Caractéristiques techniques
- Titre
- Ninja Download Manager 46 pour Windows
- Configuration requise
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 10
- Windows 2000
- Windows 2003
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Langue
- Français
- Langues disponibles
- Allemand
- Anglais
- Espagnol
- Français
- Italien
- Japonais
- Polonais
- Chinois
- Licence
- Gratuit
- Dernière mise à jour
- Auteur
- Websecure Ltd.
- SHA-1
- Nom de fichier
- ndm_46.exe
Programme disponible dans d’autres langues
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UC Browser is a fresh looking, Chromium-based browser, that comes packed with all the benefits of Chrome, but it also has some unique features to make your experience on the Internet both easy and fun. For a long time UC Browser has been a top choice for the discerning Android user, due to its speed and reliability, but now the field has opened up into the Windows market and UC Browser doesn't disappoint. Key Features include: Speed Boost: Accelerated page loading and file downloading Video Grabber: Download online video with 1-click Pop-out video: Watch video in a separate window while browsing Built-in Ad Block: Stay away from unwanted ads by enabling UC Ad Block Mouse Gesture: Smoother-than-ever mouse gesture making the browsing easy The interface is sleek and easy to use, without any of the navigation and toolbar buttons getting in the way of your browsing experience. However, it is the stand-out features that really make UC Browser a game changer for many users. For instance, the Video/MP3 Grabber is a highly useful tool that lets you download any MP3 or online video with a single click. You can also choose the video quality of your grab as well. In addition to the productive tools, there are other useful things you will find handy, such as the night mode, smart file manager and cloud sync...together with the fresh look and simple user interface, these make UC Browser an interesting choice for those of users who are in the market for a change. For a more in-depth analysis read our full program review..
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Dernière mise à jour
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