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Critique de l'éditeur · 7 juin 2024

48 lois du pouvoir en hindi - Résumé et analyse

48 Laws of Power Hindi is an Android application that provides a summary and analysis of the book "48 Laws of Power" by Robert Green. The app is developed by Holy Words and is available to download for free. The book summarizes the laws that most powerful people have used to gain and maintain their power throughout history. Although the examples in the book may be old, the Laws of Power are still effective today. Robert Green explains how politicians and powerful people use these laws to control others and stay in power.

The app provides a convenient way to access the key takeaways of the book. Users can easily navigate through the summary and analysis of each chapter. Additionally, the app is available in Hindi, making it accessible to a wider audience. Overall, 48 Laws of Power Hindi is a useful tool for anyone interested in self-improvement and understanding the dynamics of power.

Image agrandie pour 48 Laws of Power Hindi
48 Laws of Power Hindi 0/1

Caractéristiques techniques

48 Laws of Power Hindi 1.1 pour Android
Configuration requise
Android 9.0
Langues disponibles
Dernière mise à jour
Holy Words
Nom de fichier

Programme disponible dans d’autres langues


Nous n’avons pas encore d’informations sur le changelog pour cette version 1.1 de 48 Laws of Power Hindi. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l’information à jour d’ici quelques jours.

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