上的活动。 主要功能包括: 它是永远免费的。 它支持Windows 10、8.1、8、7。 无需信用卡。 无需注册或登录。 没有保存任何用户的日志。 简单的一键式连接。 它将您连接到最快的服务器。 Betternet使您可以访问所在国家/地区,学校或工作地点中整个被阻止的网站。您可以取消阻止Facebook,Twitter,Youtube和其他社交网络,并绕过政府的审查制度。 当您连接到公共wifi热点,蜂窝数据网络和其他公共场所时,Betternet可以保护设备的连接。 它就像免费代理一样工作,但更加安全。您的密码和个人数据受到保护,并且免受黑客攻击。 Betternet速度很快:它会自动检测您的位置并将您连接到最近的服务器;结果,您的连接将比其他提供商快得多。
With Virtual Router Plus, you can wirelessly share any Internet connection with any WiFi enabled device. Devices connect to Virtual Router just like any other access point, and the connection is completely secured using WPA2. As VirtualRouter Plus, in effect, converts your PC into a WiFi router, it allows you to create a home network with which you will be able to connect your WiFi enabled devices in no time. Whether that be a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop, a Netbook, or a wireless printer. Key Features include: Supports Windows 8. No installation required. Lightweight. To get started with VirtualRouter Plus, simply click on the app to run it and choose a name and password for the network that you are going to create. Next up, click on Start VirtualRouter Plus and voila! you now have a Wi-Fi access point. Virtual Router Plus is a small, open source app for computers that run Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. If your router is not Wi-Fi enabled, then VirtualRouter Plus maybe the way forward, especially if you run Windows 8. The app is very easy to use and required no installation. The only issue we found was with stability.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer(MBSA)2.0是一种易于使用的工具,可以帮助中小型企业根据Microsoft安全建议确定其安全状态,并提供特定的补救指南。通过使用MBSA检测计算机系统上的常见安全配置错误和缺少安全更新,可以改善安全管理过程。 MBSA建立在Windows Update代理和Microsoft Update基础结构之上,可确保与其他Microsoft管理产品(包括Microsoft Update(MU),Windows Server Update Services(WSUS),Systems Management Server(SMS)和Microsoft Operations Manager(MOM))保持一致。
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
Hotspot Shield是一种通用的Internet安全和隐私解决方案。除了保护您免受危险的在线威胁之外,它还可以保护您的隐私并允许您访问任何被阻止的网站和内容。 Hotspot Shield在您的设备与其Internet网关之间创建一个虚拟专用网络(VPN)。这种无法穿透的隧道可防止窥探者,黑客和ISP监视您的Web浏览活动,即时消息,下载,信用卡信息或您通过网络发送的任何其他内容。 特征: 取消阻止任何网站–在学校或单位不能访问YouTube或Facebook?通过使用Hotspot Shield VPN软件,您可以从任何地方取消阻止YouTube,取消阻止Facebook或取消阻止任何站点。 保护您的IP地址– VPN软件可保护您的IP地址,以便您享受私人浏览并防止黑客和垃圾邮件发送者监视您的在线活动。 匿名浏览Web –通过在计算机和Hotspot Shield服务器之间创建加密隧道,Hotspot Shield使您可以匿名浏览Web,而不会被跟踪或监视。 借助Hotspot Shield WiFi安全功能,保护自己不受WiFi热点,酒店,机场和公司办公室的窥探者和黑客的攻击。 保护您的Web会话–使用HTTPS加密保护您的数据,在线购物和在线个人信息的安全。 保护您的设备免受恶意软件攻击–最新版本的Hotspot Shield现在提供了完整的恶意软件防护!
一个由 Autohotkey 开发的 Windows 免费程序。
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