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Critique de l'éditeur · 22 février 2024

Eerie Indie Horror RPG: Joy and Me

"Joy and Me" is an indie horror RPG game that delves into a web of terror with eerie paranormal events. Developed by wistarck, this premium horror game explores haunting tales of individuals cursed by sinister dolls, each story unraveling the dolls' origins, dark dreams they spawn, and looming malevolence. Inspired by allegedly true incidents, the game presents an ominously engaging narrative that begins with a harrowing murder, enveloping players in emotional turmoil and a sense of dread, hinting at unseen presences lurking in the shadows.

Intrigue and terror intertwine as players encounter Miksi, a mysterious doll with ambiguous intentions, urging players to stay within the confines of their room. "Joy and Me" captivates with visual artistry, a foreboding soundtrack, and English subtitles for accessibility. For horror genre enthusiasts, the game offers a psychologically profound and immersive experience, featuring an interactive storyline that is both mystifying and macabre.

Image agrandie pour Joy and Me
Joy and Me 0/1

Caractéristiques techniques

Joy and Me demo pour Windows
Configuration requise
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 7
Langues disponibles
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Nom de fichier

Programme disponible dans d’autres langues


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