Easy WiFi是在Windows平台上运行的更新的Devicescape应用程序。 Easy WiFi使连接Wi-Fi网络更快,更高效。
Easy WiFi使您无需配置设备,使用浏览器或记住并输入用户名和密码即可快速轻松地上网。
Easy WiFi使用小型软件应用程序和网络服务。为了操作Easy WiFI,只需进行快速的在线注册过程,然后您就可以在热点和全球其他Wi-Fi网络上使用笔记本电脑。
编辑评论 · 2021年10月1日
Easy WiFi是在Windows平台上运行的更新的Devicescape应用程序。 Easy WiFi使连接Wi-Fi网络更快,更高效。
Easy WiFi使您无需配置设备,使用浏览器或记住并输入用户名和密码即可快速轻松地上网。
Easy WiFi使用小型软件应用程序和网络服务。为了操作Easy WiFI,只需进行快速的在线注册过程,然后您就可以在热点和全球其他Wi-Fi网络上使用笔记本电脑。
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如何使用简易 WiFi 雷达
With Virtual Router Plus, you can wirelessly share any Internet connection with any WiFi enabled device. Devices connect to Virtual Router just like any other access point, and the connection is completely secured using WPA2. As VirtualRouter Plus, in effect, converts your PC into a WiFi router, it allows you to create a home network with which you will be able to connect your WiFi enabled devices in no time. Whether that be a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop, a Netbook, or a wireless printer. Key Features include: Supports Windows 8. No installation required. Lightweight. To get started with VirtualRouter Plus, simply click on the app to run it and choose a name and password for the network that you are going to create. Next up, click on Start VirtualRouter Plus and voila! you now have a Wi-Fi access point. Virtual Router Plus is a small, open source app for computers that run Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. If your router is not Wi-Fi enabled, then VirtualRouter Plus maybe the way forward, especially if you run Windows 8. The app is very easy to use and required no installation. The only issue we found was with stability.
Connectify Hotspot is a relatively lightweight app that allows you to transform your PC into a WiFi Hotspot and share Internet with all your devices . Connectify Hotspot has a really easy to understand and intuitive user interface that makes it simple to manage your connections on your network. Once installed, the configuration process can be done very quickly. Connectify will prompt you to choose the hotspot name, the password, the WiFi device that you want to use, the security mode, and if you want to enable Internet sharing. Connectify Hotspot allows you to explore all the devices that are connected to your network, so you have full control over your wireless network. The app has some really neat features such as the ability to explore shared resources from the devices that are paired with your system. Overall, Connectify Hotspot performs well and has a solid list of features. The app is easy on the eyes and the user interface is simple to get to grips with, even novice users will be able to set-up and use this app with ease. The Pro and Max versions of the app provide more than the basic functions, such as WiFi repeater mode, bridging mode and the ability to share 3G, 4G, and tethered connections.
WiFi Hotspot是一款轻巧,方便的小工具,可让您轻松地与手机或平板电脑共享计算机网络。 设置应用程序非常简单,只要您的PC可以访问互联网,就可以创建WiFi网络! 该应用程序会自动检测到您的WiFi适配器,然后使用一系列默认设置来建立虚拟网络。然后,可通过可伸缩面板查看连接的任何设备。在这里,您可以阻止不希望使用Internet连接的黑名单设备。 总体而言,百度WiFi热点是一款可靠,高效的应用程序,可用于创建无线网络连接,使您可以与其他设备共享Internet连接。从正面来看,您还可以通过“从电话中获取文件”和“将文件发送至电话”功能在PC和兼容的移动设备之间传输照片,音乐和文档等数据。这可以通过两种传输模式来完成:通过在手机的网络浏览器中访问特定地址或通过扫描QR码。
Acrylic WiFi Home是一款WiFi扫描仪,可让您搜索WiFi网络和重叠的WiFi通道。您可以扫描家中附近的WLAN,并选择重叠无线网络较少的最佳WiFi信道。 Acrylic WiFi Home支持Windows下的监控模式,因此能够提取有关与WiFi网络交互的WiFi设备的信息。 该应用能够识别本地无线访问点和设备,并会显示一个表格,其中列出了详细信息,包括SSID,MAC地址,供应商,类型,RSSI,信道,802.11(a / b / g / n / ac),安全详细信息(WEP / WPA / WPA2 / WPS),以及何时看到这些数据。 主要功能包括: 接入点:WiFi网络信息和连接的用户。 频道:WiFi频道扫描仪和通过2.4Ghz和5Ghz中的频道的WiFi网络。 密码:WiFi密码和默认的WPS密钥。 安全性:WEP,WPA,WPA2和企业(802.1X)WiFi网络的网络身份验证和安全性详细信息。 信号电平:WiFi通道和检测到的设备的信号质量图表。 清单:命名已知的Wi-Fi设备。 总体而言,Acrylic Wi-Fi Home是一种可靠且用户友好的工具,可提供深入的无线网络监控。尽管界面有点笨拙,但该应用程序的性能仍然很好,并且能够提供有关您周围所有活动无线设备,数据包活动以及与您的无线网络连接的人的信息。
*SAVE up to 70% off with Norton Security Deluxe plus FREE WiFi Protection for 5 devices.* If you spend a lot of time surfing the Internet, you need protection against online threats. Thanks to Norton Security Deluxe, you are protected against a wide array of malicious software. Whether you are banking online, emailing friends or chatting via Instant Messaging, your protection is always on and up-to-date. Key features include: Fast and Lightweight. Super-fast drive scan time. Includes spyware protection. Minimal performance impact during gaming or movie playback. FREE 24/7 support for every customer through email/chat/phone. Norton Security Deluxe provides complete antivirus and malware protection. Total protection for a single device: a PC, Mac, Android or iOS smartphones or tablet. Detects and defends against Internet threats. Safeguards your identity and privacy. Helps protect your home network with a smart firewall. Easy-to-use Web portal to manage your devices. Norton Security Deluxe allows you to connect to the Internet with confidence on your device. With a single solution, you can secure up to 5 devices that you choose, whether that be a Windows PC, an Apple Mac, an Android or iOS tablet or smartphone. So, whether you are shopping on your tablet or paying your bills on your smartphone, Norton Security Deluxe provides multi-device online security to keep you safe against Internet threats. It can detect online attacks, and defend your PC and Mac against viruses, malware, data loss and identity theft. It also warns you of risky websites, unsafe Android apps and phishing scams. Norton Security Deluxe includes a 100% Virus Protection Promise from Symantec. This means from the time that your subscription starts, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus-free or they give you a refund.
Hotspot Shield是一种通用的Internet安全和隐私解决方案。除了保护您免受危险的在线威胁之外,它还可以保护您的隐私并允许您访问任何被阻止的网站和内容。 Hotspot Shield在您的设备与其Internet网关之间创建一个虚拟专用网络(VPN)。这种无法穿透的隧道可防止窥探者,黑客和ISP监视您的Web浏览活动,即时消息,下载,信用卡信息或您通过网络发送的任何其他内容。 特征: 取消阻止任何网站–在学校或单位不能访问YouTube或Facebook?通过使用Hotspot Shield VPN软件,您可以从任何地方取消阻止YouTube,取消阻止Facebook或取消阻止任何站点。 保护您的IP地址– VPN软件可保护您的IP地址,以便您享受私人浏览并防止黑客和垃圾邮件发送者监视您的在线活动。 匿名浏览Web –通过在计算机和Hotspot Shield服务器之间创建加密隧道,Hotspot Shield使您可以匿名浏览Web,而不会被跟踪或监视。 借助Hotspot Shield WiFi安全功能,保护自己不受WiFi热点,酒店,机场和公司办公室的窥探者和黑客的攻击。 保护您的Web会话–使用HTTPS加密保护您的数据,在线购物和在线个人信息的安全。 保护您的设备免受恶意软件攻击–最新版本的Hotspot Shield现在提供了完整的恶意软件防护!
IOTransfer 3 is a lightweight, yet powerful iOS transfer and management tool. It effectively helps iOS users to manage their content freely, either on a PC or an iOS device. This handy application has been designed for various iOS devices including iPhones, iPads or iPods. Essentially, with IOTransfer 3 you have an easy way to transfer data between your device and a Windows PC. The new and updated IOTransfer provides the easiest way to transfer vital iOS data and brings some new features such as a new GIF Maker and enhanced Video Converter and Contacts features. So, users will now be able to create standout GIFs within seconds, as well as import or export their Outlook and Google contacts in CSV format. Looking for an easy-to-use video converter? This will allow you to add files by dragging and dropping. Simply put, with IOTransfer 3 you have a straightforward and convenient way to freely import and export music, videos, photos, podcasts, books, and voice memos between your iOS devices and your PC. It's a really useful tool that can help to stop you running out of space on your device and assists in keeping your latest data backed up. Key Features include: New GIF Maker, creates animated GIF in seconds. Online Video Downloader. Transfer and backup your important data. Video Converter newly supports adding files by drag and drop Save your video and movies. Transfer photos between iPhone and PC. Contacts, newly supports importing/exporting Outlook and Google contacts in CSV format IOTransfer deletes iOS photos safely. Manage iPhone photos on IOTransfer 3. 1-click upload iPhone music. Manage iPhone apps on IOTransfer 3. Manage iBooks. Transfer voice memos. Manage iPhone videos. Advanced Phone Clean. IOTransfer 3 comes with a Smart iOS Cleaner tool that can be used to scan and clean the iOS system on a regular basis, in order to keep devices running fast. By running the clean function in IOTransfer 3 you can remove useless data in order to free up more precious space. It is important to transfer and backup your data on a regular basis because accidents do happen, and people tend to rely upon their mobile devices more and more. The risk of losing everything on your iOS device and realizing that you have never backed anything up can be gut-wrenching. Thankfully, in addition to transferring your music, photos and videos, IOTransfer 3 is also a handy tool to transfer apps, books, voice memos or other files from your iOS device to your PC safely. A stand out feature of IOTransfer 3 is the Video Downloader tool. This allows you to download online videos from popular video sites such as Youtube, Vimeo, and Instagram etc. Not only can you download them, but you can save them to your PC, or directly to your iOS device, and all in the best supported resolution. IOTransfer offers you an easy and fast iPhone photo transfer and management solution. All your photos in your albums can be exported to your PC and stored as backups. You can also import any photos you want from your PC onto your iOS device as well. IOTransfer AirTrans allows you to wirelessly transfer music, photos, videos and more, between iPhone, iPad and computer via WiFi. Simply convert videos to other audio or video formats like MP4, AVI, MKV, FLV, MP3 and more. Overall, IOTransfer 3 is a great iTunes alternative that in many respects, is easy to manage and not as cumbersome to use as Apple's alternative. The interface is simple to use and easy to navigate and the app has a relatively small footprint.
SoftPerfect WiFi Guard is an superb tool for securing your modern Wi-Fi network. It is safe to say that ‘most’ modern Wi-Fi networks are well protected, but there are some weaknesses, which can compromise your Wi-Fi password, including vulnerabilities in encryption and brute force attacks. This can result in someone gaining unauthorised access to your Internet connection and exploit your LAN. Key Features include: Pings computers and other network devices and displays data on connected devices. Detects firewalled computers that do not respond to ping. Scans your network at a specified intervals. Immediately alerts you if an unknown device is located. Having your Internet connection exploited may not be that big a deal to some, however, what about a hacker reading your personal emails, stealing private data or breaking the law online whilst using your Internet connection? This is where a WiFi guarding utility such as SoftPerfect WiFi Guard comes into play. The app will alert you if your network is used without your knowledge. It can be configured to scan your network at set intervals and informs you if there is any new, unknown or unrecognised connected devices that could be a hacker. Overall, SoftPerfect WiFi Guard is a great tool for the security conscious. It is lightweight, easy to use, has a simple interface (albeit dated looking) and it provides key data on connection devices to your WiFi network. The only downside we can see, is that it only notifies you about potential issues, but doesn't provide auto block features etc. You still have to do that manually. Apart from that SoftPerfect WiFi Guard is great security app.
Betternet是Windows专用的VPN,没有广告,也没有注册。 Betternet允许您匿名浏览Web,而不必担心被政府或ISP跟踪。您的IP将被更改,并且没有人可以跟踪您在Internet上的活动。 主要功能包括: 它是永远免费的。 它支持Windows 10、8.1、8、7。 无需信用卡。 无需注册或登录。 没有保存任何用户的日志。 简单的一键式连接。 它将您连接到最快的服务器。 Betternet使您可以访问所在国家/地区,学校或工作地点中整个被阻止的网站。您可以取消阻止Facebook,Twitter,Youtube和其他社交网络,并绕过政府的审查制度。 当您连接到公共wifi热点,蜂窝数据网络和其他公共场所时,Betternet可以保护设备的连接。 它就像免费代理一样工作,但更加安全。您的密码和个人数据受到保护,并且免受黑客攻击。 Betternet速度很快:它会自动检测您的位置并将您连接到最近的服务器;结果,您的连接将比其他提供商快得多。
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