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Critique de l'éditeur · 20 décembre 2024

USB Network Gate enables you to share any USB device among multiple computers, perfect if you need to print, scan or fax from any computer. There is the option to add a password so that you can control remote access too.

As well as sharing USB peripherals, USB Network Gate also allows you to connect a USB device to virtual machine software or blade servers. This is a great feature because it means you can quickly and easily access your USB devices from a remote virtual desktop. It's compatible with VMware, VMware ESX, Citrix XenDesktop and Microsoft Hyper-V.

USB Network Gate is the ideal choice if you need to share a USB device in the office. Rather than changing existing network configurations, you can simply share an USB printer, scanner or other device on a single PC and then it can be accessed wirelessly from other desktops or laptops in the office.

USB Network Gate is probably more suited to a business environment, ideal if you are a network administrator. The interface lacks a little luster but that probably won't matter to a network pro.

For a full list of supported devices see here.

Image agrandie pour USB Network Gate
USB Network Gate 0/1

Caractéristiques techniques

USB Network Gate 11 pour Windows
Configuration requise
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2003
Langues disponibles
Version d'essai
Dernière mise à jour
Eltima Software
Nom de fichier

Programme disponible dans d’autres langues


Nous n’avons pas encore d’informations sur le changelog pour cette version 11 de USB Network Gate. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l’information à jour d’ici quelques jours.

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