编辑评论 · 2023年9月29日
- 标题
- 下载 Eassos Photo Recovery Windows
- 系统要求
- Windows 8.1
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Windows 8
- Windows 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 英语
- 许可证
- 试用版
- 最近更新
- 作者
- Eassos Ltd.
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- EPhotoSetup264444.exe
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Eassos Recovery Free
Eassos Recovery Free被其创建者描述为免费而强大的数据恢复软件,用于恢复分区和文件, Eassos Recovery Free可以从空的回收站中查找已删除的文件,恢复损坏的分区,否则无法使用。它还可以从格式化的RAW分区中恢复丢失的文件,并恢复看起来好像完全消失的分区。 至关重要的是,Eassos Recovery Free可以使用各种不同的文件格式,例如NTFS,FAT32,FAT16甚至exFAT分区。 如果这一切对您来说都不意味着什么,那就不要着急:Eassos Recovery Free还可以帮助您找到所有丢失的文档,照片,视频,音乐,电子邮件以及您无法访问但想要返回的任何其他文件。 它还可以与PC内的硬盘驱动器一起使用,还可以与外部驱动器和USB记忆棒等一起使用。从本质上讲,它可以从保存了某些内容的任何位置恢复数据。 它相对简单易用,易于下载和安装,并且界面简洁。 对于现在正感到惊慌并感觉自己被稻草紧紧抓住的那些人,深吸一口气,放松一下,然后再次呼吸。恐慌从来没有帮助任何人。现在该冷静思考。免费恢复可能会为您提供帮助。 Eassos Recovery Free具有完整的“恢复向导”,该向导具有逐步的过程,可以使恢复丢失的数据比您想象的更容易和更快。如果您不知道自己在做什么,向导将为您提供帮助。如果高级用户愿意的话,他们可以继续前进而无需向导的帮助。 主要特征: 恢复丢失的分区。 不雇用“专业人士”可以为您节省一小笔财富。 恢复由于硬盘驱动器重新分区或系统崩溃而导致的已删除或丢失的分区。 损坏的分区恢复:从损坏,RAW,无法访问,损坏或格式化的分区和驱动器中恢复丢失的文件。 从空的回收站中恢复文件。 从各种存储设备中恢复已删除,格式化和丢失的文件。 文件预览功能,使用户可以提前检查文件质量。 文件预览支持照片,图片,文档,视频和音频。 向导界面会逐步指导恢复过程;不需要专业技能。 Recovery Free在找到丢失的文件时会显示它们。 可以暂停并继续扫描。 全面的Eassos Recovery Free是一个不错的第一步,希望这是将丢失,损坏和损坏的文件保存到计算机上的唯一步骤。 不要惊慌
Eassos Disk Genius
Eassos Disk Genius Free提供了用于数据恢复,分区管理以及Windows备份和还原的多合一解决方案。 包含强大的数据恢复功能,可免费执行文件恢复和分区恢复。 此文件恢复工具能够从PC的硬盘驱动器,外部硬盘驱动器,SSD,USB闪存驱动器,存储卡,RAID,虚拟磁盘等恢复丢失,删除和格式化的文件和分区。它可以从未分配的磁盘空间或无法访问的文件中恢复文件具有原始文件名和路径的分区。此外,它还可以构建虚拟RAID并从虚拟RAID恢复数据,就像从本地磁盘一样。 磁盘实用程序的总体功能: 创建,删除,格式化,隐藏,调整大小,拆分,扩展和收缩分区。 将MBR分区表样式转换为GPT而不引起数据丢失,反之亦然。 永久删除文件以保护隐私和敏感数据。 验证并修复硬盘驱动器和其他设备的坏扇区。 备份分区和磁盘 Windows备份软件内置了强大的备份和还原功能,可确保数据安全,并且无需复杂的操作步骤即可执行此备份和还原操作。 您还可以通过完全备份和增量备份将单独的分区备份到映像文件。突出的功能是无需重新安装Windows即可将整个分区或硬盘驱动器克隆到另一个分区或硬盘驱动器的功能。您也可以克隆虚拟磁盘和分区以避免数据丢失。 寻找PartitionGuru?在这里下载
Stellar Photo Recovery Free
Pandora Recovery
Pandora Recovery是一个相对轻量但功能强大的免费数据恢复工具,它为您提供了一种有效的方法来尝试恢复永久删除的文件。 它能够恢复从回收站中删除,使用Shift + Delete键(绕过回收站)删除的文件,以及从DOS提示符下删除的文件。 Pandora Recovery允许您浏览,搜索,预览和恢复从NTFS和FAT卷删除的文件。它支持各种存储设备,例如硬盘驱动器,闪存驱动器和存储卡。 Pandora Recovery可以成功处理存档,隐藏,加密和压缩的文件,并可以恢复备用数据流(ADS)。 Pandora Recovery具有标准外观的界面,包括向导,提示和帮助。它使您可以浏览和搜索已删除文件的树,以帮助您查找丢失的数据。它使用一些非常强大的技术来做到这一点。具有扫描驱动器群集的能力,收获其MFT记录已被OS重用的文件已损坏甚至被重新创建。总体而言,Panda Recovery是在工具箱中提供的有用工具。这主要是由于此有用应用程序的易用性和功能。
Eassos Recovery
Eassos Recovery is effective hard drive recovery solution for file and partition recovery. It is able to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin, recover formatted and RAW partitions and restore lost partitions. Eassos Recovery supports recovering lost photos, documents, videos and audio from your PC, external drives, virtual disks, SD cards, and flash drives etc. It doesn’t matter if your files were corrupted, infected by a virus, or you accidentally deleted them, Eassos Recovery is top notch solution that is able to recover your ‘lost’ data. Key features include: Recover lost partitions. Supports over 200 formats. Wizard interface. Scanning process can pause and continue based on demands. Supports both MBR and GUID partition tables. Supports hard drives larger than 2TB. The great thing about Eassos Recovery is the simple, straightforward design. The interface is easy to navigate and the app comes with a wizard to guide you through the whole process. It is able to analyze a specific partition, in order to locate the data to be recovered. This is even the case if the partition is inaccessible or has been formatted by accident. Eassos Recovery lets you select whatever files you need to search for; documents, photos, music, videos, Internet files, archives, or e-mails. Although you can recover lost files, Eassos Recovery is also able to search for deleted partitions and attempt to repair them. The app can also try to recover individual files on disks, which were not partitioned properly. Overall, Eassos Recovery is a superb app that can recover lost or erased files quickly and easily. It supports partition recovery, even attempting to retrieve files if the drive cannot be accessed or has been deleted all together. It has clear options and guidance via the wizard, which makes it easy to navigate, even for novice users.
Photo Booth for Windows 7
Photo Booth for Windows 7 is a copy of the Photo Booth application that comes bundled with Mac OS X. This photo taking application allows taking pictures and applying effects like Thermal Camera, Mirror, X Ray, Light Tunnel, Kaleidoscope, Squeeze, Twirl, and Stretch. Photo Booth For Windows 7 is a portable application developed to provide Windows 7 users with a similar experience to Mac’s Photo Booth in that you can quickly take snaps and add effects to them. This application also provides additional effects and some very basic sharing options to upload pictures to social media. As this is a 3rd party developed application and has no affiliation with either Apple or Microsoft, unfortunately the standard is quite low . On the up side there are a few additional effects such as additional mirrors that are not available in the Apple Photo Booth application. Key features include: More than 12 special effects for your webcam. No installation required. Works with all webcams. Lets you share photos on Facebook and Twitter. Once good thing about Photo Booth for Windows 7 is that it doesn’t require installation and is simple to set up. The only requirements are Adobe Flash Player and a webcam. Although Photo Booth for Windows 7 lacks some features found in the original Apple program, it is still not too bad for a free application.
DiskGenius Free
PartitionGuru Free提供了用于数据恢复,分区管理以及Windows备份和还原的多合一解决方案。 PartitionGuru Free是一款功能强大的数据恢复应用程序,支持文件恢复和分区恢复。它也是一个方便的分区管理器,可以创建,格式化,调整大小,拆分,隐藏,备份和克隆分区,复制磁盘和备份系统等。您可以从硬盘驱动器,可移动驱动器中恢复已删除,格式化,丢失的文件和分区。 ,RAID和虚拟磁盘。 主要功能包括: 分区恢复。 RAID恢复。 编辑部门数据。 分区管理。 备份还原。 修复不良轨道。 永久删除文件。 DOS支持。 PartitionGuru Free在标准界面中包含了一些不错的功能。具有文件恢复等功能,可以恢复从回收站中删除或清空的文件,还具有从损坏的分区或磁盘中恢复文件的功能。它没有一些有用的工具。该应用程序还能够按文件类型恢复文件,并支持文件预览和文件过滤器。 总体而言,PartitionGuru Free是一款可靠且用途广泛的分区管理器,易于使用,是通过不同模式克隆和备份分区或磁盘的强大实用程序,可以更好地保护您的数据安全。
Stellar Repair for Photo
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
HP Cloud Recovery Tool
一个免费的程序,适用于Windows,由HP Inc.提供。
Paint.NET is free image and photo manipulation application for the Windows platform. Every feature of Paint.NET, including the user interface, was designed to be immediately intuitive and easy to learn without assistance. Key Features Include: Special effects tools include: blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise and embossing. 3D Rotate/Zoom effects make it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Image manipulation tools include: brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia. In order to navigate multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. Paint.NET uses a layers system to form the basis for rich image composition. Layers are likened to a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form an image.
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