Flashback Checker pour Mac

Juan Leon(Gratuit)

Note des utilisateurs8

Check if your Mac is infected by the Flashback Trojan

If you're worried that you've been infected by the Flashback Trojan, the simple app Flashback Checker by independent developer Juan Leon checks for you. If you don't feel comfortable using Terminal, just install Flashback Checker and click "Check for Flashback Infection". The app runs a simple script which will confirm whether you are infected or not. Note that it does not remove the Trojan. To ensure full removal, you must follow F-Secure's removal instructions which does require use of Terminal. Remember that if you get the all clear, you must run Software Update on your Mac to ensure that the Java vulnerability is patched. If you're unsure, download the latest patched version of Java for Lion. Flashback Checker is a simple way to check for the Flashback Trojan without having to use Terminal.


Flashback Checker, pour Mac
  • Mac OS X
Date ajoutée:
Monday, November 27th 2023
Juan Leon

Flashback Checker pour Mac

Juan Leon(Gratuit)

Note des utilisateurs8


Nous n'avons pas encore d'informations sur le changelog pour cette version de Flashback Checker. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l'information à jour d'ici quelques jours.

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