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- 下载 Icecream Password Manager 1.14 Windows
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- Windows 10
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- Icecream Apps
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- password_manager_setup.exe
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Windows Password Recovery
Icecream PDF Editor
Icecream PDF Editor allows the user to manage and tinker with PDF files “easier than ever before”. It gives you access to all the editing modes and tools that you will need, presenting them in a smart and user-friendly tools panel. From there you can edit text, redact protected files, manage pages, add notes and lots more. Icecream believe that their application will give users a great opportunity to learn how to edit this type of document in “a hassle-free way”. Key features include: Edit text. Edit objects. Manage pages. Productivity booster. Protect PDF. Annotate PDF. Add stamps or watermark. Operating on Windows 10, Icecream say the product is a real productivity booster. Smart editing and video tutorials are all available for free. You are also able to visually combine and reorder PDF pages as well as split and merge PDF files. Moreover, PDF objects can be moved, resized and rotated. By setting a password or limiting editing and copying rights you can also protect your PDF. Adding custom stamps will also make for better and quicker proofreading, while you can also add notes and strike through or highlight areas and text. Adding your watermark and drawing on the document is also available. Overall, Icecream PDF Editor delivers a straightforward and effective service. You are able to make adjustments to files, as well as protect them. The great usability also makes this product a very tempting download indeed.
Advanced Archive Password Recovery
imyPass iPhone Password Manager
高效的密码恢复:imyPass iPhone 密码管理器评测
1Password是一个安全的密码管理器*,它不只是简单的密码存储。该扩展程序直接与您的Web浏览器集成在一起,可以自动将您登录到网站,输入信用卡信息,填写注册表格,并且可以轻松生成强密码。 Google的Chrome浏览器的1Password扩展名易于使用,具有独特的界面。一键打开浏览器,打开网站,填写用户名和密码,然后登录。安装1Password扩展名后,您可以单击以为所有帐户创建强而独特的新密码,然后记住它们在1Password保险库中,因此您不必这样做。 主要功能包括: 1Password使用信誉良好且经过仔细检查的加密库中提供的最佳加密方法。 您只需要记住一个密码即可访问所有帐户。 浏览器集成。 *此扩展需要Mac或Windows专用的1Password 4,该密码需要单独购买,并且可以从开发人员Agilebits获得。
Kaspersky Password Manager
卡巴斯基密码管理器能够安全地存储您的密码,地址和银行详细信息,然后可以在您的各种设备(包括PC,Mac,Android手机和平板电脑或iPhone和iPad)上同步它们。 该应用程序非常易于设置和使用。只需安装它,然后执行一个快速过程即可选择主密码。接下来,您需要访问包含您的登录详细信息的网站,您希望实用程序记住这些详细信息。现在,您需要使用所需的登录详细信息填充数据库。然后将其存储并加密,并且在您回访时,卡巴斯基密码管理器将自动完成网站用户名和密码。卡巴斯基密码管理器还将自动使用您的详细信息填充任何需要的Web表单。此外,卡巴斯基密码管理器还具有密码生成器*工具,可自动为您创建强密码。 总体而言,该应用程序是一款出色的工具,可将您所有的登录用户名和密码保存到一个数据库中**,因此您无需记住所有信息。卡巴斯基的密码管理器易于使用,轻巧,几乎不影响系统并且非常安全。 *密码是在您的PC上生成的,然后可以在任何受支持的设备上使用。 **卡巴斯基密码管理器为您提供了免费或高级版本的应用程序供您选择。免费版将允许您存储十五个帐户密码,地址或银行卡详细信息。但是,如果要管理更多物品,则可以升级到高级版本,该高级版本将允许您存储和管理无限数量的密码,地址和银行卡详细信息。
Icecream Screen Recorder
Icecream Screen Recorder is a useful application for screen capture and taking screenshots. It is intuitive and easy to use and gives you a complete suite of tools for professional screen capture with audio. It is great for recording webinars, games, and Skype videos in HD with ease. With Icecream Screen Recorder, you get some useful tools to customise your screen recordings and screenshots. It allows you to select a specific area to capture, record a specified region around the cursor to record, or record your entire screen. Key features include: Area selection. Drawing panel. Project history. Add custom watermark. Add webcam recording. Zoom while recording. Screenshot to URL. Configure custom hotkeys. Scheduled screen recording. Icecream Screen Recorder makes screen recording simple. It allows you to configure custom hotkeys to quickly switch between screenshot and screen recording modes, draw, start/stop recording, zoom in and out, and more. It also supports scheduled screen recording, so you can set tasks to run if you're busy elsewhere. With Icecream Screen Recorder, you can also edit your screen captures and recordings as required. You can cut unnecessary parts of the video after recording, convert the video format, and zoom in and out during recording. You can also add a custom watermark, or draw outlines, arrows, shapes and add text to your screenshot or during a screen recording. Overall, Icecream Screen Recorder is a handy tool for recording or taking a snapshot of your screen. It includes some useful tools for editing and to customise your recordings. Try it for free, or upgrade to the pro version to unlock all the features of Icecream Screen Recorder today.
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Icecream Ebook Reader
Icecream Ebook Reader允许用户将多本书添加到应用程序中以创建个性化库。用户可以将书籍标记为“收藏夹”,并从库中删除书籍。每本书都有阅读进度百分比以及添加时的数据。 主要功能包括: 用户可以在图书馆中搜索书名和作者,并在每本书中搜索某些文本和页数。 您可以将个人书签添加到书中,也可以访问每本书的内容。 共有三种阅读模式,可用于各种照明:白天,夜晚和棕褐色。 全屏模式使阅读更加舒适,因此您可以坐下来,放松并欣赏书本。 。 该应用程序支持epub,mobi,fb2,pdf,cbz和cbr格式。
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使用 UUkeys Windows Password Mate 高效密码恢复
Remove VBA Password
删除VBA密码是一个简单但功能强大的工具,可以立即删除任何VBA密码*,并可以解锁几乎任何类型的文件中锁定的VBA项目。它支持广泛的应用程序**,包括Microsoft Office(Excel,Word,PowerPoint,Access,Publisher,Outlook,FrontPage),MS Project和大多数其他Microsoft产品。它支持Autodesk AutoCAD,Bentley MicroStation和其他CAD / CAM应用程序,其他Office软件包以及各种GIS,OCR,图形和其他启用VBA的应用程序。 主要功能包括: 支持任何长度和字符集的密码,只需几秒钟即可删除。 故意或意外锁定的VBA项目会立即解锁。 安全删除密码,不会损坏文件+自动备份。 支持Office 97至2013和所有受支持的VBA主机应用程序的365文件格式。 支持所有MS Windows平台,包括Windows 10。 支持自定义脚本的命令行用法。 (仅限专业版)。 支持任何长度和字符集的密码,只需几秒钟即可删除。还支持有意或无意锁定的VBA项目。总体而言,“删除VBA密码”是一款功能强大的工具,可完全按照其提示进行操作。它重量轻,功能强大且具有简单的界面。 *试用版具有局限性:它仅测试完整版是否可以删除密码/锁。 **不支持MS Excel 5.0、7.0和95 XLA加载项。
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