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Reseña del editor · 27 de noviembre de 2023

Acceso conveniente a tu libreta de direcciones con Libreta de direcciones rápida

Fast Address Book is a free tool that adds a symbol to your status bar, providing convenient access to your already-installed address book. With just a click or a hotkey, a quick version of your address book appears on your home screen. This is a great convenience for frequent address book users who want to avoid the wait time of loading up their pre-installed address book.

Fast Address Book allows you to scroll through the drop-down menu to find an entry in your address book or use the search function to narrow down your search. However, there are some bugs that can be frustrating. For example, when searching for a name like "Sara," it brings up all names with "Sara" in them, including variations like "Sarah" and "Sarabella." Additionally, the search function is not optimized, and after the first ten results, the search slows down. There are also instances where the address doesn't appear when using the image view.

Despite these issues, Fast Address Book offers some useful features. The icon on the home screen provides easy access to your address book, and you can view photos of the people in your contacts. The tool utilizes the existing address book information on your computer and offers both picture view and list view options.

Overall, Fast Address Book is a convenient tool, but it could benefit from improvements in search functionality and bug fixes. A tutorial for hotkeys would also be helpful for users.

Imagen ampliada para Fast Address Book
Fast Address Book 0/1

Especificaciones técnicas

Fast Address Book 1.2 para Mac
Mac OS (68k/PPC)
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