- 标题
- 下载 Clone Files Checker 2.0 Windows
- 系统要求
- Windows 8.1
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows XP
- Windows 8
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 英语
- 许可证
- 试用版
- 最近更新
- 作者
- SORCIM Technologies
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- cfchecker_setup.exe
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Free Clone Stamp Tool
Bandizip is an all-in-one Zip Archiver. It can handle most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar. It is both lightweight and lightning fast, utilizing a rapid Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with fast drag and drop functions, high speed archiving, and multi-core compression. Key features include: Support for Unicode to display international characters. Bypass files that don't compress well using the "High Speed Archiving" function. Extract files to the destination folder directly using the fast drag & drop function. Create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives. Optional archive encryption using ZipCrypto and AES 256. Context Menu access including the preview archive function. Create or extract multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer. Bandizip supports ZipCrypto and AES 256 encryption algorithms for higher security. It also has support for split compression to certain sizes, such as 10MB or 700MB. Besides Windows standard split compression formats such as zip, z01, and z02, it securely supports ALZ, EGG (alz, a01, a02, and vol1.egg, vol2.egg, 7Z(7z.001, 7z.002, and RAR (part1.rar). Bandizip is lightweight, has numerous support features and utilizes super quick Zip algorithms for compression and expansion. If you want to change your current Zip utility then Bandizip is a great tool to try.
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place. Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment. More of the Music You Love - Breathe new life into your digital music experience. All Your Entertainment in One Place - Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Enjoy Everywhere - Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are.
Microsoft PID Checker
免费的 Microsoft 产品密钥验证器
Moleskinsoft Clone Remover
Hasleo Disk Clone
免费的 Windows 迁移克隆软件
WinRAR 32-bit
WinRAR 是一个压缩实用程序,它完全支持 RAR 和 ZIP 文件并能够解压缩 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO、7Z、Z 格式的文件。它一贯比竞争对手更好地压缩,节省磁盘空间和传输成本。WinRAR 提供使用鼠标和菜单以及命令行接口的图形交互界面。相比许多其他归档压缩软件,WinRAR 包含的特殊的“向导”模式,通过一个简单的问答程序就可以让您即时使用了基本的存档压缩功能,简单易用。WinRAR 为您提供使用 AES (高级加密标准)的 128 位密钥的行业存档加密技术。它支持的文件和压缩包大小达 85.890 亿千兆字节。它还提供创建自动解压和多卷压缩包的功能。使用恢复记录和恢复卷,您甚至能重建物理受损的压缩文件。
Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage solution in response to Dropbox and other similar online services. The OneDrive application integrates with your desktop and functions like any other folder on your PC or Mac. Files copied or moved to OneDrive folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud space. Windows users also have the possibility to access, browse and stream documents, photos, videos and other files from a remote computer that is running the OneDrive software. Documents can be shared and collaboratively worked on with others using the service. Microsoft provides several gigabyte of free storage for existing and new OneDrive users.
Macrium Reflect
A complete disaster recovery solution for your home and office. Protect your personal documents, photos, music and emails. Upgrade your hard disk or try new operating systems in the safe knowledge that everything is securely saved in an easily recovered backup file. Don't compromise your data integrity with second best Macrium Reflect uses leading data compression techniques to create accurate and reliable images of your hard disk or partitions on your disk. Simple step by step operation Image and Restore using intuitive wizards and interfaces. Macrium Reflect integrates fully with Windows Explorer, a partition image can be created with a simple right click. Automate the process With Macrium Reflect you can schedule Images to run at any time. Disk space management ensures that you optimize the available space on external drives. Restore individual files and folders Create a 'Virtual' drive in Windows Explorer and recover selected files and directories using simple copy and paste operations. Recovery In the event of a total loss of the Windows operating system your PC can be started using the Reflect recovery CD. Please note that beginning with version 5.2.6544 we are providing the Macrium Installer, which will automatically download the correct version for your PC. It will also download any necessary Windows components for you. You can get more information about this installer on the Macrium knowledge base.
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP Scanner is a network scanner that has been designed to be fast and simple to use. It scans IP addresses and ports and is cross-platform and Open Source. Angry IP Scanner can scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports. It is lightweight and doesn't require any installation. The application works by simply pinging each IP address to check if it’s alive, then optionally it resolves its host name, determines the MAC address, and scans ports. Plugin support also allows for the amount of gathered data about each host to be extended. Key supported features include: NetBIOS information. Favorite IP address ranges. Web server detection. Customizable openers. In order to increase scanning speed, the application uses a multi-threaded approach: a separate scanning thread is created for each scanned IP address. Scanning results can be saved to CSV, TXT, XML or IP-Port list files.
Huawei HiSuite
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UPX:Windows 的压缩和解压工具
OMEN Gaming Hub
OMEN 游戏中心:一款设计精美的强大游戏电脑
Microsoft Sticky Notes
使用 Microsoft Sticky Notes 高效记笔记
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VSPM-Virtual Serial Port
Puran File Recovery
Microsoft PowerToys