Christopher C
Mostly pointless puzzles combined with a poorly animated short story that requires all other viewers of a daily live stream to VOTE on the outcome of that show. This is the game. It is rather straightforward and one dimensional, which is disappointing considering the many different ways this "game" could have been made. The game is simply a co-op viewership with low quality effects, like a mid 90's video game, at best quality graphics (on a gaming phone). The story isn't very good either.
63 people found this review helpful
Genvid Entertainment LLC
November 14, 2023
We understand that there may be some aspects of the app you don't like. Please let us know how we can enhance your experience with us. We'd be delighted to work on it.

Haz Ardman
This isn't even really a game. It's a service that offers very little outside of what could have been done with such an idea. The attempt to be free and monetize on the backend entirely compromised the presentation of the product, with no added value This could have been a budget cinematic adventure title and would have been better off for it. The promise, the premise, and the brand were all squandered over poor planning and execution. Goosebumps did this concept better with 120 pages.
99 people found this review helpful
Genvid Entertainment LLC
November 14, 2023
Thank you for your feedback. This interactive series never aimed to be a game, but something entirely new and different. We'd love to hear how we can make this experience better for you.

Samwise Gamgee
I was excited to see a new Silent Hill game, but this is more like an audience participation story. It's a neat concept, but the execution is meh. Everyday you watch a few short clips to progress the story, and then play mini games for Influencer Points (IP). The IP is used to vote for decisions that affect the story route. It's kind of cool to see choices have impact, but the mini games are pretty hit or miss, some of them being not fun or unplayable due to glitches. At least the story is good.
41 people found this review helpful
Genvid Entertainment LLC
November 13, 2023
We appreciate your detailed feedback. Please feel free to share details about what improvements you'd like to see so that this experience can meet your expectations. We are working tirelessly around the clock to make this community-driven experience enjoyable for all who participate