一个免费的程序,适用于Windows,由HP Inc.提供。
HP云恢复工具适用于Windows 10或更高版本。软件的当前版本为2.7.6,您只能以英语运行它。
编辑评论 · 2023年11月1日
HP云恢复工具适用于Windows 10或更高版本。软件的当前版本为2.7.6,您只能以英语运行它。
目前 HP Cloud Recovery Tool 的 2.7.6 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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HP USB磁盘存储格式工具是基于Windows的格式实用程序。它可以格式化FAT,FAT32或NTFS文件系统中的任何USB闪存驱动器,并创建可以帮助引导PC的DOS启动盘。 HP USB磁盘存储格式化工具是可移植的免费软件,因此您可以将其放在USB驱动器上并在任何Windows PC上格式化其他闪存驱动器,甚至将其复制到PC上,运行它,然后将其删除。 总体而言,HP USB磁盘存储格式工具实用程序将使用您选择的FAT,FAT32或NTFS分区类型来格式化任何USB闪存驱动器。您还可以通过指定文件位置使磁盘可启动。缺点是您可能必须以管理员身份运行该工具。
通过 Avira DNS 修复工具简化您的互联网连接
Bandizip is an all-in-one Zip Archiver. It can handle most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar. It is both lightweight and lightning fast, utilizing a rapid Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with fast drag and drop functions, high speed archiving, and multi-core compression. Key features include: Support for Unicode to display international characters. Bypass files that don't compress well using the "High Speed Archiving" function. Extract files to the destination folder directly using the fast drag & drop function. Create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives. Optional archive encryption using ZipCrypto and AES 256. Context Menu access including the preview archive function. Create or extract multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer. Bandizip supports ZipCrypto and AES 256 encryption algorithms for higher security. It also has support for split compression to certain sizes, such as 10MB or 700MB. Besides Windows standard split compression formats such as zip, z01, and z02, it securely supports ALZ, EGG (alz, a01, a02, and vol1.egg, vol2.egg, 7Z(7z.001, 7z.002, and RAR (part1.rar). Bandizip is lightweight, has numerous support features and utilizes super quick Zip algorithms for compression and expansion. If you want to change your current Zip utility then Bandizip is a great tool to try.
The Windows USB/DVD Download tool has been designed to allow you to create a bootable copy of your Windows 7/8 ISO file on a USB flash drive* or a DVD. In order to create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, simply download the ISO file you need and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. once completed you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD onto your system. To install Windows from your USB flash drive or DVD, just insert the USB flash drive into your USB port or insert your DVD into your DVD drive and run Setup.exe from the root folder on the drive. In order to create a bootable USB device you need to have a Windows image file and *USB storage device that is large enough to accommodate the files. Windows USB/DVD Download tool’s interface is easy-to-use and will walk you through all required steps and fields. Basically you select the ISO file and the storage device you wan to use and you are all set. Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool has notable advantages, namely, taking advantage of the USB drive speed and shortening the time it takes to install the operating system.
长路径工具 - 如何修复它?
OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage solution in response to Dropbox and other similar online services. The OneDrive application integrates with your desktop and functions like any other folder on your PC or Mac. Files copied or moved to OneDrive folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud space. Windows users also have the possibility to access, browse and stream documents, photos, videos and other files from a remote computer that is running the OneDrive software. Documents can be shared and collaboratively worked on with others using the service. Microsoft provides several gigabyte of free storage for existing and new OneDrive users.
Pandora Recovery是一个相对轻量但功能强大的免费数据恢复工具,它为您提供了一种有效的方法来尝试恢复永久删除的文件。 它能够恢复从回收站中删除,使用Shift + Delete键(绕过回收站)删除的文件,以及从DOS提示符下删除的文件。 Pandora Recovery允许您浏览,搜索,预览和恢复从NTFS和FAT卷删除的文件。它支持各种存储设备,例如硬盘驱动器,闪存驱动器和存储卡。 Pandora Recovery可以成功处理存档,隐藏,加密和压缩的文件,并可以恢复备用数据流(ADS)。 Pandora Recovery具有标准外观的界面,包括向导,提示和帮助。它使您可以浏览和搜索已删除文件的树,以帮助您查找丢失的数据。它使用一些非常强大的技术来做到这一点。具有扫描驱动器群集的能力,收获其MFT记录已被OS重用的文件已损坏甚至被重新创建。总体而言,Panda Recovery是在工具箱中提供的有用工具。这主要是由于此有用应用程序的易用性和功能。
傲游云浏览器是一款功能强大的Web浏览器,具有高度可定制的界面。该浏览器具有多种工具,可让您的网络体验更加愉悦,例如资源嗅探器,屏幕捕获工具,夜间模式和云功能。 主要功能包括 界面友好:您可以通过添加,移动,交换和更改浏览器的工具栏,图标,菜单,颜色,外观和布局来完全自定义Maxthon Cloud Browser。 内置广告猎人:此工具将阻止有害的广告,图像和页面。筛选器包也将筛选出令人反感的网页。 插件:Maxthon Cloud Browser当前可使用1,400多个插件。 云同步和云推送:Maxthon Cloud Browser能够在运行该应用的所有计算机和移动设备中同步您的书签,标签,选项以及地址栏和新标签链接。
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