编辑评论 · 2023年10月10日
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USB Block是一种数据泄漏防护软件,可让您限制未经授权的USB端口,外部驱动器,闪存盘等。使用此数据安全软件,您可以限制所有您不信任的不受信任的设备,并可以通过将其列入白名单来使用受信任的设备。这样,您可以保护文件,文件夹,照片,视频,文档等。同样,USB Block保护您的文件和文件夹不被直接刻录到CD / DVD等。您可以在USB Block的帮助下限制此类行为,从而完全放心。 该数据泄漏防护软件还可以阻止未经授权的网络计算机,非系统驱动器等,从而使恶意活动尽可能远离您的PC!如果您在办公室中使用多台计算机,则在每台计算机上安装USB Block可以成为安全计算的门票! 在您的办公室中使用此USB阻止软件,并确保您的重要文件没有被员工非法复制。每当将外部设备插入PC时,USB Block都会提示您输入密码。如果输入正确的密码,该软件将为您提供对该驱动器的完全访问权限,但是,如果您输入了错误的密码,则您将无权查看,复制和修改该驱动器中的文件。 USB Block是经过改进的USB Blocking软件,可限制所有未经授权的驱动器,磁盘和端口。 最重要的是,USB Block可以使您即使在安全模式下也可以阻止设备,从而使第三方无法从启动菜单复制您的个人文件和文档。同样,您也可以激活并使用“隐形模式”功能以保持不可见状态并防止任何人发现您的私人文件和文件夹。该软件已更新为具有最新功能,并且与23位和64位版本完全兼容。
Code::Blocks for Mac is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE that has a custom build system and optional Make support. The application has been designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Code::Blocks is an IDE packed full of all the features you will need. It has a consistent look, feel and operation across its supported platforms. It has been built around a plugin framework, therefore Code::Blocks can be extended with plugins. Support for any kind of functionality can be added by installing/coding a plugin. Key features include: Written in C++. No interpreted languages or proprietary libs needed.. Full plugin support. Multiple compiler support: GCC (MingW / GNU GCC), MSVC++, clang, Digital Mars, Borland C++ 5.5, and Open Watcom etc. Support for parallel builds. Imports Dev-C++ projects. Debugger with full breakpoints support. Cross-platform. Code::Blocks' interface is both customizable and extensible with Syntax highlighting, a tabbed interface, Class Browser, a to-do list manager with different users, and many more features that are provided through plugins. Looking for the Mac version of Code::Blocks? Download Here
Puzzle Express 是一款有趣且简单的益智游戏
一个免费的Windows程序,由Buziol Games提供。
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AVG AntiVirus FREE is AVG’s brand new product for ensuring your safety and security online. It is powerful, feature rich, and has a newly designed, fresh looking interface. AVG AntiVirus FREE is once-again a powerhouse of an antivirus. This essential security suite will protect your computer against viruses, worms, trojans, root-kits, and other spyware when browsing online or checking your email. AVG AntiVirus FREE is designed for those that want the best security, without the hassle and complications that come from more advanced tools available on the market. AVG AntiVirus FREE is able to block infected links as you browse, checks files before you download them, and help you protect your personal data online and on your PC with an solid set of privacy features. Key features include: Computer Protection:Real-time protection helps keep your computer free of malware, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, and Trojans. It uses advanced AI and real-time analysis tools to stop threats from ever reaching you. Web and Email Protection:Block any unsafe links, downloads, and email attachments. AVG AntiVirus FREE has a fresh, clean design with an intuitive feel to it. It does not come with a solid firewall, however, as this is included in the more advanced suite, AVG Internet Security–Unlimited. The great thing about AVG AntiVirus FREE is that whenever the suite encounters an unknown threat, AVG then quickly analyze it, creates a cure and then pushes it out to millions of users, so everyone is better protected. All security updates are automatically pushed to you, along with any new features, to always keep you as up-to-date as possible. Overall, AVG AntiVirus FREE has a low impact on system resources, it has an intuitive feel to it and it is easy to use with a simplified design. This coupled with free online support, and a robust cloud-based threat detection method, makes AVG AntiVirus FREE a good overall security suite to have installed on your system. If you are looking for a simple antivirus, which packs a powerful punch and won’t slow you down your system, then you can’t go far wrong with AVG AntiVirus FREE. Why not check out some more malware and virus protection software for Windows by AVG? AVG Antispyware AVG Internet Security 2019 AVG PC Tuneup AVG Secure VPN
BLOCK WARRIORS:"开放世界"游戏-评论
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
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