Alphadia I & II pour Windows


Exe Create Inc.(Payant)

Note des utilisateurs8

Captivant Fantasy RPG: Alphadia I & II

Alphadia I & II is a merged edition of two epic Japanese role-playing games set in a reimagined world with updated graphics. The game introduces players to a narrative revolving around the mystical power of 'energi' across two distinct timelines. Alphadia I follows a world recovering from the Energi War, while Alphadia II, set two centuries later, confronts a new crisis as the world's life energy faces depletion.

Unravel mysteries spanning two centuries as you navigate through challenging storylines and engaging gameplay. The merged edition intertwines the stories of both titles, enhancing the overall experience with dynamic choices and nostalgic appeal. However, newcomers might find it overwhelming to grasp the full depth of the intertwined narratives.


Alphadia I & II,varies-with-devices pour Windows
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 11
Langues disponibles
  • Anglais,
  • Japonais
Date ajoutée:
Friday, February 23rd 2024
Exe Create Inc.

Alphadia I & II pour PC


Exe Create Inc.(Payant)

Note des utilisateurs8


Nous n'avons pas encore d'informations sur le changelog pour cette version varies-with-devices de Alphadia I & II. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l'information à jour d'ici quelques jours.

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