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Reseña del editor · 28 de noviembre de 2023

Potente centro multimedia para Mac o Apple TV

XBMC is an excellent free open-source media center that has been labeled as a "High Definition Hub" for all kinds of media. It is a powerful media center that allows you to view photos, videos, and listen to music. XBMC has a highly "skinnable" interface, meaning that it can look radically different based on which skin is used. It comes with the Confluence skin by default, but there are many other free skins available that can completely change the look and feel of the media center.

XBMC functions very well as a standard media player, but it truly shines when used as a complete home hub for your entertainment needs. It supports a huge range of remote controls and keyboard shortcuts, making it feel like a real entertainment center. You can use XBMC as a standalone player or stream videos over a network. It supports playing CDs and DVDs directly from the disk or image file, most popular video formats on your hard drive, and even files inside ZIP and RAR archives.

One of the standout features of XBMC is its ability to automatically scan all of your media and create a personalized library complete with box covers, descriptions, and fan art. It also offers playlist and slideshow functions, a weather forecast feature, and many audio visualizations.

Overall, XBMC is a fantastic media center that offers a lot of flexibility and customization options. However, it does take some time to customize it for Macs. If you're looking for a media center that is easy to use and supported by a large community of enthusiastic users, XBMC is a great choice.

Imagen ampliada para XBMC
XBMC 0/1

Especificaciones técnicas

XBMC 13.0 para Mac
Mac OS X
Idiomas disponibles
  • Árabe
  • Checo
  • Danés
  • Alemán
  • Griego
  • Inglés
  • Español
  • Finlandés
  • Francés
  • Italiano
  • Japonés
  • Coreano
  • Neerlandés
  • Noruego
  • Polaco
  • Portugués
  • Ruso
  • Sueco
  • Turco
  • Chino
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