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Google (GRATIS)
Xodo PDF Reader Editor
Cómo descargar e instalar el Xodo PDF Reader
ProtonMail: Servicio de correo electrónico gratuito con cifrado de extremo a extremo.
Microsoft Power BI
Aplicación gratuita de control de datos empresariales
Obsidian: Tu Asistente Personal de Base de Conocimiento
Microsoft Word: Write Edit Share Docs on the Go
Microsoft (versión completa)
FarmLogs - La aplicación de gestión agrícola que necesitas.
All Document Viewer:Pdf Reader
Todos los Document Viewer: Pdf Reader - Una aplicación conveniente para ver todo tipo de documentos en Android.
hiveDisk: Green Cloud Storage
Una aplicación gratuita para Android, de Hive Computing Services SA.
Zapia - Personal AI for LATAM
Zapia - Asistente de IA personal para LATAM Reseña
PDFHeicTiffSVGPhotoText viewerJPG converter
Visor de archivos PDFHeicTiffSVGPhotoTextConvertidor de JPG
FX File Explorer
Un programa gratuito para Android, de NextAPP.
Últimas noticias de software
February 15 Tech News Roundup: TikTok is back in the U.S., Apple TV+ launches for Android, iPhone SE 4 could be revealed soon
February 8 Tech news Roundup: ChatGPT Search and Deep Research are ready to rock the internet, Google Gemini 2.0 is here, Malicious mobile apps can use OCR to steal data
February 1 Tech news roundup: DeepSeek AI rocks the industry, Microsoft forces new Outlook app on Windows 10, Google Gemini is now faster and better
January 25 Tech news roundup: Samsung Galaxy S25 series launched, Netflix subscription prices hiked, Android 16 Beta released
January 18 tech news roundup: Microsoft 365 prices hiked, Google Chrome fixes 16 security issues, Nintendo Switch 2 officially revealed
January 11th Tech news roundup: Linux Foundation partners with Chromium browsers, TikTok US ban seems likely, NVIDIA RTX 5070 could dominate the market
January 4 tech news roundup: Google removes legit Chrome extension instead of a malware, Microsoft displays yet another ad on Windows 11, Honey’s Pie AdBlock extension comes under fire
December 28 tech news roundup: Google proposes alternative remedies in antitrust trial, Windows Update breaks Wi-Fi and Start Menu, AI could impact malware detection