一个适用于 Windows 的试用版本程序,由 bitrecover-software 提供。
数据恢复软件向导适用于Windows ME或更高版本。该应用程序的当前版本为3.2,您只能以英语运行它。
编辑评论 · 2023年9月14日
数据恢复软件向导适用于Windows ME或更高版本。该应用程序的当前版本为3.2,您只能以英语运行它。
目前 Data Recovery Software Wizard 的 3.2 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
如果您有任何更新日志信息,希望与我们分享,我们非常乐意倾听!发送至 联系页面 联系我们吧。
iCare 数据恢复免费
iMyFone Umate Pro is a complete solution for saving space and protecting your privacy with your iOS device. With iMyFone Umate Pro you can clean all iOS files, including photos, videos, private data, iMessages, and more! You can even erase any sort of data; even previously deleted information, thereby making it unrecoverable. Erasing your data on an iOS device is imperative if you are to sell on your old handset on an auction site or online marketplace. Have you ever sold an old iPhone on eBay? Your apps, photos and even Google searches on your phone can still be recovered - even if you performed a factory reset! Factory resets are simply not enough to remove your data but using a professional data destroyer ensures that your information is safe, regardless of whose hands it falls into. Many people are not aware of the organized crime elements who target used electronics for personal information. With iMyFone Umate Pro you can permanently erase previously deleted files. This ensures that the files you have already deleted are gone for good. Permanently. This option allows you to can see what data still remains on the device and be sure that the files you previously deleted are no longer accessible or recoverable even with the latest software. Erase All Data Permanently, with 0% Recoverability iMyFone Umate Pro helps you erase all your data stored on iPhone, iPod or iPad within several clicks, and makes it unrecoverable by any recovery tool. Not only can iMyFone Umate Pro ensure your data remains safe, it can also free up iPhone storage as well. The junk file cleaner, lossless photo compression and third party app uninstallation coupled with large file management tools all make sure that your iOS device runs as smooth as the day you bought it.
适用于Windows PC的高效SIM卡数据恢复工具
DMDE - DM磁盘编辑器和数据恢复
笔式驱动器数据恢复软件 - 了解如何在几秒钟内轻松恢复文件格式化
使用 BLR 工具进行高效数据恢复
Wondershare Data Recovery是一个安全有效的数据恢复应用程序,可以帮助您从PC硬盘驱动器以及外部硬盘驱动器或USB驱动器中检索丢失的视频,照片,音乐,文档和电子邮件等。您还可以从数码相机,iPods或MP3 / MP4播放器,移动电话和其他存储设备等移动设备中恢复数据。 主要功能包括: 支持从FAT16,FAT32,exFAT和NTFS文件系统卷恢复。 支持多种存储介质类型。 恢复丢失的照片,音乐,视频,文档,电子邮件文件和档案。 易于使用的界面。 向导模式恢复允许您通过回答安全性问题来恢复丢失的文件。 Wondershare Data Recovery是一个有用的应用程序,支持许多不同的文件格式。因此,如果您需要恢复视频文件的帮助,那么Wondershare Data Recovery可以帮助您。支持的视频格式包括:AVI,MOV,MP4,M4V,3GP,3G2,WMV,ASF,FLV,SWF,MPG和RM / RMVB。如果您的问题出在音频文件上,那么Wondershare Data Recovery再次提供对AIF / AIFF,M4A,MP3,WAV,WMA,MID / MIDI,OGG和AAC文件的支持。 总体而言,Wondershare Data Recovery是一个复杂的数据恢复解决方案,它包装在标准界面中。从新手到专家,都可以通过所有级别的用户体验进行导航。您可以按文件名,日期和大小过滤搜索,以快速找到文件,该应用程序支持从音频,视频和图像到文档,电子邮件和备份文件的所有类型的不同文件的恢复。您甚至可以检索损坏或丢失的驱动器分区!因此,无论您丢失了哪种类型的数据,以及无论在何种设备上存储了数据,Wondershare Data Recovery都能使您重回正轨。 请注意,试用版将仅允许您恢复100 MB的数据。 寻找Mac版的Wondershare Data Recovery吗?在这里下载
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