Random Factor Mahjong pour Mac


Shoecake games(Version d'essai)

Note des utilisateurs8

Random Factor Mahjong : Mahjong avec une touche

There's definitely a lack of decent Mahjong games on Mac and although Random Factor Mahjong looks promising, it's not quite what true Mahjong fans might expect. Random Factor Mahjong is based on the traditional Mahjong format but features an interesting "Puzzles and Levels" system. Random Factor Mahjong also uses a unique random board generator that produces new and interesting boards every time you play. This means that there are literally millions of different layouts and possibilities so you won't get bored in a hurry.

You start the game with a simple 32 tile board and 3 lives. If you complete a board, you move on to a bigger one. If you fail however, the tiles spring back into place and you lose a life. The easy level features 8 levels with 144 tiles on the final board while the hard level, which is deactivated in this demo, has a mind-boggling 172 tile board.

However, the increasing size of the boards makes the game almost unplayable at times and perhaps most importantly, it feels more like a giant solitaire game than an authentic take on the Mahjong game. Random Factor Mahjong might appeal if you're really desperate for a new twist on the genre, but die-hard Mahjong fans may be disappointed.


Random Factor Mahjong,2.0.8 pour Mac
  • Mac OS X
Version d'essai
Date ajoutée:
Tuesday, November 28th 2023
Shoecake games



Random Factor Mahjong pour Mac


Shoecake games(Version d'essai)

Note des utilisateurs8


Nous n'avons pas encore d'informations sur le changelog pour cette version 2.0.8 de Random Factor Mahjong. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l'information à jour d'ici quelques jours.

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