Caractéristiques techniques
- Titre
- Free Download Manager 6.25.2 pour Windows
- Configuration requise
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Langue
- Français
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- Arabe
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- Grec
- Anglais
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- Français
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- Auteur
- SHA-1
- Nom de fichier
- Free_Download_Manager_V6.25.2.exe
Programme disponible dans d’autres langues
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Programmes associés
Free Download Manager 32-bit
Allez plus vite avec ce gestionnaire de téléchargement gratuit
Free Download Manager 64-bit
Gestionnaire de téléchargement gratuit ? C'est un accélérateur et un gestionnaire de téléchargement puissant, facile à utiliser et absolument gratuit. De plus, FDM est un logiciel à source ouverte 100% sûr, distribué sous licence GPL. FDM offre ces fonctionnalités : Soutien à BitTorrent Gestionnaire de téléchargement Téléchargement de vidéos Flash Mode portable (clé USB) Prévisualisation et conversion de fichiers audio/vidéo Accélération du téléchargement Reprendre les téléchargements interrompus Gestion intelligente des fichiers et programmateur puissant Adapter l'utilisation du trafic HTML Spider : Téléchargez des pages web entières ou même des sites web entiers avec HTML Spider. Téléchargement simultané à partir de plusieurs miroirs Téléchargement partiel des fichiers Zip Protection active contre les logiciels espions et les logiciels publicitaires grâce à une communication active entre les utilisateurs Soutien multilingue Et beaucoup d'autres fonctionnalités !
Free Download Manager
Gestionnaire de téléchargement gratuit : Logiciel gratuit pour télécharger et convertir des fichiers.
IObit Uninstaller
IObit Uninstaller is an effective system utility, which provides a rapid way to uninstall Windows apps, browser toolbars, bundleware and plug-ins. It comes with a powerful scan function and and a Force Uninstall tool, which both help to easily and completely remove stubborn apps and useless leftovers, to free up extra disk space. It removes malicious browser plugins, toolbars, and injected programs to give you secure and smooth online surfing experience. With cutting edge technology and expanded database, IObit Uninstaller can help you uninstall apps completely and safely. It also comes with useful tools that can monitor malicious browser plug-ins in real time. This ensures a faster browsing speed and a more secure online environment. IObit Uninstaller can also uninstall default Windows 10 apps. Key Features: Standard and Advanced Uninstall tools. Force Uninstall tool. Batch Uninstall function. Log Manager. Cleanup Residual. Startup Manager. Process Monitor. The utility features some additional Windows tools including autostart, and task managers that let you remove apps from the Windows autorun launch. It can also terminate currently running processes. Furthermore, the integrated cleanup utility has been designed to locate and remove invalid shortcuts, Windows patch cache, and useless downloads from the default download folders in various web browsers and download managers. With the advent of IObit Uninstaller version 7, the suite also pays high attention to bundleware and bundled plug-ins removal, by monitoring program installation in real time, it enables users to detect and remove installed bundleware and bundled plug-ins easily and completely. With newly added Software Updater, it is also simple and easy to keep your important programs always up to date. What's more, thanks to the enhanced scan engine and Force Uninstall feature, all leftovers can be removed thoroughly from your computer just like they were never installed in your PC. Overall, IObit Uninstaller is a superb utility for a freeware app. It has some really good pro options wrapped in an attractive, well structured and highly intuitive interface. Running processes takes hardly any CPU and RAM consumption and the app is relatively lightweight.
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Téléchargements gratuits d'Instagram - Un tutoriel complet sur l'installation de l'application
Code::Blocks for Mac is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE that has a custom build system and optional Make support. The application has been designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Code::Blocks is an IDE packed full of all the features you will need. It has a consistent look, feel and operation across its supported platforms. It has been built around a plugin framework, therefore Code::Blocks can be extended with plugins. Support for any kind of functionality can be added by installing/coding a plugin. Key features include: Written in C++. No interpreted languages or proprietary libs needed.. Full plugin support. Multiple compiler support: GCC (MingW / GNU GCC), MSVC++, clang, Digital Mars, Borland C++ 5.5, and Open Watcom etc. Support for parallel builds. Imports Dev-C++ projects. Debugger with full breakpoints support. Cross-platform. Code::Blocks' interface is both customizable and extensible with Syntax highlighting, a tabbed interface, Class Browser, a to-do list manager with different users, and many more features that are provided through plugins. Looking for the Mac version of Code::Blocks? Download Here
Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
Un logiciel pour faciliter l'installation de Windows
Neat Download Manager
Neat Download Manager - Des moyens rapides et faciles pour obtenir des fichiers de téléchargement de qualité
Krita 64-bit
Krita is an Open Source painting tool that has been designed for illustrators, concept artists, the VFX industry, and matte and texture artists. Krita has numerous innovative features to help the amateur and professionals alike. Key Tools include: Brush engines. Brush stabilizers. Pop-up palette. Wrap-around mode. Resource manager. Drawing assistants. Layer management. Layer masks. OpenGL enhanced. Full color management. PSD support. HDR support. Transform tools. Training resources. Color palette. For artists, using Krita is a joy. The interface is very intuitive and highly customizable. The various panels and dockers an be moved and modified to suit your own workflow. As soon as you have your setup in place, you are able to save it as your personal workspace. If you use specific tools regularly, then you are also able to create your own shortcuts for more commonly used tools. Overall, Krita is one of those gems that you rarely come across. The array of tools is first class for a free product, as is the design and interface. It is easy to use and can be navigated by all users, regardless of their expertise. With support for Photoshop files and the ability to open, save, edit and author HDR images, Krita stands out from the crowd in the painting tool market. Looking for the Mac version of Krita? Download Here
EA Download Manager
EA Download Manager (formerly EA Link or EA Downloader) is an application that enables you to download games and related content directly to your computer. This application also provides one location for you to manage and organize your EA digital content. EA Download Manager is simple to use. You can download and install this small application in a matter of minutes. EA Download Manager was replaced by Origin.
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UC Browser
UC Browser is a fresh looking, Chromium-based browser, that comes packed with all the benefits of Chrome, but it also has some unique features to make your experience on the Internet both easy and fun. For a long time UC Browser has been a top choice for the discerning Android user, due to its speed and reliability, but now the field has opened up into the Windows market and UC Browser doesn't disappoint. Key Features include: Speed Boost: Accelerated page loading and file downloading Video Grabber: Download online video with 1-click Pop-out video: Watch video in a separate window while browsing Built-in Ad Block: Stay away from unwanted ads by enabling UC Ad Block Mouse Gesture: Smoother-than-ever mouse gesture making the browsing easy The interface is sleek and easy to use, without any of the navigation and toolbar buttons getting in the way of your browsing experience. However, it is the stand-out features that really make UC Browser a game changer for many users. For instance, the Video/MP3 Grabber is a highly useful tool that lets you download any MP3 or online video with a single click. You can also choose the video quality of your grab as well. In addition to the productive tools, there are other useful things you will find handy, such as the night mode, smart file manager and cloud sync...together with the fresh look and simple user interface, these make UC Browser an interesting choice for those of users who are in the market for a change. For a more in-depth analysis read our full program review..
Ninja Download Manager
Download Ninja est un gestionnaire et un accélérateur de téléchargement sur Internet, qui peut augmenter les vitesses de téléchargement de manière significative. La demande peut également vous permettre de reprendre et de redémarrer une activité interrompue ou arrêtée précédemment téléchargements. Download Ninja fonctionne en accélérant vos téléchargements en divisant chacun des fichiers en plus petits, plus des morceaux gérables. Ils sont ensuite téléchargés en utilisant une connexion différente au serveur, ce qui permet d'obtenir un résultat plus un téléchargement fiable et plus rapide. Download Ninja a une interface utilisateur propre et fraîche, qui est intuitive et facile à naviguer. Votre Les fils sont détectés manuellement ou automatiquement, selon votre choix. Ensuite, il suffit de sélectionner le le dossier cible et le nom du fichier de sortie, et c'est tout. Download Ninja a également la possibilité de supprimer et de déchiqueter tous les paquets que vous avez déjà téléchargés et que vous n'avez pas besoin plus long. Le processus de déchiquetage est minutieux et vous pouvez choisir d'écraser toutes les données téléchargées ou seulement le paquet sélectionné avec des données aléatoires, et vous pouvez choisir le nombre de passages de broyage que vous souhaitez. Dans l'ensemble, Download Ninja est une application soignée qui présente quelques bonnes caractéristiques. L'interface est facile à utiliser et la demande est assez légère. Si vous téléchargez beaucoup de médias sur Internet, alors téléchargez Ninja peut s'avérer utile ?
Dernière mise à jour
Free Download Manager
Gestionnaire de téléchargement gratuit : Logiciel gratuit pour télécharger et convertir des fichiers.
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