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Recensione dell'editor · 23 settembre 2024

Semplice Orologio e Timer per Mac

If you're looking for an unobtrusive alarm clock and reminder for your Mac, Pester should probably do the job. The application, presented in an elegant and clear interface, allows you to set timely reminders and multiple alarms. Enter your reminder message, if you want it to repeat and when it pops up. You can choose what sound will play to alert you, even choosing a voice to speak the message to you.

Pester literally takes seconds to set up and once ready will not "pester" you until your reminder pops up on the screen. Pester is clean, efficient, and uses up very little memory. The only little issue we had with it is that it doesn't show missed reminders. It does include a countdown to your next reminders though, which you can view by opening up the application. A tiny yet effective tool, Pester will allow you to set up alarms and reminders in seconds.

Immagine ingrandita per Pester
Pester 0/1

Specifiche tecniche

Pester 5.6.1 per Mac
Mac OS X
Lingue disponibili
Ultimo aggiornamento
Nicholas Riley
Nome file

Programma disponibile in altre lingue


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